Agenda and minutes

Licensing Urgent Business Sub Committee - Thursday, 27th April, 2017 2.00 pm

Venue: The Bruce Room - Town House. View directions

Contact: Allison Swanson, tel. (52)2822or email 

No. Item

The agenda and reports associated with this minute can be found at:


Please note that if any changes are made to this minute at the point of approval, these will be outlined in the subsequent minute and this document will not be retrospectively altered.


Determination of Urgent Business


In terms of Standing Order 28(5)(vi), and in accordance with Section 50(B)(4)(b) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, the Sub Committee was informed that it had to determine: (1) that the item on the agenda was of an urgent nature; and (2) that the Sub Committee required to consider the item and take a decision thereon.


The Sub Committee resolved:

to agree that the item was of an urgent nature and required to be considered this day.



The press and public were excluded from the meeting for consideration of the following item which contained confidential information in terms of Section 50A 3(b) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.


Application for the Grant of a Taxi Driver's Licence


With reference to article 9 of appendix B of the minute of the meeting of the Licensing Committee of 18 April 2017, the Sub Committee had before it (1) an information sheet prepared by the Head of Legal and Democratic Services in respect of the application; and (2) letters of objection from the Chief Constable, Police Scotland, c/o Aberdeen City Division dated 3 and 13 April 2017, and Sergeant Flett was in attendance.


The applicant was in attendance.


The Sub Committee heard from Mr Munro, Legal Advisor, who advised that the applicant had not been provided with 14 days’ notice with regards to attending at today’s meeting as the meeting had been arranged at the earliest opportunity at the applicant’s request.  He also advised that the applicant had explained that his legal representation was not available to attend today’s meeting.  On this basis, he asked the applicant whether he wished to proceed today, or to defer consideration of the application to the next meeting of the Licensing Committee.


At this juncture, the Committee had a short adjournment to enable the applicant to contact his legal representative.


Thereafter, the applicant confirmed that he wished his application to be considered today.


The Sub Committee heard from Sergeant Flett, Police Scotland, who spoke in support of the letters of objection dated 3 and 13 April 2017.


The Sub Committee then heard from the applicant in support of his application.


The Sub Committee resolved:

to grant the application and to agree that the applicant was not required to sit the street knowledge test as he had previously passed this.