Agenda and minutes

Licensing Urgent Business Sub Committee - Thursday, 15th February, 2018 3.30 pm

Venue: Committee Room 4 - Town House. View directions

Contact: Allison Swanson, tel. (52)2822or email 

No. Item

The agenda and reports associated with this minute can be found at:-


Please note that if any changes are made to this minute at the point of approval, these will be outlined in the subsequent minute and this document will not be retrospectively altered.




In the absence of the Convener, Councillor Boulton was appointed as Convener for the meeting.



The press and public were excluded from the meeting for consideration of the following items which contained confidential information in terms of Section 50A 3(b) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.


Application for the Renewal of a Taxi Driver's Licence


With reference to article 12 of appendix A of the minute of the meeting of the Licensing Committee of 6 February 2018, the Sub Committeehad before it an information note prepared by the Head of Legal and Democratic Services in respect of the application which advised that the application had been placed on the agenda as it required to be determined by 17 February 2018.


Ms Wilson, Legal Advisor, provided the Sub Committee with a verbal update on the application.


The applicant was in attendance and spoke in support of the application.


Members asked questions of the applicant.


The Sub Committee resolved:-

(i)         to refuse the application;

(ii)        to agree that should the applicant meet the Group 2 DVLA medical criteria following receipt of a further medical report this would result in a material change of circumstance and therefore a new application could be processed for the applicant; and

(iii)       should the applicant submit a new application, to agree to waive the fee for that single application and the requirement for the applicant to undertake a street knowledge test.