Agenda, decisions and minutes

Communities, Housing and Infrastructure Committee - Tuesday, 16th January, 2018 2.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 2 - Town House. View directions

Contact: Iain Robertson, tel 01224 522869 or email 

No. Item


Conveners Opening Remarks


The Convener opened the meeting and advised that members who were interested in visiting the Dundee Police ACR on 27 February should contact the Clerk to secure their place on the bus. The Convener also requested that item 11.1 (Regional Skills Strategy) be brought forward on today’s agenda to follow item 6.3.


Thereafter the Convener invited the interim Director to provide an update on the Carillion announcement that the company had entered liquidation and the possible impact on the AWPR project. The interim Director also read out a statement released by Transport Scotland which outlined their response to the Carillion announcement.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to agree to consider item 11.1 (Regional Skills Strategy) following item 6.3 on today’s agenda; and

(ii)          otherwisenote the information provided.



Members are requested to determine whether any urgent business be considered


The Committee was requested to determine if any items of business be considered as matters of urgency in terms of Section 50(B)(4)(b) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973:-


The Committee resolved:-

To note there was no urgent business.



Members are requested to determine that any exempt business be considered with the press and public excluded


The Convener proposed that the Committee consider item 15.1(Exempt Appendix – External Transportation to the Bay of Nigg) with the press and public excluded.


The Committee resolved:-

In terms of Section 50 (A) (4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the press and public from the meeting for consideration of the aforementioned item so as to avoid disclosure of exempt information of the classes described in paragraph 8 of schedule 7(A) of the Act.



Declarations of Interest


Members were requested to intimate any declarations of interest for items on today’s agenda.


Councillor Jackie Dunbar declared an interest in item 10.4 (Shaping Middlefield Triangle) by virtue of her residency in the Middlefield area and would remain in the meeting during consideration of this item; and


Councillors Bell, Macdonald, Nicoll and Jennifer Stewart declared an interest in item 13.2 (Strategic Transport Study Update) by virtue of their membership of the Nestrans Board and all would remain in the meeting during consideration of this item.


The Committee resolved:-

To note the declarations of interest intimated by Councillors Bell, Jackie Dunbar, Macdonald, Nicoll and Jennifer Stewart.



Deputation Requests


The Convener advised that no deputation requests had been received.


The Committee resolved:-

To note that no deputation requests had been received.</AI6>



Minute of Previous Meeting of 8 November 2017 - for approval pdf icon PDF 135 KB


The Committee had before it the minute of its previous meeting of 8 November 2017 for approval.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to instruct the interim Director to review the frequency of CHI performance reporting, with a view to having a performance report presented to Committee during every meeting cycle for public scrutiny; and

(ii)          otherwise approve the minute as a correct record.



Committee Business Statement pdf icon PDF 125 KB


The Committee had before it a statement of committee business and a list of annual reports prepared by the Senior Democratic Services Manager.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            in reference to item 29 (Review of Free Bus Travel and Safe Routes to Lochside Academy), to request a review of the reporting date of August 2019 and thereafter circulate a response to members;

(ii)           to remove items 10 (Blue Badge Enforcement), 14 (Refuge Crossing at North Deeside Road) and 15 (Introducing a 20mph speed limit on Lower Gray Street) from the Business Statement; and

(iii)         otherwise note the Business Statement.



Motions List pdf icon PDF 103 KB


The Committee had before it a list of motions prepared by the Senior Democratic Services Manager.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to remove item 7 (Motion from Councillor Jackie Dunbar) from the Motions List; and

(ii)          otherwise note the Motions List.



Committee Tracker pdf icon PDF 293 KB


The Committee had before it a tracker for forthcoming Committee meetings, which detailed upcoming reports.


The Committee resolved:-

To note the Tracker.



Regional Skills Strategy - CHI/17/306 pdf icon PDF 98 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which introduced the draft Skills Development Scotland (SDS) Regional Skills Strategy for the North East and proposed specific areas that Aberdeen City Council would support.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)          Approve the draft Regional Skills Strategy for Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire; and

(b)          Note the Council’s participation in specific actions relating to Partnership Action for Continuing Employment, the Enhanced Employability Offer and Developing the Young Workforce (DYW).


The Committee resolved:-

To agree the recommendations.



Motion by Councillor McLellan

That Committee:-


1.    Notes that the island garden and trees at the corner of Don Street and Cheyne Road, within the Old Aberdeen conservation area were removed in late July 2017; and


2.      Instructs the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure to carry out an options appraisal for this site in consultation with Old Aberdeen Community Council, included in the options appraisal should be the costs and detail of restoring the island garden and trees to its original state and whether the options provided will have an impact on the Great Aberdeen Run, and thereafter report back their findings to the most appropriate committee. 



The Committee had before it the following notice of motion by Councillor McLellan.


That the Committee:-


1.            Notes that the island garden and trees at the corner of Don Street and Cheyne Road, within the Old Aberdeen conservation area were removed in late July 2017; and


2.            Instructs the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure to carry out an options appraisal for this site in consultation with Old Aberdeen Community Council, included in the options appraisal should be the costs and detail of restoring the island garden and trees to its original state and whether the options provided will have an impact on the Great Aberdeen Run, and thereafter report back their findings to the most appropriate committee. 



The Convener proposed a revision to the notice of motion which was accepted by Councillor McLelland;-


That the Committee:-


1.            Notes that the island garden and trees at the corner of Don Street and Cheyne Road, within the Old Aberdeen conservation area were removed in late July 2017; and


2.            Instruct the interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure to carry out an options appraisal for this site in consultation with the Old Aberdeen Community Council, included in the options appraisal should be the costs and detail of finding out the long term solution for the site taking into account the needs of the Great Aberdeen Run and the local community, and thereafter report their findings to the most appropriate committee.


The Committee resolved:-

To accept the terms of the revised notice of motion.



Motion by Councillor Delaney

That Committee:-


1.            Notes the decision of Council of 29 June 2016 to permit buses, cyclists and pedestrians to use the “shared surface” proposed for Broad Street;


2.      Notes the concerns raised by people with visual, hearing and mobility loss regarding the safe use of the planned “shared surface” on Broad Street;


3.      Agrees that in the interests of public safety Broad Street should be fully pedestrianised between its junctions with Upperkirkgate and Queen Street and to instruct the Head of Public Infrastructure and Environment to commence the traffic regulation order for this measure with costs for this legal process to be met from contingencies and to report to the appropriate committee in this regard; and


4.      Instructs the Interim Head of Planning and Sustainable Development to explore with Sustrans any funding implications which may arise from this change and to report this to the appropriate committee.


The Committee had before it the following notice of motion by Councillor Delaney.


That the Committee:-


1.         Notes the decision of Council of 29 June 2016 to permit buses, cyclists and pedestrians to use the “shared surface” proposed for Broad Street;


2.      Notes the concerns raised by people with visual, hearing and mobility loss regarding the safe use of the planned “shared surface” on Broad Street;


3.      Agrees that in the interests of public safety Broad Street should be fully pedestrianised between its junctions with Upperkirkgate and Queen Street and to instruct the Head of Public Infrastructure and Environment to commence the traffic regulation order for this measure with costs for this legal process to be met from contingencies and to report to the appropriate committee in this regard; and


4.      Instructs the Interim Head of Planning and Sustainable Development to explore with Sustrans any funding implications which may arise from this change and to report this to the appropriate committee.



Councillor Hutchison proposed the following revision to the notice of motion which was accepted by Councillor Delaney and thereafter:-


Councillor Delaney moved, seconded by Councillor Hutchison:-


That the Committee:-


1.            Notes the decision of Council of 29 June 2016 to permit buses, cyclists and pedestrians to use the “shared surface” proposed for Broad Street;


2.            Notes the concerns raised by people with visual, hearing and mobility loss regarding the safe use of the planned “shared surface” on Broad Street;


3.            Agrees that in the interests of public safety Broad Street should be fully pedestrianised between its junctions with Upperkirkgate and Queen Street and to instruct the Head of Public Infrastructure and Environment to commence the traffic regulation order for this measure with costs for this legal process to be met from contingencies and to report to the appropriate committee in this regard; and that this report identifies a safe segregated cycling route as well as accessibility routes into Marischal College, following consultation with the Disability Equity Partnership;


4.            Instructs the Interim Head of Planning and Sustainable Development to explore with Sustrans any funding implications which may arise from this change and to report this to the appropriate committee; and


5.            Instructs the Interim Director of Communities Housing and Infrastructure to enter into discussions with bus operators regarding changes to bus routes and stops as a result of a road closure between Upperkirkgate and Queen Street to lessen the impact upon city centre residents seeking to access routes and report back to the relevant committee; and that officers are instructed to review the traffic light sequencing on routes including, but not exclusive to, Union Street, King Street and West North to reflect a permanent closure.



Councillor Lumsden moved as an amendment, seconded by Councillor Bell:-


That the Committee;-


1.            Agrees that changing the Council’s policy on Broad Street, before we have seen the impact of buses, cycles and pedestrians using the shared space, will have significant implications for our established transport strategy agreed at the Communities, Housing and Infrastructure ‘Committee’  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.


Referrals from Council, Committees and Sub Committees


The Committee had before it items that had been referred from Council or other committees or sub committees.


The Committee resolved:-

To note there were no referrals.



CHI Financial Performance - Q2 2017-18 - CHI/17/289 pdf icon PDF 77 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which provided the full year forecast position of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure for the financial year 2017-18.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)          Note the General Fund forecast revenue position;

(b)          Note the HRA forecast revenue position;

(c)          Note the Trading forecast revenue position;

(d)          Note the General Fund and HRA capital position; and

(e)          Agree the list of Housing Capital Virements.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to agree the recommendations;

(ii)           to request presentation standardisation across appendices in future reports;

(iii)         to request that a written response be circulated to members on additional staffing costs within Directorate Support on page 75; and

(iv)         to request further detail on costs and identified risks associated with the redevelopment of Provost Skene House.




Police Scotland Performance Report - April - September 2017 pdf icon PDF 407 KB


The Committee had before it a report by Chief Superintendent Campbell Thomson (Police Scotland) which presented the North East Division performance report for quarters 1 and 2 between 1 April – 30 September 2017.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to note the report; and

(ii)           to thank Police Scotland officers for a well presented report.



Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Local Plan pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by Bruce Farquharson (Area Manager, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service(SFRS)) which presented the new local plan for SFRS for the Aberdeen City area 2018-2021.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee –

(a)          Provide feedback to the local senior officer on the new plan; and

(b)          Approve the new local plan for introduction on 1 April 2018.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to welcome Bruce Farquharson as the new SFRS liaison officer to the Committee;

(ii)           to send the Committee’s best wishes to Mike Dickson on his retirement; and

(iii)         to approve the new local plan for introduction on 1 April 2018.



Facilitating Mixed and Balanced Communities - CHI/17/292 pdf icon PDF 88 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which provided a report based on the decision of the Committee at its meeting on 29 August 2017 on the HMO Overprovision Policy.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee instruct the interim Head of Planning and Sustainable Development to include the topics of HMO Overprovision and Student Accommodation Overprovision within the Main Issues Report for the next Local Development Plan to facilitate mixed/balanced communities.


The Committee resolved:-

To agree the recommendation.


Declaration of Interest

Councillor Jackie Dunbar declared an interest in the following item as outlined in item 4 of this minute and chose to remain in the meeting during consideration of this item.



Shaping Middlefield Triangle - CHI/17/293 pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which made recommendations on the future development of the Middlefield Triangle Site, including the outcomes of the recent market testing exercise.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee –

(a)          Note the outcome of the market testing exercise instructed by this Committee on 29 August 2017;

(b)          Instruct the Head of Land and Property Assets to openly market the site in accordance with Aberdeen City Council’s aspirations  and report back with the outcome to a future and appropriate Committee in due course;

(c)          Note the outcome of the further dialogue with the Council’s Economic Development Service regards potential demand for business incubator units in the Triangle Site note and that this option will not progress any further at this stage; and

(d)          Note the outcome of the further dialogue with Education and Children’s Services in relation to potential demand for land in the Middlefield area for Early Learning, Childcare provision and staff training facility and note that this option will not progress any further.



Councillor Graham moved, seconded by the Convener:-


That the Committee:-


(1)       Agree the recommendations; and


(2)       Congratulates residents of Middlefield and partners for their work in improving Middlefield, work that has seen the area recognised in the top 3 of Scotland most improved place;


(3)       Welcomes the SNP Councillors support of the Labour, Conservative and Independent Alliance administration’s policy for the relocation of tenants from the Middlefield triangle affected by the re-aligned road; and


(4)       Instructs the interim Director of Communities Housing and Infrastructure to write to Kevin Stewart MSP, Minister for Local Government and Housing requesting full compensation for the relocation of tenants in the Middlefield Triangle site and demolition of the Housing caused by Transport Scotland’s re-routing of this road.


Councillor Jackie Dunbar moved as an amendment, seconded by Councillor McRae:-


That the Committee:-


1.         Agree recommendations (a), (c) and (d);


2.            Instruct the Head of Land and Property Assets to openly market the site in accordance with Middlefield Community’s aspirations which is Retail and Greenspace and report back as soon as possible with the outcome; and


3.            Regrets that despite this issue being live for a number of years, consecutive administrations have failed to establish a concrete plan for the area. Instructs the interim Director of Communities Housing and Infrastructure to write to Kevin Stewart MSP, Minister for Local Government and Housing requesting full discussions in relation to funds to relocate tenants, should point 2 above be agreed.



On a division, there voted:-


For the motion (9) – The Convener, Vice Convener Bell and Councillors Donnelly, Duncan, Graham, Imrie, Lumsden, Macdonald and Jennifer Stewart.


For the amendment (8) – Councillors Copland, Cormie, Delaney, Jackie Dunbar, Flynn, Hutchison, McRae and Nicol.


The Committee resolved:-

To approve the motion.



Aberdeen City Local Housing Strategy 2018 - 2023 Progress Update and Homelessness Strategy - CHI/17/290 pdf icon PDF 535 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which provided a progress update on the Aberdeen City Local Housing Strategy 2018-2023 and to approve the chapter in relation to homelessness which forms part of that Strategy.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee –

(a)          Note the progress made in relation to the Aberdeen City Local Housing Strategy 2018 – 2023 as outlined in this report at 3.1 – 3.14;

(b)          Approve Chapter 4 ‘Homelessness’ of the Aberdeen City Local Housing Strategy 2018 – 2023 at Appendix 1;

(c)          Approve the Homelessness Joint Delivery Plan at Appendix 2;

(d)          Approve the Housing First test for change categories as outlined in this report at 3.26;

(e)          Approve changes to the Housing Allocations Policy and allow those applicants designated as ‘Housing First’ to be given high priority on the Urgent Housing List, from the date they were accepted under the Housing First Criteria as outlined in this report at 3.27;

(f)           Approve changes to the Housing Allocations policy so that the needs of Housing First applicants can be matched with choice of housing area, where possible as outlined in this report at 3.27; and

(g)          Approve a common outcomes framework for housing support.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to revise (d) to reflect that the Housing First test for change categories were outlined in para 3.27; and

(ii)        otherwise agree the recommendations.



Participation Requests - CHI/17/270 pdf icon PDF 99 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which asked the Committee to approve the delegation of powers to Heads of Service across the Council to make decisions regarding participation requests.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee –

(a)          Approve the Participation Requests Procedure at Appendix 1;

(b)          Delegate authority to the Head of Communities and Housing to implement and manage the Participation Request procedure;

(c)          Delegate authority to all Chief Officers, following consultation with the relevant committee convenor(s) to determine Participation Requests and the outcome improvement processes to apply; and    

(d)          Delegate authority to the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructurefollowing consultation with the Head of Legal and Democratic Services to review and amend the Participations Requests Procedure as required and within the scope of legislation.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to agree recommendations (a), (b) and (d); and

(ii)                    to revise (c) to read: to delegate authority to all Chief Officers, following consultation with the relevant committee convenor(s) and where relevant local members to determine Participation Requests and the outcome improvement processes to apply and to report back to Committee where necessary.




Aberdeen City Region Hydrogen Strategy 2015-25 Update - CHI/17/303 pdf icon PDF 168 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which provided an update to members on the delivery of the Aberdeen City Region Hydrogen strategy and recommended a series of actions to ensure that the Council’s investment in hydrogen is capitalised on in order to secure economic benefits for the city.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)          Note progress to date in delivering the Aberdeen City Region Hydrogen Strategy and Action Plan 2015-2025 and continue to support its delivery through the Council’s current approved hydrogen projects;

(b)          Note the wider national policy context within which the Strategy is being delivered and approve the following key actions to allow Aberdeen to cement its position as one of the leaders in hydrogen within Scotland, the UK and Europe:

(c)          Continue to support the delivery of the Hydrogen Strategy and Action Plan programme and the actions as outlined in Table 3;

(d)          Note specific project proposals and their associated funding mechanisms will be progressed through established governance routes in due course;

(e)          Instruct a review of all Council policies within fleet, transport, energy, economic and environment to support the adoption of hydrogen; and

(f)           Nominate an Elected Member as a Hydrogen Champion for the Hydrogen Transport Economy (HyTrEc2) project, of which Aberdeen City Council is the Lead Partner.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to agree recommendations (a) - (e);

(ii)                    to nominate Councillor Bell as a Hydrogen Champion for the Hydrogen Transport Economy (HyTrEc2) project, of which Aberdeen City Council is the Lead Partner; and

(iii)      to request that a written response be circulated to members with further detail on bus availability for the Aberdeen Hydrogen Bus Project on page 249.



Developing an Energy Plan for Aberdeen - CHI/17/299 pdf icon PDF 90 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which set out proposals to develop an Energy Plan for Aberdeen City.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)          Approve procurement of a consultant to develop an Energy Plan for Aberdeen city and instruct the Interim Head of Planning and Sustainable Development following consultation with the Head of Commercial and Procurement to undertake the necessary procurement procedures;

(b)          Approve the total estimated expenditure for the procurement as detailed in this report; and

(c)          Instruct the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure to report back to CH&I Committee when the plan is complete.


The Committee resolved:-

To agree the recommendations.



European Funding Bids - CHI/17/304 pdf icon PDF 97 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which sought approval to progress with a funding application for a Horizon 2020 Smart Cities bid and to participate in another 2020 project led by the Hutton Institute as a consortium partner.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee –

(a)          Instruct the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure to develop and submit an application  in respect of Horizon 2020’s Smart Cities Programme, due for submission in February 2019;

(b)          Approve the travel of two officers on two separate occasions to Sofia, Bulgaria to attend project development meeting;

(c)          Approve participation of Aberdeen City Council as a consortium partner in the SMARTEES project described below; and

(d)          Authorise the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure to take (or arrange for the taking of) any actions which are necessary or expedient in connection with the Horizon 2020 Smart Cities Programme and the SMARTEES project and, following consultation with the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, the Head of Commercial and Procurement Services and the Head of Finance as appropriate, to approve the entering into of any associated legal or financial documentation.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to agree recommendations (a), (c) and (d); and

(ii)                    to approve the travel of two officers on two separate occasions to Sofia, Bulgaria to attend project development meeting, subject to budget approval.



Aberdeen Local Development Plan - CHI/17/283 pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which presented the first Development Plan Scheme for the third Aberdeen Local Development Plan.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)          Approve the adoption of the Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2022 Development Plan Scheme, its publication (including electronically) and sending it to Scottish Ministers; and

(b)          Agree to send it to, or inform the key agencies and consultees listed in Appendix 1 of this report, as well as placing a copy in each public library in the Aberdeen City region.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to approve the adoption of the Development Plan Scheme for the Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2022, its publication (including electronically) and sending it to Scottish Ministers; and

(ii)          to agree to send it to, or inform the key agencies and consultees listed in Appendix 1 of this report, as well as placing a copy in each public library in the Aberdeen City region.



External Transportation Links to Bay of Nigg - STAG Pre-Appraisal and STAG Part 1 Appraisal - CHI/17/316 pdf icon PDF 103 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which sought approval of a submitted tender fee for the STAG Pre-Appraisal and STAG Part 1 Appraisal for external transportation links to the Bay of Nigg Harbour Development.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee –         

(a)          Reiterate approval of the commissioning of a STAG Pre-Appraisal and STAG Part 1 Appraisal for External Transportation Links to the Bay of Nigg Harbour Development under the Scotland Excel framework;

(b)          Approve the increased estimated expenditure detailed in exempt Appendix 1 in relation to the above procurement exercise; and

(c)          Approve the revised £150,000 project cost and associated City Region Deal match funding and add this sum to the Council’s Non-Housing Capital Programme.


The Committee resolved:-

To agree the recommendations.



Bridge of Dee Additional River Crossing Capacity - CHI/17/297 pdf icon PDF 103 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which advised members of the outcomes of the additional work carried out on the STAG Part 2 assessment to consider a new four lane bridge at the Bridge of Dee.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)          Note the findings and outcomes of the Bridge of Dee Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance (STAG) Part 2 – Concept 7A/7B four lane bridge assessment and approve the publication of a final version of the Council website; and

(b)          Agree that the four lane bridge options 7A and 7B should not be progressed further given the negative traffic modelling outcomes and that these options should be removed from the future assessment process.


The Convener moved, seconded by Councillor Donnelly:-


That the Committee: -


1.            Agree the recommendations; and


2.            Instruct the Head of Planning and Sustainable Development in collaboration with the Head of Economic Development and in liaison with Nestrans to take forward discussions to seek to secure the further necessary funding from Scottish and UK Governments for the development and delivery of the new Bridge of Dee, negotiated through a second City Region Deal.


Councillor Flynn moved as an amendment, seconded by Councillor Hutchison:-


That the Committee:-


1.            Agree recommendation (a); and


2.            Retain the option at this stage to progress a new four lane bridge at the Bridge of Dee.



On a division, there voted:-


For the motion (9) – The Convener, Vice Convener Bell and Councillors Donnelly, Duncan, Graham, Imrie, Laing, Macdonald and Jennifer Stewart.


For the amendment (8) – Councillors Copland, Cormie, Delaney, Jackie Dunbar, Flynn, Hutchison, McRae and Nicol.


The Committee resolved:-

To approve the motion.

Declaration of Interest

Councillors Bell, Macdonald, Nicoll and Jennifer Stewart declared an interest in the following item as outlined in item 4 of this minute and chose to remain in the meeting during consideration of this item.



Strategic Transport Study Update - CHI/17/298 pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which advised of the findings of the additional work to further develop the road and rail elements Fraserburgh and Peterhead and Ellon to Aberdeen Strategic Transport Study – Part 1 Appraisal.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee –

(a)          Note the contents of this report;

(b)          Agree the findings of the additional work in support of the Fraserburgh & Peterhead and Ellon to Aberdeen Strategic Transport Study - Part 1 Appraisal Report;

(c)          Instruct the Head of Planning and Sustainable Development to respond to Nestrans advising that this Council agrees that the ‘Road & Bus’ option package is taken forward for a more detailed assessment in a STAG Part 2;

(d)          Instruct the Head of Planning and Sustainable Development to respond to Nestrans advising that this Council agree that the ‘Rail and Bus’ option is taken forward as part of the wider regional rail considerations through the City Region Deal Strategic Transport Appraisal; and

(e)          Instruct the Head of Planning and Sustainable Development to continue to update this Committee via the Service Update on this project as matters progress. 


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to agree the recommendations; and

(ii)                    to instruct the Head of Planning and Sustainable Development in collaboration with the Head of Economic Development and in liaison with Nestrans and Aberdeenshire Council to take forward discussions to seek to secure the further necessary funding from Scottish and UK Governments for the development and delivery of the road aspect of the Fraserburgh, Peterhead and Ellon to Aberdeen Strategic Transport Corridor negotiated through a second City Region Deal.



AWPR Non-Motorised Users Off-Set Mitigation - CHI/17/305 pdf icon PDF 107 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which informed Members of changes to the AWPR Non-Motorised Users off-set mitigation relating to core paths and sought approval of the revised projects.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)          Note the allocation of £237,575 from Transport Scotland, via the Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route (AWPR) Managing Agent, for AWPR off-set mitigation on the revised projects (see 3.3 below);

(b)          Approve the alternative route for the path for Bucksburn-Brimmond as detailed in 3.6 below;

(c)          Approve that money be re-allocated to an additional section of Bucksburn Valley (Core Path 42) Boardwalk given that the Standing Stones and Peterculter to Milltimber projects are no longer required through AWPR offset mitigation (see 3.8 below); and

(d)          Authorise the Head of Commercial and Procurement Services following consultation with the Interim Head of Planning and Sustainable Development to procure and deliver the AWPR offset mitigation for core paths as listed in the main body of the report in accordance with grant conditions and the Council’s own procurement procedures. 


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to agree recommendations (b), (c) and (d); and

(ii)                    to note the allocation of £237,575 from Transport Scotland, via the Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route (AWPR) Managing Agent, for AWPR off-set mitigation on the revised projects (see 3.3 below) and if possible look at the needs of Lovers Walk, Culter.



Craigshaw Drive - Cycle Lanes - CHI/17/284 pdf icon PDF 569 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which advised of an options appraisal being undertaken to inform cycle improvements on Craigshaw Drive sought approval to continue to develop a detailed design for further consideration.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)          Note the option development and appraisal process carried out to date;

(b)          Agree the outline design which has emerged from this process, indicated in Appendix 7; and

(c)          Instruct the Head of Planning and Sustainable Development to continue with the detailed design and report back to this, or replacement committee with the detailed design, cost, estimates and possible funding sources for future implementation in 2018-19.


The Committee resolved:-

To approve the recommendations.



Various Small Scale Traffic Management Proposals - Stage 1 - CHI/17/300 pdf icon PDF 4 MB


The Committee had before it a report by the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which advised of the need for various small scale traffic management measures identified as necessary on road safety and/or traffic management grounds and asked permission to progress the statutory procedure to establish Traffic Management Orders to bring these proposals into effect.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee –

(a)          Approve the proposals in principle;

(b)          Instruct the Head of Public Infrastructure and Environment to commence the necessary legal procedure of initial consultation with Police Scotland, Scottish Ambulance Service, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Public Transport Operators, Freight Transport Association, Road Haulage Association and any other organisations representing persons likely to be affected by any provision in the order as the authority considers appropriate e.g. Community Councils, Aberdeen Cycle Forum, Disability Equity Partnership etc. If no objections are received, then progress to the public advertisement; and

(c)          Following the public advertisement, if there are no objections, the Traffic Regulations Orders may be made by way of delegated authority. In the event of objection(s) being lodged, instruct the Head of Public Infrastructure and Environment to report the results to a future meeting of this Committee.


The Committee resolved:-.

(i)            to agree recommendation (b);

(ii)           to approve the proposals in principle, excepting the project listed under para 3.18: Chapel Street Multi Storey Car Park which would be progressed through the budget process; and

(iii)         following the public advertisement, if there are no objections, the Traffic Regulations Orders may be made by way of delegated authorityin terms of the Council’s Delegated Powers. In the event of objection(s) being lodged, instruct the Head of Public Infrastructure and Environment to report the results to a future meeting of this Committee.



Balnagask Motte Regeneration - CHI/17/307 pdf icon PDF 100 KB


The Committee had before it a report by the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which sought approval for improvements to the access arrangements and environment around this scheduled monument.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)          Approve the undertaking of procurement actions, tender acceptance actions and repair works to the retaining wall (to the north side) of the Motte and the surfacing of Baxter Street (between Baxter Place and Victoria Road);

(b)          Approve the allocation of funds, for these repair works, within the Housing Revenue Account capital budget for 2018/19;

(c)          Agree to the further engagement with those community groups and activists who have expressed an interest in the heritage and amenity of this monument and its adjacent areas;

(d)          Approve the undertaking of grant applications in support of the improvement of amenity of this monument and its adjacent areas, and the telling of the story of the monument; and

(e)          Approve confirmation of the delegated authority of the Head of Land and Property Assets (or equivalent) to accept offers of grant funds designed to improve the amenity of this monument and its adjacent areas, and the telling of the story of the monument. 


Following questions, the Committee agreed to defer decision making on this item in order for officers to provide further clarification on the legal and financial implications of this project to the Council.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to withdraw the report from today’s agenda; and

(ii)           to instruct the Head of Land and Property Assets to further review the legal and financial implications of the report prior to it being re-submitted to Committee for decision making.




Exempt Appendix - External Transportation Links to Bay of Nigg - STAG Pre-Appraisal and STAG Part 1 Appraisal - CHI/17/316


The Committee had before it the exempt appendix to item 12.4 on today’s agenda.


The Committee resolved:-

To note the exempt appendix.