Agenda and minutes

Pre-Application Forum - Thursday, 30th May, 2019 3.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 2 - Town House. View directions

Contact: Lynsey McBain, email or tel 01224 522123 

No. Item

The agenda and reports associated with this minute can be found



Please note that if any changes are made to this minute at the point of approval, these will be outlined in the subsequent minute and this document will not be retrospectively altered.



Introduction and Procedure Note pdf icon PDF 78 KB


The Forum had before it the procedure note and guidance for members on the operation of Forum meetings.


The Forum resolved:-

to note the procedure note and guidance for members.


Minute of Previous Meeting of 6 December 2018 pdf icon PDF 74 KB


The Committee had before it the minute of the previous meeting of 6 December 2018, for approval.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the minute as a correct record.


Land at Cloverhill East of A90 Ellon Road - Major residential led mixed-use development of circa 500-600 units (mixed tenure affordable and private), community facilities, recycling centre and local shops/services (class 1,2,3 Sui Generis) with associated landscaping, open space and infrastructure pdf icon PDF 391 KB

Planning Reference: 190136


Planning Officer:  Gavin Evans


The Forum had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, on a submission of a Proposal of Application Notice by Halliday Fraser Munro, on behalf of their client, Cognito Oak LLP, for a proposed major residential led mixed-use development of circa 500-600 units (mixed tenure affordable and private), community facilities, recycling centre and local shops/services (class 1, 2, 3 Sui Generis) with associated landscaping, open space and infrastructure, at land at Cloverhill East of A90 Ellon Road, Bridge of Don Aberdeen, 190136.


The report advised that the application site formed part of a large Business and Industrial land allocation in the Aberdeen Local Development Plan, further identified as an opportunity site (OP2 Berryhill, Murcar) with a flood risk being noted.  Immediately to the east were four lanes of the now de-trunked A92 Ellon Road, with the exception of a small number of dwellings in two pockets of development which lay between this site and the road.  It also stated that beyond the A92 was the Denmore Industrial Estate.


The report also advised that to the north and east was land in agricultural use, and this was allocated for future business/industrial development.  The area to the north-east had seen various planning permissions granted for such development, with a number of plots further to the north-east and north already developed along with various elements of related infrastructure.  The northern allocation was also an opportunity site (OP1 Murcar) and had a flooding potential.  The associated policy (LR1 Land Release Policy) indicated that this area was not likely to see development until post 2027.


The report explained that to the south and east was agricultural land allocated for business and industrial use with a residential property towards the northern end, access to which was taken from Ellon Road.  The southern portion of the eastern boundary was adjoined by land which was subject to an extant planning permission in principle for an extension to the Aberdeen Energy Park, the existing developed extent of which was a short distance further south-east.


The report also advised that further east was the coastline of the North Sea, towards which the land generally fell.  The existing landscape comprised open agricultural fields enclosed by fences/dry stone walls/hedgerows and a number of trees at various points along these divisions.  The Silver Burn passed through the southern extent.


The proposal was classed as a residential led-mixed use development of circa 500 homes, community facilities, retail with associated landscaping, open space and infrastructure and it would constitute a major development.


The Forum heard from Richard Campbell, Cognito Oak LLP and Michael Westwater, Halliday Fraser Munro, in regard to the proposed application.  Mark Peters, Craig Scott, Kim McLaren and Cliff Campbell were also in attendance to answer any questions from members.  Mr Campbell explained that this was a 10 year development and was marked as business land in the Local Development Plan.  However, Mr Campbell explained that there was an overprovision of business land in Aberdeen and as a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.