Agenda and minutes

Pre-Application Forum - Thursday, 15th August, 2019 2.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 2 - Town House. View directions

Contact: Lynsey McBain, email or tel 01224 522123 

No. Item

The agenda and reports associated with this minute can be found here.


Please note that if any changes are made to this minute at the point of approval, these will be outlined in the subsequent minute and this document will not be retrospectively altered.




Introduction and Procedure Note pdf icon PDF 78 KB


The Forum had before it the procedure note and guidance for members on the operation of Forum meetings.


The Forum resolved:-

to note the procedure note and guidance for members.



Minute of Previous Meeting of 30 May 2019 pdf icon PDF 104 KB


The Forum had before it the minute of its previous meeting of 30 May 2019, for approval. 


The Forum resolved:-

to approve the minute as a correct record.



Land to the East of Lady Helen Parking Centre - Foresterhill Road Aberdeen - 190993 pdf icon PDF 550 KB


The Forum had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, on a submission of a Proposal of Application Notice by Mackie Ramsay Taylor Architects, on behalf of their client, NHS Grampian, for a proposed major redevelopment of the site consisting of the proposed erection of an Elective Care Centre with associated external works at land to the east of Lady Helen Parking Centre, Foresterhill Road Aberdeen, 190993.


The report advised that the application site extended to 0.9ha and formed part of the Foresterhill Health Campus, located immediately to the north of Phase 1 (Ward Block) building which incorporated the front door to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary (ARI).  The recently constructed Lady Helen Parking Centre offered multi-storey car parking facilities to the west of the site.


The report also explained that the proposal involved the construction of an extension to the existing phase 1 ward block at ARI, along with associated service yard, ambulance parking bays and turning spaces, and hard and soft landscaping.  The proposed extension was also described as an ‘Elective Care Centre’ and the submission set out how they intended to provide day patient services for a number of surgical and medical specialities by providing day-case procedures/surgery along with a dedicated endoscopy unit in a single facility.  The Elective Care Centre would be capable of providing ‘one stop’ clinics for Urology, Respiratory and Dermatology along with outpatient Imaging services contained within the proposed extension which would be relocating from other locations within the Foresterhill Health Campus.


The Forum heard from Gerry Donald, Head of Property and Asset Development (NHS Grampian), Manju Patel (Project Director NHS Grampian), Louise McKessock (Clinical Redesign Manager – Elective Care Programme) and Bruce Balance, (Architect – Mackie Ramsay Taylor Architects), in regard to the proposed application.  Mr Donald explained that the Scottish Government had recognised the need to change the way that planned care was delivered in the future and had provided funding for a new Elective Care Centre to be developed at the Foresterhill Health Campus.  It was hoped that the Elective Care Programme would deliver (a) more facilities and quicker access to services, (b) new improved technology, (c) a greater focus on person-centred care and (d) provide treatment closer to home.  It was also noted that the Elective Care Centre would provide (1) Ambulatory facilities for Urology, Dermatology and Respiratory Medicine, (2) Day Surgery facilities and Endoscopy facilities, (3) MRI and CT Scanning facilities and (4) Links to Community Hub facilities.


Mr Balance spoke in relation to the design of the facility and noted that a lot of planning was underway into the logistics of the building.  They were aware of the significant green space and through consultation, noted that patients and workers were keen to retain the daffodils in the area.  Mr Balance explained that on level 6 there would be plant equipment, which was on level 6 for practical reasons, in order for air constraints of the site and screening would be used at roof level  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Middlefield Triangle Haudigan Roundabout - 191138 pdf icon PDF 897 KB


The Forum had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, on a submission of a Proposal of Application Notice by Ryden, on behalf of their client, Dandara, for a proposed major development with circa 187 apartments and 3700sqm of retail/commercial space with associated landscaping, open space and infrastructure at Middlefield Triangle, Haudigan Roundabout, Aberdeen, 191138.


The report advised that the application site was located within the residential area of Middlefield and a number of flatted developments stood on the site, which were currently undergoing demolition and once complete the site would be clear.  The site was bound to the north by retail units and Great Northern Road/Auchmill Road and to the west by North Anderson Drive and a retail park.  The report also stated that it had been confirmed that a new link road would be constructed around the site to the south and west by Transport Scotland, which would link North Anderson Drive to Auchmill Road.


The report explained that the proposal was for a mixed-use development consisting of both residential and commercial/retail development and the residential aspect would consist of approximately 187 units, while the commercial/retail aspect would be approximately 3700sqm of development and both aspects would be supported by open space, landscaping and associated infrastructure. 


The Forum heard from Michael Lorimer, Ryden and Neil Young and Gavin Wylie, Dandara, in regard to the proposed application.  Mr Young explained that Dandara were an established house builder in Aberdeen and highlighted the importance of development at this site.  He also advised that Dandara were attracted to the development opportunity because it provided the opportunity to deliver regeneration and a successful mixed use development on a strategically important gateway site within Aberdeen.  Mr Young also noted the excellent links to the site once the Haudigan roundabout improvements had been completed.  Mr Young concluded that Dandara had a passion for creating successful places and in order to create a successful place, the Middlefield Triangle must be redeveloped to provide a welcoming, inclusive and sustainable environment that would provide variety and opportunity for people in the locality, improving housing and access to retail opportunities. 


Mr Lorimer went on to explain that the Middlefield Triangle site was formed by the major upgrade to the Haudigan roundabout and associated demolition of existing derelict flats.  He also advised that the Middlefield was designated as a priority neighbourhood for community regeneration and the site was identified as Opportunity Site OP65 within the Local Development Plan.  Mr Lorimer explained that they submitted the Proposal of Application Notice in January and since then held public consultation events in March with 60 attendees and 24 written responses to the proposal.  They presented three different options to local residents and the feedback showed that option B was the most preferable which was a balanced development, with reduced housing to 187 units and an increase in the commercial offering.  Mr Lorimer also intimated that the commercial aspect would be to the east of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.