Agenda, decisions and minutes

Integration Joint Board - Tuesday, 13th November, 2018 2.30 pm

Venue: Committee Room 4 - Town House. View directions

Contact: Iain Robertson, 01224 522869 or Email: 

No. Item


Northern Corridor Project pdf icon PDF 257 KB

Additional documents:


The Board had before it a report by Ali Chapman (Project Manager, ACHSCP) which provided a summary of the Initial Agreement (IA) for the Investment in Facilities to Modernise Primary and Community Care Services (PCCS) in the North Commuter Belt, Aberdeen City North and Aberdeenshire Central.


The report recommended:-

that the Board approve the strategic direction for the delivery of PCCS set out within the summary of the IA for the North Corridor Project (Appendix A) to be submitted to the NHS Grampian Board in December 2018 and the Scottish Government Capital Investment Group for funding approval in January 2018.


Kay Dunn (Lead Planning Manager, ACHSCP) spoke to the report and answered various questions, supplemented by Alex Stephen (Chief Finance Officer, ACHSCP).


The Board resolved:-

(i)           to approve the recommendation contained within the report; and

(ii)          to note that more detailed information was expected to be made available to the Board at Stage 2 - Outline Business Case.