Agenda, decisions and minutes

Integration Joint Board - Tuesday, 11th June, 2019 10.00 am

Venue: Rooms 4 & 5, Health Village

Contact: Derek Jamieson, tel 01224 523057 or email 

No. Item


Welcome from the Chair


The Chair welcomed all to the Board meeting including Kim Cruttenden and John Tomlinson on their confirmed appointments as members of the Integration Joint Board in their roles as NHS Grampian Board Members.


The Chair advised that Item 18 (Direct Award Report) on the agenda was removed from today’s business as a duplication of Item 16 (Contract Award Report).


Thereafter the Board discussed future business in particular the exclusion of the Chief Officer’s update and it was agreed that this would be reviewed by the Chief Officer for the next meeting.


The Board resolved :-

(i)           to note the change to the agenda as recorded above, and

(ii)          to note that the Chief Officer would review the format of the future submission of the Chief Officer update which was a standing item on the agenda.



Members are requested to intimate any declarations of interest


The following declarations of interest were intimated at this stage.


(i)            John Tomlinson declared an interest in Item 16 (Contract Award Report) by virtue of being a provider of consultancy and coaching support and considered that the nature of his interest required him to withdraw from the meeting during consideration of the item

(ii)          Councillor Al-Samarai declared an interest in Item 11 (Transformation) by virtue of being a member of the Alcohol and Drug Partnership, however she did not consider that the nature of her interest required her to withdraw from the meeting during consideration of the item; and

(iii)         Councillor Al-Samarai declared an interest in Item 14 (Review of Commissioned Day Services) by virtue of being a Voluntary Befriender, however she did not consider that the nature of her interest required her to withdraw from the meeting during consideration of the item.


The Board resolved :-

to note the declarations of interest intimated



Members are requested to determine that any exempt business be considered with the press and public excluded


The Chair proposed that Items 16 (Contract Award Report) and 17 (Kingswells Care Home) be considered with the press and public excluded.


The Board resolved :-

in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the aforementioned items of business so as to avoid disclosure of exempt information of the classes described in paragraphs 6 and 9 of Part 1 of Schedule 7(A) of the Act.


Minute of Board Meeting 12 March 2019 (Budget) pdf icon PDF 99 KB


The Board had before it the Minute of the Board Budget Meeting of 12 March 2019.


The Board resolved :-

to approve the minutes as a correct record


Minute of Board Meeting of 26 March 2019 pdf icon PDF 120 KB


The Board had before it the Minute of the Board Meeting of 26 March 2019.


The Chair indicated that there were two minor errors within the minute.


The Board resolved :-

(i) At Item 9(vi), to delete ‘and appoint Councillor Dunbar as Chairperson of Audit and Performance Systems Committee’ and replace with ‘and appoint Councillor Dunbar as Chairperson of Clinical and Care Governance Committee’, and

(ii) At Item 22, to delete ‘Bridge of Dee’ and replace with ‘Banks O’Dee’, and

(iii) Otherwise to approve the minute as a correct record.


Matters Arising


The Chair raised the matter of the appointment of members to Chair of the

APS and CCG Committees as referenced at Item 9 of the Minute of the Board

Meeting of 26 March 2019.


In this regard the Chair confirmed

(i)    that following the appointment of John Tomlinson to the Board, it was intended that he would assume the Chair of the APS Committee and that Luan Grugeon would continue as a member of that Committee, and

(ii)  that Kim Cruttenden and Alan Gray would join the CCG Committee which would continue with Councillor Dunbar as the Chair.


The Board resolved :-


(i)            to appoint John Tomlinson to the APS Committee and as Chair of the APS Committee

(ii)          to appoint Kim Cruttenden and Alan Gray to the CCG Committee


Draft Minute of Clinical and Care Governance Committee - 14 May 2019 pdf icon PDF 145 KB


The Board had before it the draft minute of the meeting of the Clinical and Care Governance Committee from 14 May 2019.


The Chair reminded members that the purpose of the draft minutes appearing on the Board Agenda was for awareness and noting only. The Chair reaffirmed that minutes would be considered for approval by the respective committee.


The Board resolved :-

to note the content of the draft minute and reaffirm that the minutes would be approved at the respective Committee.


Draft Minute of Audit and Performance Systems Committee - 28 May 2019 pdf icon PDF 103 KB


The Board had before it the draft minute of the meeting of the Audit and Performance Systems Committee from 28 May 2019.


The Board resolved :-

to note the content of the draft minute.



Business Statement pdf icon PDF 82 KB


The Board had before it the Business Statement which was presented by

Alex Stephen, Chief Finance Officer.


The Board heard an explanation on each item including those matters which

had been presented and were intended for removal.


The Board heard there was a desire at the APS Committee for greater

awareness of future business and that to maintain assurances, completed

business be captured appropriately.


The Chair advised that similar comments had been made at the CCG



Alex Stephen assured the Board that these observations had been acted

upon and that work was already ongoing to produce an enhanced Business

Planner for the Board and its respective committees.


The Board resolved:-

(i)           to agree to remove Items 1 (Risk Management), 4 (Draft Strategic Plan 2019-2022) and 9 (Appointments);

(ii)          to note the content of the Business Statement; and

(iii)         to note that a revised Business Statement was being developed and would be presented at a future meeting.


No Reports


No Report


MSG Self Evaluation for the Review of progress with Integration of Health and Social Care pdf icon PDF 236 KB

Additional documents:


The Board had before it a report by Alison Macleod, Lead Strategy and Performance Manager which (1) sought endorsement of the Self

Evaluation for the review of progress with integration of Health and Social

Care which was submitted to the Ministerial Steering Group on 15th May 2019

and (2) sought approval of the associated action plan for delivering on the

proposed improvement actions.


The Board heard that the themes associated with the Plan resulted from learning over the previous three years. The Board noted that areas of improvement were already being identified.


The report recommended that the Board:-

(i)            endorse the Self Evaluation for the review of progress with integration of Health and Social Care submitted to the Ministerial Steering Group on 15th May 2019,

(ii)          approve the associated action plan for delivering on the proposed improvement actions and

(iii)         instruct the Chief Officer to provide an update on progress on delivery of the actions in March 2020.


The Board resolved :-

to approve the recommendations.


Transformation - Decisions Required pdf icon PDF 254 KB

Additional documents:


The Board had before it a report by Gail Woodcock, Lead Transformation Manager, which sought (1) approval to incur expenditure, and for the Board to make Directions to NHS Grampian and Aberdeen City Council, in relation to projects that sit within the Partnership’s Transformation Programme and (2) highlighted recent financial awards received in respect of TEC pathway and scaling up remote blood pressure monitoring.


The Board recommended :-

that the Board -

(i)            approve the expenditure, as set out in Appendix C, relating to the

Link Working in Custody Suite project, and make the Direction relating to this project as per Appendix B and instructed the Chief Officer to issue this direction to Aberdeen City Council,

(ii)          approve the expenditure, as set out in the Business Case at Appendix D relating to Interim Housing, and make the Direction relating to this project as per Appendix E and instructed the Chief Officer to issue this direction to Aberdeen City Council.

(iii)         note the award of funding to the city in relation to TEC Pathway and

Florence Home Health Monitoring.


The Board resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


Granite City Good Food Action Plan pdf icon PDF 238 KB

Additional documents:


The Board had before it a report by Jenny Gordon, Public Health Dietician which presented the action plan from the Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (ACHSCP) Granite City Good Food (GCGF) Steering Group, which has been developed to outline the ACHSCP commitment to the wider GCGF movement in the city.


The report recommended :-

that the Board note the action plan of the ACHSCP GCGF Steering Group.


The Board resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


NHS Grampian Services which are hosted in Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire and Moray Integration Joint Boards pdf icon PDF 215 KB

Additional documents:


The Board had before it a report by Sandra Ross, Chief Officer AHSCP which sought endorsement of a structured framework for the monitoring, performance management and strategic planning of those services delegated to Integrated Joint Boards from NHS Grampian for both strategic planning, and for planning and delivery.


Adam Coldwells, Chief Officer of Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership (AsHSCP) and Pam Gowan, Chief Officer of Moray Health and Social Care Integration (MHSCI) were in attendance for this item.


The report recommended :-

that the Board –

(i)            endorse the approach set out for the monitoring and performance management of delegated services which are hosted by one of the three IJBs on behalf of the other two IJBs;

(ii)          consider and make any further suggestions to the approach for the

Governance arrangements of the Acute Hospital Based Services; and

(iii)         consider and comment on the frequency which the North East Partnership should meet and instruct officers to prepare a draft role and remit for this meeting.


The Board heard that the three Chief Officers from the integration boards operating in partnership with NHS Grampian had been working collaboratively to gain an understanding of how each operate and intended to develop a different relationship to what had previously existed. As each Board had matured within their own settings, given the volume of shared services and common outcomes, it was identified that as all service provision involved some form of delegation, it was quite appropriate to encourage enhanced partner working within the Boards.


The Board heard that there was an understanding of requirements to ensure assurance against a common matrix and adopt a whole system approach which would not only ensure a better understanding of challenges and opportunities but assist identify areas for improvement in a continuing arena of budget savings and efficiency requirements. The existing cultures and practices were all impact factors on greater collaboration but could be overcome with understanding and inclusion of management, staff and trade unions.


The Board were confident that the approach to be adopted would maintain existing assurances, foster better relationships and ultimately improve service delivery.


The Board resolved :-

(i)           to endorse the approach set out for the monitoring and performance management of delegated services which are hosted by one of the three IJBs on behalf of the other two IJBs and request that the Senior Leadership Team consider aligning performance reporting to the 12 Principles for Integration;

(ii)          to endorse the approach for the Governance arrangements of the Acute Hospital Based Services and direct that the Senior Leadership Teams work together to produce recommendations for the three IJBs to consider and requested that future reports on hosted services highlight the service alignment to the national indicators and 12 principles of integration;

(iii)         to agree that the frequency on which the North East Partnership should meet is four times per annum;

(iv)         to propose that membership of the North East Partnership include Chair, Vice Chair and Chairs of IJB key committees;  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14.


Review of Commissioned Day Services pdf icon PDF 236 KB

Additional documents:


The Board had before it a report by Anne McKenzie, Lead Commissioner, which (1) informed of the outcome of the recent review of day services commissioned by the ACHSCP, to assure the Board of the strategic commissioning approach used to conduct this review and (2) sought approval to direct the Aberdeen City Council to maintain the current funding arrangements for day services commissioned by the ACHSCP until March 31st 2020.


The report recommended:-

that the Board

(i)    approve the recommendations made from the review of commissioned day services (section 3.6),

(ii)  acknowledged the strategic commissioning approach used to conduct the review,

(iii) approve the request to maintain the current funding arrangements

for 2019/20,

(iv) make the Direction, as attached at Appendix C, and instruct the Chief Officer to issue the Direction to Aberdeen City Council;

(v)  note that a report on the strategic commissioning approach would be presented to the IJB in September 2019, and

(vi) note that a report on the future provision of day care services would be presented to the IJB in November 2019.


The Board resolved :-

to approve the recommendations.


Learning Disabilities Service Review pdf icon PDF 244 KB

Additional documents:


The Board had before it a report by Sandra Ross, Chief Officer AHSCP which sought approval for the implementation of a programme to support the further integration of Learning Disability Services in Aberdeen City.


The report recommended:-

that the Board  -

(i) approve the implementation of the proposed programme, including the

award of a call-off contract to the preferred Service Provider under the

HealthTrust Europe (HTE) “Consultancy and Advisory Services Framework

Agreement” and the expenditure of £91,575, and

(ii) make the Direction at Appendix A and instructs the Chief Officer to issue

the Direction to Aberdeen City Council


The Board heard that the increasing demand on the service had been identified and that it was considered appropriate and beneficial to examine this situation further.


It was agreed that the proposal offered a way forward however the Board heard comments regarding the consultation process that had taken place involving staff. Assurances were provided that the majority of staff were supportive, but there were some staff who had concerns which were being addressed.  With regard to the consultation process it was identified that improvements would be made for future consultations with staff.


The Board further heard of an amended suggestion to recommendation (a) above to reflect the legally authorised spend.



The Board resolved :-

(i) to approve the implementation of the proposed programme, including the award of a call-off contract to the preferred Service Provider under the HealthTrust Europe (HTE) “Consultancy and Advisory Services Framework Agreement” and the expenditure of £79,875 plus VAT, plus actual expenses up  to £11,700;

(ii) to make the Direction at Appendix A and instruct the Chief Officer to issue the Direction to Aberdeen City Council,

(iii) to instruct the Chief Officer to submit a report to the CCG Committee at the conclusion of the review in two cycles,

(iv) to note the staff side/trade union rep comments on consultation processes and

(v) to instruct the Chief Officer to initiate discussion on adoption of a consultation protocol with staff side through the Joint Staff/Trade Union Forum.


Contract Award Report


The Board had before it a report Jean Stewart-Coxon, Strategic Procurement

Manager which (1) provided information about the proposed award of a contract for the provision of residential care and support at Donald Dewar Court; and (2) sought approval of the award in line with Aberdeen City Council’s Procurement Regulations under Section 15. Contracts for Care and Support Services.


The report recommended: -

that the Board –

(i)            approve the award of the contract as detailed in Appendix A

(ii)          make the Direction, as attached at Appendix B, and instructs the Chief Officer to issue the Direction to Aberdeen City Council


The Board resolved :-

to approve the recommendations.


Kingswells Care Home


The Board had before it a report by Alex Stephen, Chief Finance Officer which updated the Integration Joint Board (IJB) on the latest position with regard to Kingswells Care Home and sought a revised direction to Aberdeen City Council (ACC) to commission Bon Accord Care to provide the necessary services.


The report recommended: -

that the Board –

(i)            note the contents of the report and the progress made to date;

(ii)          make the direction, as attached at appendix A, and instruct the Chief Officer to submit the direction to Aberdeen City Council to make the necessary arrangements with the provider to deliver the service.


The Board resolved :-

to approve the recommendations.


Open Space Discussion - including Chief Officer's Update


Whilst this item was heard out-with the Board meeting, the matter was discussed during Welcome and Introduction by the Chair.


The Board resolved :-

To agree to review the provision of this update.


Workshop - Hosted Services


The meeting concluded at this juncture ahead of a workshop session on hosted services which was attended by a number of participants

-       Councillor Sarah Duncan, Chair