Agenda, decisions and minutes

Integration Joint Board - Tuesday, 23rd February, 2021 10.00 am

Venue: Virtual - Remote Meeting. View directions

Contact: Derek Jamieson, tel 01224 523057 or email 


No. Item

The agenda, reports and meeting recording associated with this minute can be found here.


Please note that if any changes are made to this minute at the point of approval, these will be outlined in the subsequent minute and this document will not be retrospectively altered.





The Chair welcomed everybody to the meeting and introduced Alan Chalmers, the proposed new IJB Service User Representative as would be discussed at Agenda Item 9 (Service User Representative on IJB – HSCP.21.018).


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 186 KB


The Chair sought any Declarations of Interest.


Dr Howarth, Clinical Director, ACHSCP, declared an interest with regards to the 2C Remodelling Project as referenced within the Chief Officer’s Report – HSCP.21.017 at Article 8 and stated an intention to leave the meeting during any discussion on the subject.


The Board resolved :-

to note the declaration.


Determination of Exempt Business


The Chair advised that whilst Article 10 – Annual Procurement Plan – HSCP.21.008 was a public document, Article 13 contained exempt appendices and sought Member’s opinion on whether they were able to consider the recommendations in public or would wish to discuss the exempt reports then make a decision.


Members indicated they would wish to consider the exempt reports prior to consideration of the recommendations.


The Board resolved :-

to discuss Agenda Item 10 - Annual Procurement Plan - HSCP.21.008 (Public) during the public session then move to private session to discuss Agenda Item 13 - Annual Procurement Plan - HSCP.21.008 (Exempt Papers) prior to consideration of the recommendations.


Minute of Board Meeting of 27 January 2021 pdf icon PDF 336 KB


The Board had before it the minute of its last meeting.


Members commented on Article 10 - Vaccinations Update - HSCP.21.005 and referenced the very good recording of the experience at the P&J Live Arena that had been made and published as suggested and further suggested this be circulated for Members viewing.



The Board resolved :-

to approve the minute as a correct record.


Draft Minute of Risk, Audit and Performance Systems Committee of 26 January 2021 pdf icon PDF 243 KB


The Board had before it the draft minute of the last meeting of the Risk, Audit and Performance Committee.


Members heard that a verbal update had been provided to the Board on 27 January 2021 whilst the Minute was being prepared.


The Board resolved :-

to note the draft minute.


Draft Minute of Clinical and Care Governance Committee of 12 January 2021 pdf icon PDF 255 KB


The Board had before it the draft minute of the last meeting of the Clinical Care and Governance Committee (CCGC).


Members heard from the Chair, CCGC who intimated there were no matters to specifically highlight.


The Board resolved :-

to note the draft minute.



Business Planner pdf icon PDF 109 KB


The Board had before it the Business Planner.


Members heard from the Chief Finance Officer (CFO), ACHSCP that todays’ Agenda items were reflected within the Planner and those items suggested for delay, transfer or removal were highlighted.


The CFO reminded members that following the last meeting of the Board, intended reporting had been reviewed and was now reflected in this planner, however further review would continue in this ‘live document’.


Members discussed future reporting and made suggestion as to amendments.



The Board resolved :-

(i)            to transfer the intended report at Line 20 – 2C progress Update – to the IJB Meeting on 25 May 2021;

(ii)          to transfer the intended report at Line 31 - Criminal Justice Review – to the IJB Meeting on 23 March 2021;

(iii)         to include a Governance Report on Membership at the IJB Meeting on 23 March 2021; and

(iv)         to otherwise note the Business Planner.



Chief Officer's Report - HSCP.21.017 pdf icon PDF 441 KB


The Board had before it the report from the Chief Officer, ACHSCP which presented an update on ACHSCP activities.


Members heard an overview of the report which highlighted the steady delivery of the flu vaccination together with the continued capture of learning within the Partnership and NHS Grampian to assist with planning for future pandemic  vaccinations.


The Chief Officer (CO) advised members of receipt of the completed Care inspectorate Report ‘Inspection of Justice Social Work service ‘ which had been circulated to Members prior to the meeting.


The CO advised members of the compliments and appreciation of assistance expressed by the Care Inspectorate during their inspection.



The report recommended :-

that the Board note the content of the report.


The Board resolved :-

(i)            to approve the recommendation; and

(ii)          to acknowledge, in advance of a formal report to the IJB on 23 March 2021, the phenomenal work of the Lead Social Worker and the Criminal Justice Team provided during preparation of the Criminal Justice Inspection report.


As indicated at Article 2, Declarations of Interest, Dr Howarth absented herself during presentation of updates on the 2C Remodelling Project and then rejoined the meeting.


Service User Representative on IJB - HSCP.21.018 pdf icon PDF 169 KB


The Board had before it the report from the Chief Officer, ACHSCP which presented an update on the appointment of a new IJB Service User Representative.


Members heard a summary of the report from the Lead Strategy and Performance Manager, ACHSCP who provided compliment on the work cariied out by the existing Member, Dr Howard Gemmell who had provided considerale input and expertise to the selection procedure and intended to assist mentot the new appointee for a short period.


The Chair and Vice Chair both initmated their acknolwedgemnt of the contribution and assistance provided by Dr Gemmell during his extended and committeed period as the IJB Service User Representative.


Dr Gemmell was appreciative of all the reamrks made and was complimentary on the work carried out by the Board to date and wished his replacement and the Board every success in the future.



The report recomemnded :-

that the Board -

(i)            approve the appointment of a new Service User Representative for a three-year term from March 2021 to March 2024; and

(ii)          formally note appreciation for the work undertaken by Howard Gemmell, the outgoing Service User Representative.


The Board resolved :-

To approve the recommendations.


Revised Model Complaints Handling Procedure - HSCP.21.015 pdf icon PDF 411 KB

Additional documents:


The Board had before it the report from the Chief Officer, ACHSCP which presented the revised Model Complaints Handling Procedure (MCHP) for the Aberdeen City Integration Joint Board (IJB).


Members heard from the Business Lead that the procedure introduced standardised processes to the handling of complaints which complies with Scottish Public Services Ombudsman’s (SPSO) revised guidance.


The SPSO had set a deadline of 1  April 2021 for each IJB to submit their reviewed procedure to them for approval and subsequent publication.


Members heard that it was intended to present a clearer format for understanding of all persons who may wish to make a complaint.


Members commented on the challenges that less able-bodied individuals often encountered during such processes and referenced the anomaly and lack of authority around extending deadlines as referenced.


Members were assured that both issues would be considered when completing the MCHP.



The report recommended :-

that the Board -

(a)          approve Appendix A, - the revised Aberdeen City Integration Joint Board’s Complaints Handling Procedure, and Appendix B, the summarised customer-facing guide which provides information for customers on how we handle complaints; and

(b)          note that any presentational issues contained in the Appendices will be resolved ahead of submission to the SPSO; and


The Board resolved :-

(i)            to approve the recommendations; and

(ii)          to instruct that the finalised, approved SPSO version be circulated to the IJB Members.



Care at Home - HSCP.21.014 pdf icon PDF 435 KB


The Board had before it the report from the Chief Officer, ACHSCP which provided an update with regards to the implementation and delivery of an outcomes focussed Care at Home provision.


The report followed a referral by the Clinical and Care Governance Committee from its meeting on 12 January 2021, as referenced at Article 6, Item 9 of this Agenda.


Members heard from the Lead Commissioner who advised that the reason for referral was to provide better understanding and assurance regarding delivery of this service.


Members were advised of the successful and safe transition of services from old to new provider which was remarkable during the current pandemic and winter period service delivery.


It was confirmed that delivery of the transition was not without considerable learning which had identified significant work streams to ensure a collaborative, efficient and safe system continued to be developed. This involved review of care packages in a risk assessed way and ensured best use of all workforce and technical skills.


Members advised that they were very appreciative of the assurance given in the update report which also identified considerable attention to unmet demand.



The report recommended :-

that the Board note the report


The Board resolved :-

to approve the recommendation.



Annual Procurement Plan - HSCP.21.008 (Public) pdf icon PDF 415 KB

Additional documents:


This Item was moved from Article 10 of the Agenda as per the decision recorded at Article 3 – Determination of Exempt Business.


The Board had before it the report from the Chief Officer, ACHSCP which presented the 2021/22 annual procurement work plan for expenditure on social care services, together with associated procurement business cases, for approval.


The Chair reminded Members that during the public session of this item, reference or inclusion of content from the exempt report which followed this item should be discussed.


Members heard from the Strategic Procurement Manager who provided an overview of the report and its intentions.


The Vice-Chair sought opportunity during this public session, to advise Members that the Strategic Procurement Manager would shortly retire and that this was her last presentation to the Board.


The Board were unanimous in their apprecaition of the committemnt and service provided and the manner in which ‘procurement had been described simply’ and indicated that their appreciation be recorded.



The Board resolved :-

to discuss the content of the report during the public session and defer consideration of the recommendations until discussion of Agenda Item 13 - Annual Procurement Plan - HSCP.21.008 (Exempt Papers) within private session.



Annual Procurement Plan - HSCP.21.008 (Exempt Papers)


The Board continued discussions from Article 12 – Annual Procurement Plan – HSCP.21.008 in private and considered the exempt reports provided.


The report recommended :-

that the Board -

(a)          approve the expenditure for social care services as set out in the annual work plan at Appendix A;

(b)          approve the award or extension of contracts as set out in the procurement business cases, at Appendix B; and

(c)          Make the Direction, as attached at Appendix C, and instructs the Chief Officer to issue the Direction to Aberdeen City Council.


The Board resolved :-

to approve the recommendations.

-          Councillor SARAH DUNCAN, Chair.