Agenda, decisions and minutes

Special Meeting, Integration Joint Board - Friday, 2nd October, 2020 10.00 am

Venue: Virtual - Remote Meeting. View directions

Contact: Derek Jamieson, tel 01224 523057 or email 

No. Item

The agenda, reports and meeting recording associated with this minute can be found here.


Please note that if any changes are made to this minute at the point of approval, these will be outlined in the subsequent minute and this document will not be retrospectively altered.





The Chair welcomed all to the meeting and thanked Members for attendance at this Special Meeting. Members heard that late circulation of the reports was due to unavoidable reasons which the Chair was satisfied were genuine reason to accept the late submission and circulation.


The Board were reminded that the meeting was being recorded for later public display.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Determination of Exempt Business


The Chair advised that Article 5 (Frailty Pathway Redesign – Re-Registration – HSCP.20.052) and Article 6 (Financial Update and Approvals – HSCP.20.053) would be heard in private.



Business Planner pdf icon PDF 163 KB


The Board had before it the Business Planner.


The Board heard from the Chief Finance Officer who provided an update on current and future business.


The Board resolved :-

(i)           to note the planner; and

(ii)          to amalgamate the intended ‘Review of Governance (ACC)’ report referenced at Line 21 on the Planner with the intended ‘Review of Scheme of Integration’ referenced at Line 20 on the Planner.

The Board moved to private session and the meeting recording was stopped.


Frailty Pathway Redesign – Leadership and Care Inspectorate Registration Arrangements - HSCP.20.052


The Board had before it a report from the Chief Finance Officer, ACHSCP which proposed changes to service leadership and delivery at Rosewell House which are urgently required to enable delivery of an Operation Home First priority i.e. the Frailty Pathway redesign, in advance of winter 2020.


The Board heard an overview of the rapid requirement for the changes to be progressed which included fuller delivery of integrated service.


Members were reminded of the regular communications they had received on the Frailty Pathway which delivered updates from the information delivered at the previous seminar.


The Board heard of governance control measures being established which ensured the Board remained fully sighted.


Members discussed the proposal and were provided responses to their queries by the Chief Finance Officer.


Members heard that Aberdeen City Council (ACC) and NHS Grampian (NHSG) were both active participants in the arrangements and were supportive of the recommendations.


The Chair commented that this was further activity and bold step on the Boards’ journey to provision of full integration.



The report recommended :-

that the Board –

(a)         approves the proposal to register the new integrated service to be delivered at Rosewell House with the Care Inspectorate with Aberdeen City Council (ACC) as the registered service provider;

(b)         develops a specific Service Level Agreement (SLA) with Bon Accord Care (BAC) to reflect the new arrangements; and to vary both the lease of the building and the current contract with BAC to reflect these changes;

(c)          Make the Direction at Appendix A to Aberdeen City Council;

(d)         Instruct the Chief Officer to issue the Direction at Appendix A;

(e)         Approve that the Clinical and Care Governance Committee (CCGC) will have oversight of the new model of service delivery at Rosewell House;

(f)           Instruct the Chief Officer to report assurance on the new model of service delivery at Rosewell House to the CCGC; and

(g)         Instruct the Chief Officer to consult with BAC to consider how best they can contribute to the assurance process.


The Board resolved :-

(i)           to approve the recommendations; and

(ii)          to instruct the Chief Officer to submit a report detailing the assurance procedures developed between the relevant agencies including governance and arrangements and development of a common reporting template to the CCGC;


Financial Update and Approvals - HSCP.20.053


The Board had before it a report from the Chief Finance Officer, ACHSCP which provided an update on the financial position of the IJB both in relation to the funding to be received for the Mobilisation Plan, and in respect of the Care at Home contract. The report sought approval to commission additional social are services to support winter planning.


The Board heard from the Chief Finance Officer who presented a summary of the report by topic.


Frailty Pathway


Members heard that the transfer of resources from NHS Grampian within this service was ongoing and that to facilitate successful delivery it may be necessary to increase capacity within the Care at Home Contract.


Members were advised that any additional spend would only happen on funding availability being confirmed.



Finance Update


Members heard that further to a recent Scottish Government announcement on increased funding, further detail was awaited to enable HNS Boards to underspend the allocation of these funds. This was quite a time consuming and detailed review which would hopefully see an outcome report within a week or two.


Care at Home


Members heard that work continued with Grampian Consortium Group with regards to this contract which had been slightly extended due to delayed funding which necessitated the timeline of the tender being extended.


Members were advised that there were many variables to the needs being met and the unmet need required. This was proving difficult to estimate as some ‘double counting’ was occurring due to the contract requirements which was being reviewed and that developments and re-negotiation would be necessary and involve a 6-month transitional period to provide assurance to both sides, and to the Board.


Members queried the Chief Finance Officer on several aspects of the report however indicated that they were assured by all the information they had received.


The report recommended :-

the Board -

(a)         to note that a full paper detailing the finances of the IJB will be brought to the meeting on the 28 October 2020;

(b)         to note the position with regard to the Care at Home contract and the reasons for the level of movement;

(c)          to agree to the contract value being adjusted for the Care at Home tender as discussed within paragraphs 3.3 to 3.7 of this report

(d)         to agree to provide additional Care at Home hours during the winter period up to a cost of £700,000 and purchase 69 additional care beds at a cost estimated of £1.6 million;

(e)         to Make the direction in Appendix A;

(f)           to instructs the Chief Officer to issue the Direction at Appendix A to Aberdeen City Council (ACC).


The Board resolved :-

to approve the recommendations.