Agenda, decisions and minutes

Integration Joint Board - Wednesday, 27th January, 2021 10.00 am

Venue: Virtual - Remote Meeting. View directions

Contact: Derek Jamieson, tel 01224 523057 or email 


No. Item

The agenda, reports and meeting recording associated with this minute can be found here.


Please note that if any changes are made to this minute at the point of approval, these will be outlined in the subsequent minute and this document will not be retrospectively altered.





The Chair welcomed all to the meeting.


The IJB Service User Representative indicated he had been approached regarding the 2C Remodelling Project and wished to record this contact.


The Chair acknowledged the contact and suggested further reference later in the meeting. The Chief Officer, ACHSCP suggested this update could be delivered during her presentation of the Chief Officer’s Report.



The Board resolved :-

to hear a verbal update from the Chief Officer on the current status of the 2C Redesign Project.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 186 KB


The Chair sought any Declarations of Interest.


Dr Howarth, Clinical Director, ACHSCP, declared an interest with regards to the 2C Remodelling Project as referenced within the last Board Minute as at Article 4 and stated an intention to leave the meeting during that discussion.


The Board resolved :-

to note the declaration.


Determination of exempt business


There was no exempt business


Minute of Board Meeting of 1 December 2020 pdf icon PDF 354 KB


The Board had before it the minute of its last meeting.


As indicated at Article 2, and the suggestion of an update by the Chief Officer, ACHSCP, the Clinical Director left the meeting at this point.


The Board heard of several auto-correct spelling errors which would be amended.


Enquiry was asked of Article 10 - Update On Effective Working In Localities - HSCP.20.06, of the Minute. Members heard that the report had been warmly welcomed at the Community Planning Aberdeen Board Meeting where it was approved.


Members heard from the CO who provided an update on the 2C Remodelling Project. Following the IJB Decision, several representations had been made to the ACHSCP with regard to one practice only. This has resulted in a Formal Complaint Process being instigated which is now subject to an Independent Investigation as per Stage II of the Board’s complaints process.


Members were advised that upon completion of the enquiry, any appropriate information would be shared with Members.


The Board resolved :-

to approve the minute as a correct record.

Dr Howarth, Clinical Director re-joined the meeting.


Draft Minute of Clinical and Care Governance Committee of 24 November 2020 pdf icon PDF 347 KB


The Board had before it the draft minute of the last meeting of the Clinical Care and Governance Committee (CCGC).


Members heard from the Chair, CCGC who provided an overview of the meeting during which they had received assurance on matters reported and awaited the Care Inspectorate Report on Criminal Justice which was now overdue (due to pandemic restrictions).


The Board resolved :-

to note the draft minute.


Draft Minute of Risk, Audit and Performance Systems Committee of 26 January 2021


In the absence of the draft minute of the last meeting of the Risk Audit and Performance Committee (RAPC) which was the previous day, the Chair, RAPC provided a verbal update on the meeting.


Members were advised on the presentation given regarding Operation Home First ahead of an anticipated update report; a report and updated Strategic Risk Register; an update on maintaining Service Provision and two Internal Audit Reports.


The Chair, RAPC indicated members provided Conformation of Assurance at RAPC and advised that the draft minute would be presented at the next meeting.


The Board resolved :-

to note the verbal update provided by the Chair, RAPC.



Business Planner pdf icon PDF 111 KB


The Board had before it the Business Planner.


Members heard from the CFO that todays’ Agenda items were reflected within the Planner and those items suggested for delay, transfer or removal were highlighted.


The CFO advised members that it was intended to again review intended reporting to ensure prioritisation was delivered and that officers, where appropriate, could attend to civil contingency matters.


The Board resolved :-

(i)            to note the Business Planner; and

(ii)          to approve reprioritisation and presentation of reports whilst in civil contingency mode.



Chief Officer's Report - HSCP.21.011 pdf icon PDF 444 KB


The Board had before it the report from the Chief Officer, ACHSCP which presented an update on ACHSCP activities.


Members heard an overview of the report which highlighted the steady delivery of the flu vaccination together with the capture of learning within the Partnership and NHS Grampian to assist with planning for future pandemic vaccinations.


Members were advised that the Care at Home contract had commenced with the Granite City Care Consortium which comprised ten contractors and was unique in the make up of independent and third sector providers.


The Chief Officer updated Members on the recently completed Criminal Justice Inspection and that a draft report was due soon.


The Chief Officer expressed appreciation of the commitment and efforts of the

Partnership staff during this continuing challenging period.



The report recommended :-

that the Board note the content of the report.


The Board resolved :-

to note the report.



IJB Scheme of Governance - Annual Review - HSCP.21.007 pdf icon PDF 646 KB

Additional documents:


The Board had before it the report from the Chief Officer, ACHSCP which presented the revised ACHSCP Integration Joint Board’s Scheme of Governance and comprised the documents attached at the appendices to the report, which had been amended as part of the annual review.


Members heard that a volume of changes had been made to the documents which were described for each document. Members commented that this would be better presented in ‘track change’ mode within each document.


Members were advised that there would likely be further review and amendment following application of Category One Responder status to Health and Social Care Partnerships by the Scottish Government.


The report recommended :-

that the Board note the content of the report.


The Board resolved :-

(i)            to agree the revised Risk, Audit and Performance Committee Terms of Reference, as outlined in Appendix A;

(ii)          to agree the revised Clinical and Care Governance Committee Terms of Reference, as outlined in Appendix B;

(iii)         to agree the revised Standing Orders, as outlined in Appendix C

(iv)         to agree the revised Roles and Responsibilities Protocol, as outlined in Appendix D;

(v)          to note that Aberdeen City Council is currently reviewing its Scheme of  Governance and that a report on this will be submitted to Council in March 2021, and that any changes will be evaluated in so far as any impact on the business of the ACHSCP or the IJB and its sub-committees. and the Chief Officer will bring an update to the IJB meeting immediately following the March 2021 Council meeting;

(vi)         to note that a further review of the IJB Scheme of Governance may be required following Scottish Government amendment of ACHSCP status to that of a Category 1 Responder; and

(vii)        to instruct that all amendments and additions to the documents agreed at (i) to (iv) be proof-read and amended as required and presented in ‘track change format’ to the IJB on 23 March 2021 for approval.



Vaccinations Update - HSCP.21.005 pdf icon PDF 883 KB


The Chair decided to take this item earlier than intended on the agenda given the availability of NHS Grampian staff to answer any questions.


The Board had before it the report from the Chief Officer, ACHSCP which presented an update on the various vaccination programmes in progress in Aberdeen City – Childhood, Flu, and Covid.


Members heard from the Lead Strategy and Performance Manager who provided an overview of the report.


Members also heard from the Director of Pharmacy, NHS Grampian who explained some of the specific circumstances surrounding vaccination including application of JCVI prioritisation relating to covid immunisation.


Members heard that the delivery programmes had been successful and provided positive comment on the transparency of the report and of the lessons learned which would be adopted.


Members expressed appreciation to the participation of the many partners involved in the vaccination delivery and commented that it was important to highlight that the main route for the vaccine program delivery is via the P&J Live Arena and that care is also being taken to ensure all are able to access the vaccine with consideration being given to specific at risk groups. 


It was suggested that a video explaining the P&J Live experience would assist and prepare people who had concerns and/or medical reluctance to attend such venues which would also benefit the wider public what to expect. 


Members indicated that they would wish to receive an updated report in respect of Childhood Immunisations.


The report recommended :-

that the Board notes the updates provided.


The Board resolved :-

(i)            to approve the recommendation; and

(ii)          to direct the Chief Officer, ACHSCP to present an updated reported to the CCGC in respect of Childhood Immunisations to include HPV, on a date to be agreed by the Chair of CCGC.



Bon Accord Care Annual Report - HSCP.21.004 pdf icon PDF 361 KB

Additional documents:


The Board had before it the report from the Chief Officer, ACHSCP which presented the annual report of Bon Accord Care covering the financial year 2019/20 as contained in Appendix A.


Members heard from the Lead Strategy and Performance Manager who provided a summary presentation of the report.


Members also heard from the Interim Managing Director of Bon Accord Care who provided an explanation on the withdrawal of BAC from active participation within the Grampian Care Consortium, which was not a withdrawal from the concept but due to financial considerations which would preclude their participation in delivery of the contracts.



The report recommended :-

that the Board note the content of the report.


The Board resolved :-

to approve the recommendation.



Finance Update - HSCP.21.012 pdf icon PDF 428 KB

Additional documents:


The Board had before it the report from the Chief Finance Officer, ACHSCP


The report presented a summary of the current year revenue budget performance for the services within the remit of the Integration Joint Board (IJB) as at Period 9 (end of December 2020); highlighted the current forecast in relation to the additional costs of COVID-19 to be reclaimed from the Scottish Government; and advised on any areas of risk and management action relating to the revenue budget performance of the Integration Joint Board services.


Members heard that the report had been presented to the Risk Audit and Performance Committee (RAPC) the day previous.


The CFO advised that further Scottish Government funding were expected and that in the event of a shortfall of those monies, he would request an Urgent Board Meeting to resolve any issues.


The Chair, RAPC indicated they were assured around the stability of finances reported and received clarity around expectations of movements of funds.


Members heard that moving forward there was expected additional costs and that given the fluid environment of the pandemic and its response, there would be changes to already agreed service delivery and costs.


Members expressed a wish to hold a Workshop ahead of the intended Medium-Term Financial Strategy.



The report recommended :-

that the Board note –

(a)          notes this report in relation to the IJB budget and the information on areas of risk and management action that are contained herein; and

(b)          approves the budget virements indicated in Appendix F.


The Board resolved :-

(i)            to approve the recommendations; and

(ii)          to direct the Chief Finance Officer to arrange a Workshop for IJB Members in February 2021 to discuss the Medium-Term Financial Strategy ahead of any budget setting.




Rosewell House - HSCP.21.009 pdf icon PDF 386 KB


The Board had before it the report from the Chief Officer, ACHSCP.


The report provided an update on a short-term, interim solution for the repurposing of available, staffed beds at Rosewell House to positively impact on addressing pressure within the health and social care system particularly relating to the surge of demand for hospital beds and the flow of patients out of hospital into community settings.


Members heard an overview of the report and it was clarified that the interim period of up to 16 weeks would allow data capture to inform the longer-term planning for service delivery at Rosewell House.


Members heard that ‘lessons learned’ would be captured to assist future strategic intention and that reform would need to continue at a pace.


Members were assured that existing service users, their families and staff had all been aware of changes.


Members intimated a request that patient voice/experience be considered once current staffing demand was resolved.



The report recommended :-

that the Board –

(a)          endorses the actions taken by the system-wide team to utilise part of  Rosewell House as an interim NHS facility supporting surge and flow during the Covid19 second-wave response;

(b)          notes that this is an interim position for a period of up to 16 weeks and the permanent arrangements will be progressed via a registration with the Care Inspectorate as per the Direction made by the IJB on 2nd October 2020; and

(c)          notes that, in line with the approved recommendations of the 2nd October 2020, assurance and oversight of service delivery at Rosewell House will be monitored by the Clinical & Care Governance Committee; performance reports will be provided by the newly formed “Rosewell (Interim) Clinical & Professional Oversight Group; and the Grampian Care Home Oversight Group will continue to have a role in support, scrutiny and assurance.


The Board resolved :-

to approve the recommendations.



NHS Grampian Health and Social Care Winter Plan - HSCP.21.010 pdf icon PDF 287 KB

Additional documents:


The Board had before it the report from the Chief Officer, ACHSCP.


The report presented the Grampian Health and Social Care COVID-19 and Winter (Surge) Plan 2020/21 which had been prepared with the involvement of key partners in the North East of Scotland and was contained in Appendix A.


Members heard that the plan was approved at the NHS Grampian Board meeting on 14January 2021 and were advised that the plan was a live document and that NHS Grampian continues to engage and seek input on the plan.


Members were advised that the main purpose of bringing the report to the Integration Joint Board (IJB) was to show Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership’s contribution to the whole system response.


Members heard that there continued a complexity of delivery during the pandemic response and civil contingency mode where full delegation of authority was not in place and that the plan attempted to resolve that gap.


Members heard that governance continued to be looked at and that the RAPC and CCGC would be involved in considering a Performance Matrix.


It was agreed that this was an exceptional year and indicated positive partnership working in coproduction of the plan.



The report recommended :-

that the Board -

(a)          approve the Grampian Health and Social Care COVID-19 and Winter (Surge) Plan 2020/21; and

(b)          note the opportunity to input to the plan.


The Board resolved :-

to approve the recommendations.

-       Councillor Sarah Duncan, Chair