Agenda, decisions and minutes

Integration Joint Board - Tuesday, 7th June, 2022 10.00 am

Venue: Virtual - Remote Meeting. View directions

Contact: Emma Robertson, Email: 


No. Item


Welcome from the Chair


The Chair extended a warm welcome to everyone and in particular the new members who were joining for the first time.  She explained that the IJB was focussed on taking decisions to create a more sustainable system to achieve the best outcomes for the people of Aberdeen.


The Chair noted that it was a complex agenda and strove for everyone to feel supported in their positions on the IJB.  She advised that the Chair, Vice Chair and Leadership Team had an open-door policy, encouraging members to get in touch regarding any issues regarding IJB Business.


The Chair went on to explain that there was a programme of informal seminars arranged where there would be open space time built in to enable opportunities to raise questions.  She further noted the introduction of a new IJB Buddy System and encouraged Members to take up the offer as an important way to build relationships.  Members were advised to contact the Clerk in order to register their interest in this regard.


Members noted that the Strategic Plan was on the agenda for approval after a year of consultation.  The Chair commended the team on the extensive consultation process, expressing particularly contentment that the locality empowerment groups had been closely involved throughout the process.


The Board resolved:-

(i)             to note the Chair’s remarks;

(ii)           to note its thanks to Alex Stephen in his role as CFO/Depute CO and congratulate him on his appointment as Director of Finance at NHS Grampian;

(iii)          to record its appreciation of Dr Howard Gemmell, former IJB service user representative who passed away on 24 May 2022 and extend its condolences to his family; and

(iv)          to welcome all new Members to the meeting.


IJB Membership Post Local Elections - HSCP.22.038 pdf icon PDF 418 KB

Additional documents:


The Board had before it a report advising of the requirement to appoint Aberdeen City Council (ACC) committee members to the Integration Joint Board (IJB), Risk, Audit and Performance Committee (RAP) and Clinical and Care Governance Committee (CCG) following the Local Elections on 5 May 2022 and to also appoint a Chairperson to the Clinical and Care Governance Committee.


In addition, there were two recent NHS Grampian (NHSG) vacancies of one voting member and one non-voting member whose replacements on the Integration Joint Board were to be approved.


The report recommended:

that the Board:-

(a)           endorse the appointment of four ACC voting members – Councillors Cooke, Allard, Greig and Tissera (with Councillors Fairfull, van Sweeden and Macdonald as substitutes) - to the Integration Joint Board;

(b)           endorse the appointment of Councillor Cooke as Vice Chair of the Integration Joint Board;

(c)           endorse the appointment of June Brown as an NHSG voting member and Phil Mackie as a member of the Integration Joint Board;

(d)           agree the recommendation as described at 3.9 and appoint Councillors

Cooke and Greig to the Risk, Audit and Performance Committee;

(e)           agree the recommendation as described at 3.9 and appoint Councillors Allard and Tissera as voting members to the Clinical and Care Governance Committee;

(f)             agree the recommendation as described at 3.8 and appoint Councillor Allard as Chairperson of the Clinical and Care Governance Committee; and

(g)           note the IJB meeting schedule for 2022-23 attached as Appendix C of the report.


The Board resolved:-

(i)             to agree to remove Luan Grugeon from Risk, Audit and Performance Committee and appoint her to Clinical and Care Governance Committee;

(ii)            to agree to appoint June Brown to RAPC; and

(iii)          and to otherwise approve the recommendations.


Declarations of Interest and Transparency Statements

Members are requested to intimate any Declarations of Interest or Transparency Statements


There were no declarations of interest or transparency statements.


Exempt Business

Members are requested to determine that any exempt business be considered with the press and public excluded


The Chair indicated that items 6.1 Supplier Uplifts - HSCP.22.041, 6.3 Dual sensory impairment service - HSCP.22.034- Exempt Appendices and 7.1 Rubislaw Park Nursing Home - Hospital Pathway (End of life beds) - HSCP.22.039, contained exempt information and therefore it was recommended that they be considered in private.


The Board resolved:-

in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of items 6.1, 6.3 and 7.1 on the agenda so as to avoid disclosure of exempt information of the class described in paragraphs 6 and 9 of Schedule 7(A) of the Act.


Video Presentation - Plan for the Future


The Board received a video presentation entitled Plan for the Future.


The Board resolved:-

to note the video.


Minute of Board Meeting of 10 March 2022 pdf icon PDF 237 KB


The Board had before it the minute of its meeting of 10 March 2022.


The Board resolved:-

to approve the minute as a correct record.


Draft Minute of Risk, Audit and Performance Committee of 26 April 2022 pdf icon PDF 261 KB


The Board had before it the draft minute of the Risk, Audit and Performance Committee of 26 April 2022, for information.


The Board resolved:-

(i)             to note that the Audited Accounts would be ready at the end of September 2022 and would be considered by the appropriate Committee thereafter; and

(ii)           to otherwise note the minute.


Draft Minute of Clinical and Care Governance Committee of 19 April 2022 pdf icon PDF 255 KB


The Board had before it for information, the draft Minute of the Clinical and Care Governance Committee of 19 April 2022.


The Board resolved:-

to note the minute.


Business Planner pdf icon PDF 247 KB


The Board had before it the Business Planner which was presented by the Business Manager who advised Members of the updates to reporting intentions and that further items would be added to future reporting cycles.


The Board resolved:-

(i)             to note that the Audited Accounts would be ready at the end of September 2022;

(ii)           to note that the Carers’ Implementation Group had agreed that the Carers’ Strategy would be published in October 2022;

(iii)          to note that the Strategic Risk Register would be presented to the IJB in August following the Risk Workshop that was planned for 15 August 2022; and

(iv)          to otherwise agree the planner.


Chief Officer's Report - HSCP.22.036 pdf icon PDF 428 KB


The Board had before it the report from the Chief Officer, ACHSCP, which presented an update on highlighted topics. The Chief Finance Officer spoke in furtherance of the report.


The report recommended:-

that the Board note the detail contained in the report.


The Board resolved:-

to note the report.


Strategic Plan 2022-2025 - HSCP.22.013 pdf icon PDF 437 KB

Additional documents:


The Board had before it a report seeking the Integration Joint Board’s (IJB’s) approval of the three versions of the Strategic Plan 2022-2025.


The Strategy and Transformation Lead introduced the report and responded to questions from Members.


The report recommended:-

that the Board:

(a)           approve the three versions of the Strategic Plan 2022-2025 – the

summary version, the full version including Delivery Plan and the Easy

Read version;

(b)           instruct the Chief Officer to publish the three versions of the Strategic Plan 2022-2025;

(c)           instruct the Chief Officer to report progress on the Strategic Plan 2022-2025 quarterly to the Risk Audit and Performance Committee and

Clinical and Care Governance Committees and annually via the Annual

Performance Report to the IJB;

(d)           instruct the Chief Officer to submit the Strategic Plan 2022-2025 to

Aberdeen City Council’s Strategic Commissioning Committee, NHS Grampian’s Board and Community Planning Aberdeen’s Board at the earliest opportunity; and

(e)           note that work was underway on a refresh of the local integrated children

services plan for the period 2023 to 2026 and request Aberdeen City

Council’s Director of Commissioning to consult with the IJB on the draft

in advance of finalisation.


The Board resolved:-

(i)             to note that the Strategy and Transformation Lead would discuss offline in order to agree the appropriate wording with regard to the Health Inequalities Impact Assessment;

(ii)       to commend the team and thank colleagues in Strategy and Transformation for their production of the Plan; and

(iii)      to otherwise approve the recommendations.


IJB Scheme of Governance Annual Review - HSCP22.035 pdf icon PDF 399 KB

Additional documents:


The Board had before it a report outlining proposed revisions to the Board’s Scheme of Governance.


John Forsyth – Solicitor, Aberdeen City Council, explained that the proposed changes were to bring the Board’s Code of Conduct in line with the Standards Commission’s published Model Codes of Conduct for Devolved Public Bodies.


The report recommended:-

that the Board approve the revised Code of Conduct, as outlined in Appendix A of the report.


The Board resolved:-

to approve the recommendation.


Annual Resilience report - HSCP22.033 pdf icon PDF 450 KB

Additional documents:


The Board had before it the first Annual Resilience Report providing information regarding the Integration Joint Board’s (IJB’s) resilience arrangements in fulfilment of its duties as a Category 1 responder under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004.


The Business Manager presented the report and responded to questions from Members.


The report recommended:

that the Board note the progress made in embedding the IJB’s resilience arrangements during 2021/22.


The Board resolved:-

to approve the recommendation.


Supplier Uplifts - HSCP.22.041 pdf icon PDF 344 KB


The Board had before it a report on Supplier Uplifts, which had been issued as a late circulation.


The Board resolved:-

to consider the report and appendix in private at Article 21 of this minute.


ADP Investment Plans 2022 - HSCP22.037 pdf icon PDF 915 KB


The Board had before it a report updating the Integration Joint Board (IJB) on the programme of investment and work being undertaken by Aberdeen City Alcohol & Drug Partnership (ADP) in relation to funding made available via the Scottish Government’s National Mission to reduce drug related harm.


Simon Rayner - Strategic Lead, Alcohol and Drugs, spoke to the report and responded to questions from Members.


The report recommended:-

that the Board:

(a)           approve the ADP investments as detailed at 3.13 of the report;

(b)           make the directions as attached within Appendix A of the report and instruct the Chief Officer to issue the direction to NHS Grampian (NHSG) to deliver the ADP plans outlined in A, B, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L and M as stated at 2.1.1 of the report; and

(c)           make the directions as attached within Appendix B of the report and instruct the Chief Officer to issue the direction to Aberdeen City Council (ACC) to deliver the ADP plans outlined in B, C, G, I and L.


The Board resolved:-

(i)             to note that a seminar on the topic was to be planned for September 2022;

(ii)           to note that Members were welcome to contact the Strategic Lead - Alcohol and Drugs, with any questions or topics for the seminar; and

(iii)          to otherwise approve the recommendations.


Dual sensory impairment service - HSCP.22.034 pdf icon PDF 410 KB

Please note there are exempt appendices contained within the Private Section of this agenda below.

Additional documents:


The Board had before it a report on the Dual Sensory Impairment Service, providing information about the proposed additional funding to provide an increased level of sensory services to the community, and the processes that had been put in place to allocate this funding.


Neil Stevenson - Strategic Procurement Manager, introduced the report and responded to questions from members.


The report recommended:-

that the Board –

(a)           approve the expenditure for social care services as set out in the Supplementary Work plan at Appendix A of the report;

(b)           approve the expenditure as set out in the Procurement Business Case at Appendix B of the report; and

(c)           make the Direction, as attached at Appendix C of the report, and instruct the Chief Officer to issue the Direction to Aberdeen City Council (ACC).


The Board resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


Project Search - HSCP.22.040 pdf icon PDF 409 KB

Additional documents:


The Board had before it a report outlining the proposal to fund young people through Project Search, as part of Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (ACHSCP) Workforce Plan and commitment to developing the young workforce.


The Business Manager spoke to the report and responded to questions from Members.


The report recommended:-

that the Board –

(a)           instruct the Chief Officer to liaise with colleagues in Aberdeen City Council to progress a joint contract to fund young people through Project Search at a cost of £6,500 per young person (up to a maximum of 6 young people);

(b)           make the Direction, as attached at the Appendix to the report and instruct the Chief Officer to issue the Direction to Aberdeen City Council (ACC); and

(c)           instruct the Chief Officer to explore ACHSCP becoming a host organisation under Project Search and to liaise with both Aberdeen City Council and NHS Grampian on the promotion of Project Search as one of the employability options to develop the young workforce in health and social care.


The Board resolved:-

to approve the recommendations subject to clarification on (1) the sustainability of the funding, (2) whether or not the Aberdeenshire funding was in place; and (3) further information regarding employment and retention of the young people.


Rubislaw Park Nursing Home - Hospital Pathway (End of life beds) - HSCP.22.039 pdf icon PDF 411 KB

Please note there are exempt appendices contained within the Private Section of this agenda below.

Additional documents:


The Board had before it a report providing information about the interim arrangements at Rubislaw Park Nursing Home End of Life Pathway and a request for an extension to the contract for a further five-month period.


James Maitland - Transformation Programme Manager, introduced the report and responded to questions from Members.


The report recommended:-

that the Board -

(a)           approve the direct award of the extension of the contract with Rubislaw Care LLP for a further period of five months to 30 November 2022;

(b)           approve the expenditure as set out in the Procurement Business Case at Appendix B of the report; and

(c)           make the Direction as attached at Appendix C of the report and instruct the Chief Officer to issue the Direction to Aberdeen City Council.


The Board resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


Dual sensory impairment service - HSCP.22.034 - Exempt Appendices


The Board had before it the exempt appendices in respect of this item, as approved at Article 16.


The Board resolved:-

to note that the recommendations had been approved at Article 16.


Rubislaw Park Nursing Home - Hospital Pathway (End of life beds) - Exempt Appendices


The Board had before it the exempt appendices in respect of this item, as approved at Article 18.


The Board resolved:-

to note that the recommendations had been approved at Article 18.



Social Care Provider Uplift - HSCP22.041


In accordance with the decision taken under article 4 above, the following item was considered with the press and public excluded.


The Board had before it an update on the potential requirements for further uplifts for some social care providers following the recent increases in inflation.


The Strategy and Transformation Lead spoke to the report and responded to questions from members.


The report recommended:-

that the Board –

(a)           instruct the Chief Officer to negotiate uplifts for those Social Care providers not covered by the National Care Home Contract using the process and principles indicated in paragraph 3.4 of the report;

(b)           instruct the Chief Finance Officer to uplift the direct payments for clients using the same process indicated in paragraph 3.4 of the report and note that further information would be brought back to the IJB on this situation via the quarterly financial monitoring; and

(c)           make the direction contained in Appendix 1 of the report and instruct the Chief Finance Officer to issue this direction to Aberdeen City Council.


The Board resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.


Date of Next Meeting - Tuesday 30 August 2022 at 10.00am


2C and Primary Care Improvement Plan: 13 July 2022, 1-3pm

Risk: 15 August 2022, 2-4pm


The Board had before it the date of the next meeting and future workshops:

Tuesday 30 August 2022 at 10.00am;


· 2C and Primary Care Improvement Plan: 13 July 2022, 1-3pm

· Risk: 15 August 2022, 2-4pm


The Board resolved:-

to note the meeting and workshop dates.