Agenda, decisions and minutes

Risk, Audit and Performance Committee - Tuesday, 12th February, 2019 10.00 am

Venue: RmTHeCR2, Marischal College

Contact: Derek Jamieson, tel 01224 523057 or email 

No. Item


Members are requested to intimate any declarations of interest


Members were requested to intimate any declarations of interest.


Councillor Duncan declared an interest in Item 12 on the agenda (Ethical Care & Living Wage Update Report) by virtue of her position as a paid official of Unison. Councillor Duncan intimated her intention to absent herself during that discussion.


The Committee resolved:-

To note Councillor Duncan’s intimation and intention


Members are requested to determine that any exempt business be considered with the press and public excluded


The Committee was asked to determine any exempt or confidential business.


The Committee resolved:-


To note that there was no exempt business to be considered.


Welcome and Apologies


The Chairperson welcomed all members and attendees and extended a warm welcome to Andy Shaw (External Auditor) and David Hughes (Internal Auditor).


Apologies were noted from Councillor Laing.


The Chairperson advised that Item 8 (Transformation Programme Monitoring) would follow after Item 5 (Forward Report Planner).


Minute of Previous Meeting of 13 November 2018 pdf icon PDF 105 KB


The Committee had before it the minute of the previous meeting of 13 November 2018.


The Committee resolved:-


To approve that the minute was an accurate reflection of the meeting.


Forward Report Planner pdf icon PDF 93 KB


The Committee had before it the Forward Report Planner.


The Committee resolved:-


To note its content and timelines.


Transformation Programme Monitoring (including PCIP) pdf icon PDF 462 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by Gail Woodcock. The report also contained an update on the PCIP.


The report recommended that the Committee:-


a)    Note the information provided in this report.


The Committee heard that the report provided information on the pace of delivery together with highlights, in depth analysis and key project updates. The report had captured Lessons Learned and was broadly aligned to the developing strategic plan.


Considerable discussion continued due to the depth and quality of the report and the information it contained.


The Committee were then delivered a presentation on the PCIP by Dr Leask. This drew equal particpative discussion from the Committee.


Both authors were commended on providing a great deal of the information and assurance that the Committee sought.


The Committee resolved:-


(i)            To note the information provided in this report within the context of the discussion held and the specific requests for further reports as noted

(ii)          to commend officers for the quality of the process followed and the evaluation reports provided.

(iii)         That officers Circulate a list of projects that were to be reallocated from the Transformation Programme

(iv)         Submit the requested report(s) to the Committee Meeting of 20 August 2019



Strategic Risk Register Review pdf icon PDF 223 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by Martin Allan (Business Manager, ACHSCP).


The report recommended that the Committee:-


a)    Approve and provide comment on the revised risk register, as at Appendix A.


b)    Undertake an in-depth review of 1, 2 & 3 within the strategic risk register at appendix A.


c)    Approve and provide comment on the revised risk appetite statement, as at Appendix B.


The Committee heard from Sandy Reid on behalf of Martin Allan and thereafter engaged in the review sought.


The Committee resolved:-


(i)            To approve and provide comment on the revised risk register, as at Appendix A

(ii)          Undertake an in-depth review of 1, 2 & 3 within the strategic risk register at appendix

(iii)         To provide comment on the revised risk appetite statement, as at Appendix B, and

(iv)         To require the report be revised to include consideration of the comments made.



Board Assurance & Escalation Review pdf icon PDF 216 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it a report by Martin Allan (Business Manager, ACHSCP).


The Committee commented that the report served as a map of governance and was a guide as to who needed to look at what and when.


The Committee resolved:-


To approve and provide comment on the Board Assurance and Escalation Framework, as at Appendix A.



Performance Monitoring pdf icon PDF 229 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it the report by Alison MacLeod (Lead Strategy and Performance Manager, ACHSCP).


The Committee were appreciative of the style and content of the report which assisted provide direction on reporting. The Committee commented that the report identified the distinctions between the APS and CCG Committees though clearly linked their interdependency.



The Committee resolved:-


(i)            To notes the mapping of the strategic performance indicators to the strategic aims and the strategic risk register.

(ii)          To approve the proposed reporting arrangements of the strategic aims to both the Clinical and Care Governance and Audit and Performance Systems Committee.



Delayed Discharges pdf icon PDF 842 KB


The Committee had before it the report by Kenneth O’Brien (Service Manager, ACHSCP) which provided an update on current delayed discharge performance information regarding the Aberdeen City Partnership.


The Committee were appreciative of the volume and quality of the report, together with the honesty and passion presented during discussions all of which assisted the Committee provide the assurances they are required to discharge.



The Committee resolved:-


To note the performance information contained within the report


Review on Progress with Locality Planning pdf icon PDF 255 KB



The Committee had before it the report by Anne McKenzie (Aligned Senior Manager – North Locality) which discussed the transition from 4 to 3 localilites.


The Committee commented that the report provided the position statement they were looking for.


The Committee resolved:-


To note the contents of the report



Strategic Commissioning Implementation Plan Review pdf icon PDF 241 KB


The Committee had before it the report by Anne McKenzie (Aligned Senior Manager – North Locality).


The Committee were satisfied that the report provided confirmation that the realignment is the best way forward.



The Committee resolved:-


To note the content of the report


Ethical Care Charter & Living Wage Update Report pdf icon PDF 237 KB


In accordance with Item 1 – Declarations of Interest, Councillor Duncan withdrew from the meeting at this point.


The Committee had before it the report by Claire Duncan (Lead Social Work Officer, ACC).


The report recommended that the Committee:-


a)    Note the implementation of the Scottish Living Wage.


b)    Note the progress across the stages of the Charter


c)    Note that the Charter will be included in the workstream for Care at Home commissioning. 


The Committee heard that this was the first report to Committee on the topic which was aligned to Scottish Government Charter on the Living Wage for all care workers. Whilst all care providers are aware of the requirements, this cannot be mandated on all providers albeit most have agreed. How to introduce this within ACHSCP contracts is being considered but this may also bring financial impact.


The Committee resolved:-


(i)            To note the implementation of the Scottish Living Wage.

(ii)          To note the progress across the stages of the Charter.

(iii)         To note that the Charter will be included in the workstream for Care at Home commissioning. 

(iv)         To encourage that service delivery partners strive to achieve all aspects of the Charter.

(v)          To re-emphasise that the Charter was endorsed and not signed.


Councillor Duncan rejoined the meeting at conclusion of this item.



Financial Monitoring pdf icon PDF 273 KB


The Committee had before it the report By Alex Stephen (Chief Financial Officer, ACHSCP).


A minor typo at 3.2 saw a change to the date of 31.12.2018. The Committee entered into discussions regarding the report and commented on the continuing financial challenges which would require strategy in some areas to assist. The report also highlighted some areas worthy of future development and consideration.


1.1.       The report  recommended that the Audit & Performance Systems Committee:


a)    Notes this report in relation to the IJB budget and the information on areas of risk and management action that are contained herein.


b)    Notes the budget virements indicated in Appendix E.




The Committee resolved:-


(i)            To note this report in relation to the IJB budget and the information on areas of risk and management action that are contained herein.

(ii)          To note the budget virements indicated in Appendix E.

(iii)         To recognise the astute financial management exercised.



External Audit Plan pdf icon PDF 203 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it the report by Andy Shaw, Director (Assurance, KPMG), the external auditor to the IJB.


The Committee heard an overview of the document which included the methodology used. This included reference to Audit Scotland requirements in respect of risk.


The Committee resolved:-


To approves the approach to external audit, as outlined in Appendix A.


Internal Audit - Budget Setting, Monitoring and Financial Performance pdf icon PDF 214 KB


The Committee had before it the report by David Hughes, (Chief Internal Auditor, Aberdeenshire Council).


The Committee were assured by the report and discussion.



The Committee resolved:-


To review, discuss and comment on the issues raised within the report


Local Government Finance - Audit Scotland pdf icon PDF 218 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it the report by Alex Stephen, Chief Finance Officer.


The report provided additional information what


The Committee resolved:-


(i)            To reviews, discuss and comment on the report as attached at Appendix A.

(ii)          To instructs the Chief Finance Officer to bring the report, Local government in Scotland: Challenges and performance, to be published by the Accounts Commission in March 2019, which comments on the wider challenges and performance of councils, to the Committee at its meeting in May 2019.



Confirmation of Assurance


The Chairperson provided Members with an opportunity to request additional sources of assurance for items on today’s agenda or other areas of business, and thereafter asked the Committee to confirm it had received reasonable assurance to fulfil its duties as outlined within its Terms of Reference.


The Committee resolved:-


That they were satisfied that they had been able to discharge their duties of assurance.