Agenda, decisions and minutes

Public Protection Committee - Wednesday, 20th February, 2019 10.00 am

Venue: Committee Room 2 - Town House. View directions

Contact: Derek Jamieson, tel 01224 523057 or email 

No. Item


There is no urgent business at this time


There was no urgent business.


There is no exempt business at this time


There was no exempt business.


Members are requested to intimate any declarations of interest pdf icon PDF 62 KB


There were no declarations of interest.


Requests for Deputation - none expected until after the final agenda is published


There was no deputation.


Minute of Previous Meeting of 5 December 2018 pdf icon PDF 73 KB


The Committee had before it the minute of its meeting of 5 December 2018 for approval.


The Committee resolved to approve the Minute as a correct record.


Committee Planner pdf icon PDF 137 KB


The Committee had before it the committee business planner as prepared by the Chief Officer – Governance.


The Committee heard that Item 11 of the planner had been identified as being operational as opposed to strategic and as such would be removed from the planner. There was discussion regarding the approach adopted in response to consultations from the Scottish and UK Government and other statutory bodies. It was intimated that a consistent approach was required, whether that be operational or strategic.


The Committee also heard comment regarding a suggestion for a future thematic report from Police Scotland regarding De-risking the City Centre for Young People.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            To note the content of the Committee Planner;

(ii)                to agree to remove item 11 (Response to the Food Standards Scotland, Food Standards Agency and DEFRA consultation on amending allergen information provisions contained within domestic food information legislation) from the planner for the reason stated; and

(iii)          to request that Chief Superintendent Thomson submits a Thematic Report to a future Committee on De-risking the City Centre for Young People



No notices of motion have been received


There were no notices of motion.


There are no referrals at this time from Council, Committees or Sub Committees


There were no referrals from Council, Committees or sub-committees.


Police Scotland - Thematic Report on Serious and Organised Crime pdf icon PDF 59 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it the Thematic Report from Police Scotland on Serious and Organised Crime.


The Committee heard from Chief Superintendent Thomson who presented an overview of the report which identified what was happening locally albeit a National Strategy existed. The successful implementation of tactics and operations had provided positive support to communities and victims of crime, including vulnerable people.


Chief Superintendent Thomson again emphasised that these successes were attributable to partnership working involving the police, local authority, voluntary sector and critically the local community. This included wider partnership working within schools and the localities.



The Committee resolved to endorse the report.


Police Scotland - Performance Report for April-September 2018 pdf icon PDF 60 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it the Performance Report for April – September 2018.


The Committee heard from Chief Superintendent Thomson who intimated the general overall reduction in crime and increase in detection were amongst some of the most positive figures delivered to date. Chief Inspector Martin Mackay was introduced to provide some context around the figures and be available to assist with any questions.


The success discussed was again attributed to positive partnership working including the wider engagement of the Local Outcome Improvement Plan, locality plans, community participation, third sector involvement.


Chief Superintendent Thomson was keen to acknowledge and applaud the results as a team effort.


The Committee resolved to endorse the report.


SFRS - Thematic Inspection on Response and Resilience pdf icon PDF 59 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Thematic Inspection Report.


Local Senior Officer Bruce Farquharson was unable to attend the meeting.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to note the information provided in Appendix A in relation to Response and Resilience., and

(ii)          to submit any comment or questions arising from the report to the Clerk for consultation with SFRS.


Adult Protection Biennial Report pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it the report by Claire Duncan (Lead Social Worker, ACHSCP)


The Committee heard that the report provided a two year overview of the activities taken to ensure adult protection within Aberdeen and intended to provide assurance to Committee members on the impact and effectiveness of adult support and protection improvement initiatives in the City.


The Committee commented that a very informative report highlighted the benefit of partnership working and wished to highlight the report as showing a positive approach to future working.


The Committee resolved;_

(i)            to note the content of the Biennial report as attached to the report.


Response in relation to Scottish Government Consultation on Good Food Nation pdf icon PDF 141 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee had before it the report by Andrew Morrison (Protective Services Manager).



The Committee heard that the report highlighted national policy on the topic and the ongoing positive partnership working.



The Committee resolved:-

(i)    to approve the consultation response at Appendix 1;

(ii)  to instruct the Chief Officer Operations to submit the consultation response on behalf of Aberdeen City Council; and

(iii) to acknowledge that if new duties were placed on Aberdeen City Council, then financial resources would be required from Scottish Government in order to deliver them.


Enforcement of Food Law Requirements in Relation to Allergens pdf icon PDF 152 KB


The Committee had before it the report by Andrew Morrison (Protective Services Manager).


The Committee heard an overview of the report which indicated an increase in allergen awareness particularly following several high interest media reports.


The report also provided assurance to the Committee regarding local actions and indicated the volume of work currently ongoing.


The Committee resolved :-

(i)            to note the work of the  Environmental Health team  within Protective Services in ensuring appropriate and effective controls were implemented by food businesses to control the risks to consumers regarding food allergens; and

(ii)          to note the consultation on amending allergen information provisions contained within domestic food information legislation for food prepacked for direct sale.


Date of Next Meeting - 24 April 2019 at 10:00am


The Committee resolved:-

To note the next meeting is Wednesday 24 April 2019 at 10.00am