Agenda and draft minutes

Licensing Sub Committee - Wednesday, 7th April, 2021 10.00 am

Venue: Virtual - Remote Meeting. View directions

Contact: Mark Masson, tel 01224 522989 or email 


No. Item

The agenda, reports and recording associated with this minute can be found here.


Please note that if any changes are made to this minute at the point of approval, these will be outlined in the subsequent minute and this document will not be retrospectively altered.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest intimated.


Grant of a Street Trader's Licence - Douglas Durno - Canal Street (Woodside) South Side, 25m East of Bank Street (outside No 26) pdf icon PDF 198 KB

Additional documents:


With reference to article 9 of the minute of meeting of the Licensing Committee of 26 March 2021, the Sub Committee had before it an information sheet prepared by the Chief Officer – Governance in respect of the application which advised that four letters of representation had been received and that the application had to be determined by 29 November 2021.


Mr Munro, Legal Advisor, provided the Sub Committee with a verbal update on the application advising that Landowner consent had been received.


Officers circulated (on screen) a street location map for the application.


The licence holder, Mr Douglas Durno was in attendance and spoke in support of the application and responded to questions from members. 


At this juncture, Councillor Malik indicated that he had to leave the meeting, therefore he took no further part in the proceedings for this application.


Two of the respondents, Ms Heather Wilson and Ms Sonia Scaife spoke in support of their letters of representation, which objected to the application and responded to questions from members.


All parties summed up.


The Sub Committee resolved:-

(i)       to refuse the licence on the grounds that the location of the premises was not in a suitable location; and

(ii)       that officers provide street maps identifying the location of all future Street Trader Licence applications being considered by the Licensing Committee and its Sub Committee.