Agenda and decisions

Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee - Tuesday, 11th March, 2025 10.00 am

Venue: Committee Room 2 - Town House. View directions

Contact: Lynsey McBain, Email: or 01224 067344 

No. Item


Deputation Requests - item 11.1 - Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) pdf icon PDF 5 KB

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Two deputations were heard in regards to item 11.1 on the agenda (Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) - Phasing of Demolition and Landscaping)


Minute of the Previous Meeting of 14 January 2025 pdf icon PDF 227 KB


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the minute as a correct record.


Committee Business Planner pdf icon PDF 163 KB


The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to agree to remove items 13, 18, 27 and 35 (which all related to verbal updates in regards to RAAC);

(ii)            to note that item 5 (Residential Caravan Licensing) was transferred to this Committee from the Licensing Committee;

(iii)          to note the reasons for delay for items 29 (Cost Neutral Environmental Enforcement) and 36 (Review of the Non Traditional Housing Stock); and

(iv)          to otherwise note the committee business planner.


Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Thematic Report - Special Service Gaining Entry Incidents in Aberdeen City - SFR/25/068 pdf icon PDF 206 KB

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The Committee resolved:-

to note the performance data provided within the Scottish Fire & Rescue Service Thematic Report - Special Service Gaining Entry Incidents in Aberdeen City at Appendix A.


Community Safety Partnership System Awareness - CORS/25/039 pdf icon PDF 216 KB

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The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to commend Council officers for advising on and raising awareness of the multi-agency governance model operating in Aberdeen and for highlighting insights into the collaborative approach taken between various agencies and stakeholders in the city;

(ii)           to agree that information could usefully be provided to members on which agencies and organisations make up the Community Safety Partnership, how often they meet, and what their current over-arching combined strategic priorities are;

(iii)         to note efforts to formalise a Community Safety Partnership Board, made up of representatives from public, private and 3rd sector organisations, tasked with agreeing high level strategic goals, an action plan, and using the operational framework and functions already in place as outlined in this report and asks for input from partners involved in Community Planning Aberdeen to this process; and

(iv)         to instruct the Interim Chief Officer – Governance to report back to the most relevant meeting of the Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee on the outcome from 3 above.



Resilience Annual Report - CORS/25/014 pdf icon PDF 681 KB

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The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to note the progress made in further embedding the Council’s resilience arrangements during another busy year for emergency response; and

(ii)            to note the updated Generic Emergency Plan which had received minor alterations under the relevant delegated powers.


Justice Social Work Service Annual Performance Report 2023-24 - ACHSCP/25/040 pdf icon PDF 247 KB

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The Committee resolved:-

to note the Justice Social Work Service Annual Performance Report 2023-24 (at Appendix 1), which provided assurance about progress made over the period. 


Performance Report - CORS/25/033 pdf icon PDF 281 KB

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The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to note that information on written off debt in regards to rent would be included in the next Housing Bi Annual report;

(ii)            to note that the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord would liaise with colleagues in Waste Management in regards to campaigns currently being run regarding fly tipping and if anything further could be done to help prevent fly tipping, as well as further engagement with residents in multi storey blocks; and

(iii)          to otherwise note the Performance Report. 


Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) - Phasing of Demolition and Landscaping - CR&E/25/057 pdf icon PDF 320 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to note that the Chief Officer – Housing was currently working on literature in regards to the establishment of a local service for assisting individuals affected by RAAC and this would be shared with the Torry Community RAAC Campaign Group in due course;

(ii)            to note that an update would be circulated to members via the clerk from the Chief Officer – Finance in relation to any update with the request for fiscal flexibility from the UK Government;

(iii)          to note that details on acceptable level of vibrations during demolition would be included in the tender documents;

(iv)          to request that the Executive Director – Families and Communities, provide an update to members via the clerk in regards to the workshop to be held with affected residents;

(v)           to note that officers continue to try and find the balance between applying our professionalism to the workstreams associated with the council's response to the discovery of RAAC in properties and our empathy for those tenants and homeowners, in particular affected by the discovery of RAAC in their homes. The proposed plans included within this report will continue to adapt in light of changing circumstances. Throughout the process officers will continue to endeavour to respond to the needs of residents and homeowners wherever possible;

(vi)          to note that AtkinsRéalis had been procured to manage and deliver the demolition phase.

(vii)         to approve the indicative demolition proposals and sequence of phases, noting that only vacant terraces/blocks will be demolished;

(viii)       to agree that to deliver the demolition in the indicative sequence there are interdependencies on items such as utility disconnections, property ownership and asbestos surveys. As a result, the indicative sequence may be subject to change and will not commence until all interdependencies are resolved;

(ix)          to note the budget in relation to RAAC at Balnagask forms part of the Council budget held on Wednesday 5 March 2025;

(x)           to agree that any changes to the indicative phases of demolition be shared with Elected Members via a Service Update and of course, with the affected communities.

(xi)          to approve the ‘Demolition Engagement Plan’ as shown in Appendix F;

(xii)         to note the landscaping options available in Appendix E and instructs the Chief Officer Capital to engage with the community on the landscaping options;

(xiii)       to instruct Chief Officers Housing, Capital and Corporate Landlord to consider the landscaping options more fully when they report back to Committee on the outcomes of the viability of the alternative options presented by the Torry RAAC Campaign Group Management Committee; and

(xiv)       to agree that no more verbal reports were required to be presented by the Chief Officer – Housing at this committee, regarding rehoming numbers, given the current stage of delivery.


Residential Caravan Site Licensing Renewal - CORS/25/034 pdf icon PDF 235 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to note the work carried out by Environmental Health officers regarding the renewal of the site licenses of seven residential caravan sites within Aberdeen City;

(ii)            to note that these seven residential caravan sites have successfully had their licenses renewed for the next five years; and

(iii)          to note the additional site license conditions in the renewed licenses.


Draft Aberdeen Local Housing Strategy - F&C/25/043 pdf icon PDF 322 KB

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The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to note the draft Aberdeen City Local Housing Strategy in Appendix 1;

(ii)            to approve the minor changes made to the seven strategic priorities following further analysis of data, consideration of research, and engagement with partners and stakeholders as outlined at paragraph 3.8;

(iii)          to instruct the Chief Officer - Housing to consult with the public and key stakeholders on the draft Local Housing Strategy between 24 March 2025 and 18 May 2025, as outlined at paragraphs 3.11 – 3.20, including academics linked to the Health Determinants Research Collaboration; and

(iv)          to instruct the Chief Officer - Housing to report the findings of the consultation, alongside a revised Local Housing Strategy and Delivery Plan which will be updated to incorporate any necessary changes following the review of the consultation responses, to the August meeting of the Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee for formal approval and implementation.


Resettlement Delivery Plan - F&C/25/050 pdf icon PDF 235 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to note the analysis of Resettlement in Appendix A has informed the development of the draft Resettlement Delivery Plan;

(ii)            to approve the draft Resettlement Delivery Plan in Appendix B;  

(iii)          to instruct the Chief Officer - Housing to seek feedback from key stakeholders including academics linked to the Health Determinates Research Collaboration in advance of refreshing the Resettlement Delivery Plan in 2026 and undertaking a wider analysis in 2027; and

(iv)          to instruct the Chief Officer - Housing to report progress against the Plan, and any proposed changes to the Plan in light of changing circumstances, to the Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee on a yearly basis.