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Enterprise, Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Committee

This page lists the meetings for Enterprise, Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Committee.


Information about Enterprise, Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Committee





1.         To be accountable for all services provided by the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Service, except where delegated to the Planning Development Management Committee.

2.         To receive and scrutinise performance information for the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Service, except where delegated to the Planning Development Management Committee.

3.         To take financial decisions concerning the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Service budget where there will not be an adverse impact.

4.         To ensure that it delivers the services within the overall resources and management strategies as set by the Council and overseen by the Finance, Policy and Resources Committee; and to ensure that it achieves maximum value for money and Best Value in service delivery; except where delegated to the Planning Development Management Committee.

5.         To approve changes to staffing structures and establishment within the agreed budget.

6.         To develop and agree service policies.

7.         In respect of Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre Ltd and its subsidiary companies, the Committee shall receive from the governance hub twice yearly progress reports on matters such as operational performance (including financial performance), people performance, risk management  and service quality (including single outcome agreement achievements, customer feedback, and health and safety); and an annual presentation on the ALEO business plan, which will be used to approve funding for the subsequent year.

8.         The Committee will consider such reports on the following tier 2 and 3 organisations, and any tier 4 organisation, as may be submitted from the governance hub:-

·                    North East Scotland Transport Partnership (NESTRANS)

·                    Strategic Development Planning Authority (SDPA)

·                    Visit Scotland

·                    Grampian Venture Capital Fund Ltd

·                    Aberdeen City and Shire Economic Forum (ACSEF)

·                    Aberdeen Renewables Group (AREG)

9.         The Committee can require representatives of organisations to attend its meetings.