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Education and Childrens Services Committee - expired

This page lists the meetings for Education and Childrens Services Committee - expired.


Information about Education and Childrens Services Committee - expired

Please note that online agendas are retained indefinitely


To view Service Updates for this Committee, use the following link:-

E&CS Service Updates







1.         To be accountable for all services provided by the Educationand Children’s Services Service.

2.         To receive and scrutinise performance information for the Education and Children’s Services Service.

3.         To take financial decisions concerning the Education and Children’s Services Service budget where there will not be an adverse impact.

4.         To develop and approve policies and strategies for all functions of the Council as education authority.

5.         To oversee the functions of the Council as education authority under the Education (Scotland) Act and all other relevant legislation and regulations relating thereto.

6.         To ensure that it delivers the services of the Educationand Children’s Services Service within the overall resources and management strategies as set by the Council and overseen by the Finance, Policy and Resources Committee; and to ensure that it achieves maximum value for money and best value in service delivery.

7.         To develop and approve service policies.

8.         To approve HR policies for teaching staff including instrumental music instructors, advisors and educational psychologists.

9.         To hear appeals by teaching staff. 

10.      To determine any complaints against external members of the Committee in accordance with the agreed procedure.

11.      To approve individual culture and sport awards to the value of £10,000.

12.      To consider any and all other items relating to culture and/ or sport, except where expressly delegated to another Committee or Sub Committee, including, but not limited to, the following:

(a)          reports on culture and sport policy and strategy matters, including research and consultancy work, the development of sports and cultural priorities and action plans

(b)          reports and presentations on previously approved major revenue and capital initiatives such as the proposed enhanced culture programme, Sistema, Commonwealth Games Legacy planning, and other projects

(c)          implementation reports on organisational performance and How Good is Our Culture and Sport (HGIOC&S), ensuring that funds are used to meet the strategic and operational objectives of the City Council

13.      In respect of Sport Aberdeen Ltd and Aberdeen Sports Village Ltd, to receive from the governance hub twice yearly progress reports on matters such as operational performance (including financial performance), people performance, risk management and service quality (including single outcome agreement achievements, customer feedback, and health and safety); and an annual presentation on the ALEO business plan, which will be used to approve funding for the subsequent year.

14.      To consider such reports on the following tier 2 and 3 organisations, and any tier 4 organisation, as may be submitted from the governance hub:-

·                    Aberdeen Performing Arts (APA)

·                    Garthdee Alpine Sports

·                    Transition Extreme Sports Ltd

·                    Peacock Visual Arts

·                    Aberdeen International Youth Festival

·                    Belmont Filmhouse Aberdeen Ltd

·                    Station House Media Unit

15.      Representatives from external organisations are required, when requested, to attend and contribute to meetings.