Browse meetings

Public Protection Committee

This page lists the meetings for Public Protection Committee.


Information about Public Protection Committee

Terms of Reference operational from 1 April 2020



To receive assurance on the statutory regulatory duties placed on the Council for:

  • Child Protection;
  • Adult Protection;
  • Consumer Protection and Environmental Health;
  • Civil Contingency responsibilities for local resilience and prevention; and
  • Building control.


To undertake the Council’s duties in relation to the Police and Fire and Rescue Services under the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012.




1.         Child and Adult Protection


The Committee will receive assurance from the Child and Adult Protection Committees on:

1.1       the impact and effectiveness of child and adult support and protection improvement initiatives, including:

1.1.1    delivery of national initiatives and local implications;

1.1.2    learning from significant case reviews;

1.1.3    quality assurance;

1.1.4    training and development; and

1.1.5    local evidence based initiatives;

1.2       effective working across child and adult protection; and

1.3       statistics relating to the Child Protection Register and the Vulnerable People’s Database, whilst noting that it has no remit to challenge entries.


The Committee will also:

1.4       receive assurance on the outcome of Council’s duty to deliver an effective justice service as determined by statutory inspections;

1.5       receive assurance on the Council’s compliance with statutory duties in respect of child poverty; and 

1.6          consider the Chief Social Work Officer’s Annual Report


2.         Local Resilience


The Committee will:

2.1       monitor compliance with the Council’s duties relating to resilience and local emergencies; this includes reviewing staffing arrangements and systems for incident management 

2.2       monitor compliance with the Council’s duties relating to the provision of a city mortuary, and its adequacy for supporting the needs of mass fatalities;

2.3       receive assurance that services are maintaining and reviewing Business Continuity Plans in accordance with the priorities allocated to them;

2.4       receive relevant local, regional and national lessons learnt reports and recommendations in respect of emergency planning matters and monitor their implementation; and

2.5       monitor the Council’s response to the National CONTEST strategy and associated plans relating to Counter Terrorism.


3.         Protective Services 


The Committee will:

3.1       receive assurance in respect of the Council’s performance in relation to Trading Standards, Environmental Health (including the Public Mortuary) and Scientific Services;

3.2       receive external inspection and audit reports relating to the above services listed at 3.1; and

3.3       receive a summary of findings from statutory sampling and analysis work carried out by or on behalf of the Environmental Health and Trading Standards services to ensure compliance with required standards.


4.         Building Control


The Committee will consider reports on:

4.1       major incidents and fatal accident inquiries and any resulting impact and responsibilities placed on the Council;

4.2       activity by Building Standards in relation to public safety and dangerous buildings; and

4.3       activity by Building Standards in relation to public safety for unauthorised building work and the unauthorised occupation of buildings.


5.         Police and Fire and Rescue Service


In respect of the Council’s responsibilities under the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005 and the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012 in relation to the Scottish Police Authority, the Police Service of Scotland and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, the Committee will:

5.1       contribute to and comment on the Strategic Police Plan and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Strategic Plan when consulted by the relevant national authority;

5.2       respond to consultation by the Chief Constable on the designation of a local commander and by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service on the designation of a local senior officer;

5.3       be involved in the setting of priorities and objectives both for the policing of Aberdeen and for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service in the undertaking of its functions in Aberdeen;

5.4       specify policing measures the Council wishes the local commander to include in a Local Police Plan;

5.5       approve a Local Police Plan submitted by the local commander and to approve a Local Fire and Rescue Plan (including a revised plan) submitted by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service;

5.6       receive reports on service provision and delivery in Aberdeen and provide feedback to the local commander and the local senior officer;

5.7       consider reports, statistical information and other information about the policing of Aberdeen and the undertaking of the Fire and Rescue function in Aberdeen provided in response to the Council’s reasonable requests;

5.8       agree, with the local commander, modifications to an approved Local Police Plan at any time; and

5.9       liaise with the local commander and local senior officer with regard to the undertaking by them of the community planning duties of the Chief Constable and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.


Executive Lead:  Chief Officer - Governance