Agenda item

Visitor Levy - CR&E/25/028


With reference to article 18 of the minute of meeting of 9 August 2024, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of City Regeneration and Environment which outlined the proposal for introducing a Visitor Levy in Aberdeen.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)      note the various stages including the outline proposal, consultation, and public report that local authorities are required to engage in prior to a decision on whether to proceed with a visitor levy;

(b)      note the absolute earliest proposed date that Aberdeen City Council could introduce a visitor levy is 01 April 2027;

(c)      note the sector’s key stakeholders (referenced in section 3.21 of this report) that have co-designed the outline proposal;

(d)      approve the Aberdeen visitor levy scheme outline proposal (A Visitor Levy for Aberdeen - Proposal for Consultation) in the Appendix hereto; and

(e)      instruct the Chief Officer - City Development and Regeneration to proceed with wider consultation and its subsequent evaluation and report back to the Finance and Resources Committee on the consultation, and seeking a decision on how to proceed, on 6 August 2025.


The Convener, seconded by Councillor Greig, moved:-

that the Committee approve the recommendations contained within the report.


Councillor Malik, seconded by Councillor Watson, moved as an amendment:-

that the Committee –

(1)    approve recommendations (a), (b), (c) and (e);

(2)    approve the Aberdeen Visitor Levy Scheme outline proposal (A Visitor Levy for Aberdeen - Proposal for Consultation), subject to amending the range of Levy Rates to be consulted upon to 2% - 10% rather than the proposed 5% - 10% outlined in the Appendix; and

(3)    note the report is void of the Council’s position leading up to the introduction of the Visitor Levy (Scotland) Act 2024; therefore agree special mention must go to former Council Leader Jenny Laing who championed local authorities’ ability to have the power should they wish to implement a Tourism levy as far back as 2015, which included a report to Council.


Councillor Brooks, seconded by Councillor Farquhar, moved as a further amendment:-

that the Committee –

(1)       note the various stages required by the Visitor Levy (Scotland) Act 2024, including an outline proposal, consultation and public report that local authorities are required to engage in prior to a decision on whether to proceed with a visitor levy (aka Tourist Tax);

(2)       note that the Council is not under any legal obligation to impose a Visitor levy;

(3)       note the requirements of the Visitor Levy (Scotland) Act 2024 to reach a decision following consultation with people and bodies affected by the proposal;

(4)       note that (with reference to paragraph 3.21 of the report) the Council has not included the Scottish Tourism Alliance (STA) as a key stakeholder.

(5)       in reference to statements made by this administration in the City Council Delivery Plan, instruct the Executive Director - City Regeneration and Environment to consult with the public by asking the simple question of “Do you want to see a Tourist Tax (Visitors Levy) implemented in Aberdeen City?”; and

(6)       furthermore, instruct the Executive Director - City Regeneration and Environment to engage and consult the STA as a key stakeholder before further action is taken.


In terms of Standing Order 29.20, a vote was taken between the two amendments.


On a division, there voted:- for the amendment by Councillor Malik (2) – Councillors Malik and Watson; for the amendment by Councillor Brooks (2) – Councillors Brooks and Farquhar; declined to vote (5) – the Convener and Councillors Allard, Cooke, Greig and Radley.


As there was a tied vote, in terms of Standing Order 32.7,the Convener had the casting vote, however in terms of Standing Order 32.7.1,the Convener chose not to exercise his casting vote, therefore the Clerk advised that a lot would be drawn to decide the outcome of the tied vote. Following which, the amendment by Councillor Brooks was successful and would be put to the vote against the motion.


On a division, there voted:- for the motion (5) – the Convener and Councillors Allard, Cooke, Greig and Radley; for the amendment by Councillor Brooks (2) – Councillors Brooks and Farquhar; declined to vote (2) Councillors Malik and Watson.


The Committee resolved:-

to adopt the motion.

Supporting documents: