Agenda item

Motion by Councillor Yuill - Heavy Goods Vehicles Using Morningside Road, Cranford Road and Duthie Terrace - EPI/12/041


(A)       In terms of Standing Order 10(1), and as agreed at the beginning of the meeting (see article 1 above), the Committee received a deputation from Mrs Morrison, in relation to the above-named report.


Mrs Morrison advised the Committee that she supported the terms of Councillor Yuill’s motion to introduce an ‘except for access’ weight or width restriction on Morningside Road, Cranford Road and Duthie Terrace, plus that part of Hammerfield Avenue not already covered by such a restriction, to prevent access to HGVs and other larger vehicles, and requested the Committee to reject the officers recommendations contained in the report. Mrs Morrison provided an overview of the current situation with HGVs using these roads on a frequent basis, and highlighted the implications this had on residents, pedestrians and other road users.


Members asked questions of Mrs Morrison and thanked her for her contribution.


(B)       The Committee then received a deputation from Mr Lane.


Mr Lane advised that he had been a long term resident of Morningside Road and had witnessed the volume of HGVs using the road increase over the years. He explained his concern for the health and safety of residents and pedestrians of the increased volume of HGVs on these roads and advised that he supported the introduction of an ‘except for access’ weight or width restriction to alleviate the problems currently experienced.


Members thanked Mr Lane for his contribution.



(C)       The Committee then received a deputation from Mr Farquhar.


Mr Farquhar explained that he had written to the Council on numerous occasions highlighting his concern at the volume of HGVs using the roads concerned and the implications this had for residents and pedestrian safety. Mr Farquhar also explained that in his view previous traffic calming measures introduced on the road had not been successful. Mr Farquhar supported the introduction of an ‘except for access’ weight or width restriction to alleviate the problems currently experienced.


Members asked questions of Mr Farquhar and thanked him for his contribution.


(D)       The Committee then received a deputation from Mr Webster.


Mr Webster advised the Committee that he had been a resident of Morningside Road for 41 years and that over the years he had witnessed a large increase in the volume of HGVs using Morningside Road.


He emphasised the importance of this matter being addressed as soon as possible and in the most practicable manner, however he appreciated that it was a complex problem. Mr Webster outlined the problems experienced by the increased volume of HGVs and highlighted that safety concerns increased during the winter months. Mr Webster supported the introduction of an “except for access” width or weight restriction on Morningside Road, Cranford Road and Duthie Terrace, plus that part of Hammerfield Avenue not already covered by such a restriction, to prevent access to HGVs and other larger vehicles.


Members asked questions of Mr Webster and thanked him for his contribution.


(E)       The Committee then received a deputation from Mr Rose.


Mr Rose advised the Committee that he was a resident of Cranford Terrace. He explained his unease regarding the increased volume of HGVs using this road. Thereafter, he queried a number of statements contained in the content of the report. In particular, he focussed on the validity of the figures; questioned why the figures were only presented in a limited manned; and recommended that a further more detailed report be presented to the Committee. Finally, Mr Rose advised that he recommended the introduction of an ‘except for access’ weight or width restriction.


Members asked questions of Mr Rose and thanked him for his contribution.


(F)       The Committee then received a deputation from Mr Den.


Mr Den advised the Committee that he had been a resident of Duthie Terrace for 36 years, and explained his concerns regarding the high volume of HGVs using this route and the impact this had on the safety of residents and pedestrians.



Mr Den explained that he had highlighted his concern to the Council on numerous occasions and had not received a response. He supported Councillor Yuill’s motion which sought the introduction of an “except for access” width restriction on Morningside Road, Cranford Road and Duthie Terrace, plus that part of Hammerfield Avenue not already covered by such a restriction, to prevent access to HGVs and other larger vehicles.


Members thanked Mr Den for his contribution.


(G)       The Committee then received a deputation from Mr Saville.


MrSaville advised the Committee of his concerns regarding the volume of HGVs using Duthie Terrace and the negative impact this had. He also supported Councillor Yuill’s motion which sought the introduction of an “except for access” width restriction on Morningside Road, Cranford Road and Duthie Terrace, plus that part of Hammerfield Avenue not already covered by such a restriction.


Members thanked Mr Saville for his contribution.


(H)       With reference to article 14 of the minute of the meeting of the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee of 13 September, 2011, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure regarding the following motion which had been submitted by Councillor Yuill:-

            “That, given the ongoing difficulties caused by lorries using Morningside Road, Cranford Road and Duthie Terrace as through routes so as to avoid the junction of Great Western Road and South Anderson Drive, Council instructs officers to report to the appropriate Committee on the introduction of an “except for access” weight restriction on these roads plus that part of Hammerfield Avenue not already covered by such a restriction.”


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       agree that given the low volume of heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) using Morningside Road, Cranford Road and Duthie Terrace, the introduction of a weight restriction on such vehicles, and the level of resources required to ensure compliance with any order, to take no action at this time;  and

(b)       instruct officers to continue to monitor the level of usage of these roads by HGVs on an annual basis to identify when any restriction would be required.


The Convener, seconded by Councillor Donnelly, moved:-

that the Committee defer a decision on the report and request officers to contact BEAR Scotland regarding the possible reconfiguration of the junction from Great Western Road to Anderson Drive, and to report back to a future meeting of the Committee in this regard.




Councillor Yuill, seconded by Councillor Cormack, moved as an amendment:-

            to request officers to commence the necessary traffic regulation order procedure for the introduction of an “except for access” width restriction on Morningside Road, Cranford Road and Duthie Terrace, plus that part of Hammerfield Avenue not already covered by such a restriction, to prevent access to HGVs and other larger vehicles, and that officers report the results to a future meeting of the Committee. The funding for the traffic regulation order procedure to come from any remaining monies within Councillor Yuill’s ward budget, as well as contingencies.


On a division, there voted:-   for the motion (12) – the Convener;  the Vice-Convener;  and Councillors Adam, Allan, Cormie, Crockett, Donnelly, Jaffrey, Leslie, MacGregor, McCaig and Penny; for the amendment (3) – Councillors Boulton, Cormack and Yuill.


The Committee resolved:-

to adopt the motion.


At this juncture, Councillor Yuill intimated that Ms Sheila Reid, Braeside and Mannofield Community Council, was in attendance as she had hand delivered a request for a deputation in relation to the previous item and had expected to address the Committee this day. Councillor Yuill sought clarity on why Ms Reid’s request had not been acknowledged and asked that officers investigate this matter. In response, Mr Allan, Committee Manager advised that Democratic Services had not received a letter from Ms Reid and therefore could not process this; however he advised that he would look into this matter with colleagues and write to Ms Reid in due course.


Thereafter, the Convener advised that given the Committee’s decision to defer a decision on the report and to request officers to contact BEAR Scotland regarding the possible reconfiguration of the junction from Great Western Road to Anderson Drive, and to report back to a future meeting of the Committee in this regard, Ms Reid would have an opportunity to request a deputation on this matter once the further report had been submitted to the Committee.


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