Agenda item

Taxi Demand Survey - Rank Specific Recommendations (Rank Review) - CG/12/23


The Committee had before it for consideration, a report by the Director of Corporate Governance which outlined the results of the consultation on the rank specific recommendations in the Taxi Demand Survey.  Attached to the report was an Equality and Human Rights Impact Assessment, which the Convener highlighted and directed Members to consider in their decision making.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee adopts the following recommendations -

(a)       Union Square -

1.      Transportation, Strategy and Programmes Officers further investigate the possibility of a rank at Palmerston Road;

2.      if it is possible to create a taxi rank at Palmerston Road instruct Environment, Planning and Infrastructure and Legal and Democratic Services officers to commence the consultation and statutory procedures to introduce the rank;

3.      report back to the Licensing and Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committees.

(b)       Back Wynd -

1.      Transportation, Strategy and Programmes Officers investigate and undertake amendments to signage as required; and

2.      take no further action.

(c)        Bridge Street -

1.      Transportation, Strategy and Programmes Officers investigate and undertake amendments to signage as required; and

2.      take no further action. 

(d)       Union Street at Castlegate -

the Committee takes no further action.

(e)       Hadden Street -

1.      the Committee endorses the review and amendment of the directional signage; and

2.      request that the wording “night time taxi rank” is included in all night time taxi rank signs in the City, subject to budget availability.

(f)         Aberdeen Railway Station -

the Committee take no further action.

(g)       Citywide -

the Committee endorse the recommendation of the Survey, which is to have a common standard of signage and street markings applied to all City taxi ranks.

(h)        Diamond Street -

1.      Environment, Planning and Infrastructure and Legal and Democratic Services officers begin the rank revocation procedures; and

2.      report back to the Licensing and Enterprise, Infrastructure and Planning Committees.

(i)         Exchequer Row/Castle Street -

1.      Environment, Planning and Infrastructure and Legal and Democratic Services officers begin the rank revocation procedures; and

2.      report back to the Licensing and Enterprise, Infrastructure and Planning Committees.

(j)         Frederick Street -

1.      Environment, Planning and Infrastructure and Legal and Democratic Services officers begin the rank revocation procedures; and

2.      report back to the Licensing and Enterprise, Infrastructure and Planning Committees.

(k)        Justice Mill Lane -

1.      Environment, Planning and Infrastructure and Legal and Democratic Services officers begin the rank revocation procedures; and

2.      report back to the Licensing and Enterprise, Infrastructure and Planning Committees.

(l)         Little Chapel Street -

1.      Environment, Planning and Infrastructure and Legal and Democratic Services officers begin the rank revocation procedures; and

2.      report back to the Licensing and Enterprise, Infrastructure and Planning Committees.

(m)      Rubislaw Place -

1.      Environment, Planning and Infrastructure and Legal and Democratic Services officers begin the rank revocation procedures; and

2.      report back to the Licensing and Enterprise, Infrastructure and Planning Committees.

(n)        Gilcomston -

1.      Environment, Planning and Infrastructure investigate the possibility of introducing a rank at Rosemount Viaduct in terms of the Survey recommendations;

2.      if it is possible to progress a rank at that location instruct Environment, Planning and Infrastructure and Legal and Democratic Services officers to commence the consultation and statutory procedures to introduce the rank in terms of the Survey recommendation; and

3.      report back to the Licensing and Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committees.

(o)       Southern stretch of Crown Street -

take no further action.

(p)       Eastern end of School Hill -

1.      Environment, Planning and Infrastructure investigate the possibility of introducing a rank at School Hill in terms of the Survey recommendations;

2.      if it is possible to progress a rank at that location instruct Environment, Planning and Infrastructure and Legal and Democratic Services officers to commence the consultation and statutory procedures to introduce the rank in terms of the Survey recommendation; and

3.      report back to the Licensing and Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committees.

(q)       George Street -

1.      Environment, Planning and Infrastructure investigate the possibility of introducing a rank at George Street in terms of the Survey recommendations;

2.      if it is possible to progress a rank at that location instruct Environment, Planning and Infrastructure and Legal and Democratic Services officers to commence the consultation and statutory procedures to introduce the rank in terms of the Survey recommendation; and

3.      report back to the Licensing and Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committees.


The Committee were advised that there was an error in the information contained under the headings at recommendations (d) and (e) above, which should read as follows:-

(d)       Union Street at Castlegate -

1.      the Committee endorses the review and amendment of the directional signage; and

2.      request that the wording “night time taxi rank” is included in all night time taxi rank signs in the City, subject to budget availability.

(e)       Hadden Street -

the Committee takes no further action.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to approve the recommendations subject to the amendments at (d) and (e) above;

(ii)        to congratulate officers in relation to the work undertaken; and

(iii)       to note that work would be undertaken to install and reconfigure a new traffic detection system for the traffic lights to assist traffic flow at the entrance/exit to the Railway Station.

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