Agenda item

Motion by Councillor Yuill - Introduction of restrictions that would prevent heavy or large goods vehicles from using Broomhill Road as a through road


(A)       In terms of Standing Order 10(1), and as agreed at the beginning of the meeting (see article 1 above), the Committee received a deputation from Ms Waddell, in relation to the above-named report.


Ms Waddell explained her concern at the high volume of heavy goods vehicles using Broomhill Lane and the safety implications of this for residents and pedestrians. She highlighted the speed of these vehicles and urged the Committee to support the terms of Councillor Yuill’s motion to introduce of an “except for access” width or weight restriction on some or all of Broomhill Road between Holburn Street and South Anderson Drive.


Members thanked Ms Waddell for her contribution.


 (B)      The Committee then received a deputation from Mr Taylor.


Mr Taylor explained that he had been a resident on Broomhill Road for a long time and throughout this time he had seen a considerable increase in the number of heavy goods vehicles using Broomhill Road as a through route.


He advised of the serious implications this was having on residents and of his safety concerns resulting from the volume of heavy goods vehicles. He supported Councillor Yuill’s proposal for the introduction of an “except for access” width or weight restriction on some or all of Broomhill Road between Holburn Street and South Anderson Drive.


Members asked questions of Mr Taylor and thanked him for his contribution.


            (C)       The Committee then received a deputation from Ms Kunzlik.


Ms Kunzlik highlighted that the increasing volume of heavy goods vehicles using Broomhill Road was a long standing concern of residents. In particular, she and others were concerned for the health and safety of residents and pedestrians. Ms Kunzlik supported the proposal to introduce an ‘except for access’ weight or width restriction on Broomhill, as sought by Councillor Yuill’s motion, to alleviate the current problem.


Members asked questions of Ms Kunzlik and thanked her for her contribution.


(D)       With reference to article 11 of the minute of the meeting of the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee of 31 January, 2012, the Committee had before it a further report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure regarding Councillor Yuill’s Notice of Motion:-

 “That given the ongoing difficulties caused by HGVs using Broomhill Road as a through road, the Council instructs officers to report to the appropriate Committee on the introduction of an “except for access” with weight restriction on some or all of Broomhill Road between Holburn Street and South Anderson Drive”; and explored other options available, not excluding the introduction of an “except for access” with and/or weight restriction to address the concerns of residents on Broomhill Road.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       agree that, given the strategic importance of Broomhill Road within the road network and the proportionately small percentage of HGVs that were using Broomhill Road as a through route, restricting LGVs/HGVs along Broomhill Road would not be appropriate;  and

(b)       agree that no action be taken at this time.


The Convener, seconded by the Vice-Convener moved:-

            that the recommendations in the report be approved and to request officers to undertake further speed, volume           and parking surveys on Broomhill Road following the implementation of the new puffin crossing and report back to the Committee with this information.


Councillor Yuill, seconded by Councillor Delaney moved as an amendment:-

            to request officers to commence the necessary traffic regulation order process for the introduction of an “Except for Access” width or weight restriction on some or all of Broomhill Road between Holburn Street and South Anderson Drive and to report back to the Committee in this regard. The funding for the Traffic Regulation Order to come from contingencies.  

On a division, there voted:-  for the motion (13) – the Convener;  the Vice-Convener;  and Councillors Allan, Boulton, Corall, Dunbar, Grant, Jaffrey, Finlayson, MacGregor, McCaig, Jean Morrison MBE and Thomson;  for the amendment (2) - Councillors Delaney and Yuill.


The Committee resolved:-

to adopt the motion.



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