Agenda item

Four Traffic Orders - Outcome of Main Statutory Advertisement Stage - CG/12/054


(A) In terms of Standing Order 10(1), and as agreed at the beginning of the meeting (see article 1 above), the Committee received a deputation from Mr Buchan and Ms Sim, in relation to the recommendation regarding Newhills Avenue contained in the above-named report.


Mr Buchan questioned the rationale for the proposal and highlighted that there have been no incidents of safety at the location. He explained that residents felt that the proposal would aggravate the current parking situation experienced by residents and question where they should park if the measure was introduced.


Mr Buchan and Ms Sim suggested the following alternative proposals to alleviate the parking concerns:- (1) the introduction of a one-way restriction on the length of Newhills Avenue; (2) the grass and the outer pavement on Newhills Avenue be removed so that all residents, nurses, doctors etc could park off the road safely; and (3) the corner of the road be widened and the double yellow only come as far as number 1 Dykeside Way and not number 11; and (4) extension of the existing bus lay-by to provide residential parking, the lay-by originally was used solely for cars.


Members asked questions of Mr Buchan and Ms Sim and thanked them for their contribution.  


(B)       The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Corporate Governance which presented the outcome of the following four traffic orders, all at the final statutory stage:- 

(1)       The Aberdeen City Council (Citywide Traffic Management Measures) (No 1) Order 2012;

(2)       The Aberdeen City Council (Citywide Traffic Management Measures) (No 2) Order 2012;

(3)       The Aberdeen City Council (Advocates Road, Aberdeen) (Prohibition Of Waiting) Order 2012; and

(4)       The Aberdeen City Council (Mid Stocket Lane, Aberdeen) (Traffic Management) Order 2012.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       in relation to The Aberdeen City Council (Citywide Traffic Management Measures) (No 1) Order 2012:-

            (i)         approve the proposal for the north side of Queen’s Lane South and with regard to the proposal for the south side, to approve the proposed relaxation to the order as detailed in Section 5.1.1 below as shown in the appendix to the report;  and

            (ii)        request officers to monitor the impact of the introduction of the measure on the south side of Queen’s Lane South and should the impact be detrimental to the access to garages, to request officers to commence the traffic regulation order procedure for the introduction of further waiting restrictions in the front of the garages concerned;

            (iii)       overrule the objections in relation to the proposal at Queen’s Road, and approve the proposed relaxation to the order, as detailed in section 5.1.2 in the report and shown in the appendix;  and 

            (iv)       approve that the order be introduced as originally envisaged, with the exception of the relaxations proposed for Queen’s Road and the south side of Queen’s Lane South; 

(b)       in relation to The Aberdeen City Council (Citywide Traffic Management Measures) (No 2) Order 2012:- 

            (i)         overrule the objection in relation to the proposal at Forest Avenue, and approve the proposal as originally envisaged for inclusion in the order; 

            (ii)        overrule the objections in relation to the proposal at Newhills Avenue, and approve the proposed relaxation to the order, as detailed in section 5.2.2 of the report;  and

            (iii)       approve that the order be introduced as originally envisaged, with the exception of the relaxation proposed for Newhills Avenue; 

(c)        agree to defer consideration of The Aberdeen City Council (Advocates Road, Aberdeen)(Prohibition Of Waiting) Order 2012 to the next meeting of the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee to allow for further investigation to be undertaken;  and

(d)       in relation to The Aberdeen City Council (Mid Stocket Lane, Aberdeen) (Traffic Management) Order 2012, to request officers to recommence the traffic regulation order process with the proposed police parking bay at a new location on Mid Stocket Lane which was not directly adjacent to an access point.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations in the report with the exception of (b)(ii) in relation to Newhills Avenue, where the Committee requested that the proposal for Newhills Avenue be removed from the Aberdeen City Council (City Wide Traffic Management Measures) (No 2), and that officers explore the possibility of providing five, rather than four, car parking spaces at the bend of Newhills Avenue, and re-commence the traffic regulation order process.


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