Agenda item

Strategic and Local Transportation Projects Update Report - EPI/12/092


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which advised of the progress to date of various strategic and local transportation projects within Aberdeen City and the wider area.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       Draft Fares and Ticketing Strategy:-

            (i)         agree the draft Aberdeen City and Shire fares and ticketing strategies;

            (ii)        instruct officers to advise NESTRANS accordingly including any other comments Members might wish to make;  and

            (iii)       instruct officers to continue working with local bus operators and partner organisations to implement the actions outlined within the Strategy;

(b)       Draft Regional Parking Strategy:-

            (i)         agree the draft Regional Parking Strategy;  and

            (ii)        instruct officers to advise NESTRANS accordingly including any other comments Members might wish to make;

(c)        Bridge of Don Park and Ride Site Car Park:-

            (i)         agree the outcomes of the option assessment for a permanent location for the Bridge of Don Park and Ride Car Park;

            (ii)        agree that existing Park and Ride Car Park provision at the Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre (AECC) was retained on site as the permanent minimum provision;  and

            (iii)       instruct officers to further consider how Options 6 and 10 could achieve the remaining capacity required for the optimum 1000 spaces in the context of the forthcoming AECC Development Framework, including public and stakeholder consultation;

(d)       Bridge of Dee Capacity Study:-

            (i)         note the findings and outcomes of the Bridge of Dee Pre–Appraisal;

            (ii)        instruct officers to publish the Pre-Appraisal report and invite public and stakeholder comment, including offering to meet with the adjacent Community Councils;  and

            (iii)       instruct officers to continue to work with partners to undertake the formal assessment process as quickly as possible thereafter;

(e)       NESTRANS:-

            (i)         endorse development through NESTRANS as detailed in the relevant section of the report, including Board decisions and 2011/12 and 2012/13 programmes of work;

(f)         Care North:-

            (i)         approve the attendance of an Elected Member, along with officers working on the project, at the CARE North transport and urban realm meeting in Gothenburg on 6th  to 8th June, 2012;  and

(g)       otherwise note the contents of the report.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to approve recommendations (a), (b), (d), (e), (f) and (g) as contained in the report;  and

(ii)        in relation to recommendation (c) (Bridge of Don Park and Ride site car park), to:-

            (a)       note the outcome of the Option Assessment for a permanent location for the Bridge of Don Park and Ride car park; 

            (b)       note that a Development Framework was being developed to ensure the continued operation and viability of Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre; 

            (c)        agree that taking a permanent decision on the future use of the AECC car park could potentially conflict with the forthcoming Development Framework; 

            (d)       instruct the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure to bring a further report to the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee reporting on any potential conflict between the Development Framework and the preferred option for a permanent site for the Bridge of Don Park and Ride; 

            (e)       agree that in the interim the current site continue as a temporary Park and Ride location;  and

            (f)         request that the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure further discuss all possible site opportunities and provide a detailed report back on all options to a future meeting of the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee.


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