Agenda item

Minute of Meetings of the Controlled Parking Areas - Working Party of 3 February and 5 April 2012


The Committee had before it the minutes of the meetings of the Controlled Parking Areas Working Party of 3 February and 5 April, both of which contained a number of recommendations to the Committee.


The minute of the Working Party of 3 February 2012, recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       in relation to article 4 (Current Anomaly with the Procedure for Issuing Business Permits), approve that the current policy for issuing business permits be changed to allow a business a maximum of two permits per property (in the zones where two residential permits were allowed) and one of these permits might be of the flexible type; and to instruct officers to amend the required traffic regulation orders accordingly; and

(b)       in relation to article 9 (Proposed Changes to the Current Parking Permit Procedures Operational and Policy Related):-

            (i)         to approve a limited number of GP medical permits to be issued to any practice within a controlled parking zone where no off-street parking existed “for the sole use of GPs”;

            (ii)        to approve that two additional flexible permits might be purchased by any repair and maintenance garage/business within all controlled parking zones within the city (however, these additional permits must be for trade working practice only and not for staff). A business with adequate off-street parking would not be eligible for these additional permits;

            (iii)       to approve that a final reminder letter be issued at their next renewal to all permit holders advising them that this was their last and that no future reminders would be issued;  and

            (iv)       to instruct officers to amend the traffic regulation orders accordingly on the basis of the above.  


The Committee resolved:-

to approve all of the recommendations as detailed above, on the basis that officers commence the required traffic regulation order procedures for each aspect and that the results be reported to a future meeting of the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee.


The minute of the Working Party of 5 April 2012, recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       in relation to article 3 (Introduction of Parking Controls/Charges at Duthie Park), to approve the introduction of a maximum stay of 3 hours (no return within one hour) within each of the car parks within Duthie Park between the hours of 8.00am and 4.00pm, Monday to Friday; and to instruct officers to commence the required traffic regulation order procedure;

(b)       in relation to article 4 (Cross Boundary Parking and Residential Parking Permit Eligibility), to:-

            (i)         approve the proposed changes to the Zone N boundaries and the integration of Zone P within Zone N;

             (ii)       approve the amalgamation of the parking zones as noted in paragraph 5.3(i), namely that Zones K, Land M be amalgamated, Zones N and T, and  Zones H and V, each for the purpose of cross boundary movements and that this be restricted to between the hours of 4.00pm and 10.00am each day;  and

             (iii)      instruct officers to monitor the impact of the proposed changes and to review the eligibility of residents to on-street parking should cross boundary parking be seen to be unresolved;

(c)        in relation to article 5 (Allocation of Business Permits to Offices and for Offices with Multiple Occupancy), to agree to restrict the issue of business permits to those businesses classified as Class 1 Retail Activity or Class 2 Business Activity as specified in the Town and County Planning (Use Classes) (Scotland) Order 1997 only, and which did not have any off-street parking; and

(d)       in relation to article 6 (Proposed Revisions to On-Street Parking Charges for Foresterhill and Garthdee), to instruct officers to increase charges for on-street parking within both the Foresterhill and Garthdee Zones in a phased manner, with option 1 to be implemented as soon as possible and a further review undertaken to raise charges in line with public transport costs, and to instruct officers to amend the existing traffic regulation orders where required.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)        to approve recommendations (a), (b) and (c) as contained in the minute, on the basis that officers commence the required traffic regulation order procedures for each item and that the results be reported to a future meeting of the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee; and

(ii)        in relation to recommendation (d), to agree to postpone the increase of on-street parking charges in both the Foresterhill and Garthdee Zones until a review of NHS Grampian’s new parking scheme had been undertaken and to request officers to report back to the Committee at this time.


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