Agenda item

Appointments - OCE/12/011


The Council had before it a report by the Chief Executive which presented various elected member appointments for approval to trusts, boards and outside bodies as agreed by Group Leaders.


The report recommended:-

that the Council -

(a)              agree the elected members appointments to trusts, boards and outside bodies as agreed by Group Leaders, and as appended to the report;

(b)              agree that the requirement for Council representation on the Boards of Alcohol Support Limited, Garthdee Alpine Sports and Oakbank School be reviewed with a report on the matter being brought back to Council in August 2012;

(c)               agree that the filling of the remaining vacancies be reported to Council in August 2012; and

(d)              agree that should a group wish to change the individual nominated to a place allocated to that group on a committee, sub-committee, trust, board or outside body, the change should be notified to the Senior Democratic Services Manager.


The Council resolved:-

(i)                 to agree the elected member appointments to trusts, boards and outside bodies as listed in the table below; and

(ii)               otherwise to approve the recommendations.






Chris Anderson Trust

4 members


David Cameron

Graham Dickson

Ross Thomson

Willie Young


Jack Wood Trust


6 members

Barney Crockett

Fraser Forsyth

John Reynolds

Gordon Townson

Willie Young

1 to be advised


Marguerite McBey Trust


2 members

Marie Boulton

Jennifer Stewart


Proctor’s Orphanage Trust

Lord Provost and 4 members


Barney Crockett

Alan Donnelly

Jim Noble

1 to be advised


Grampian Fire and Rescue Board


6 members and 6 substitute members


(Kirsty Blackman, Andrew Finlayson, Callum McCaig, Tauqeer Malik, Ross Thomson, Willie Young - substitutes )


Yvonne Allan

David Cameron

Scott Carle

Alan Donnelly

Neil MacGregor

John Reynolds


Grampian Joint Police Board


6 members and 6 substitute members


(Andrew Finlayson, Graeme Lawrence, Tauqeer Malik, Ross Thomson, Gordon Townson, Ian Yuill - substitutes)


Marie Boulton

Jackie Dunbar

Fraser Forsyth

Martin Greig

Angela Taylor

Willie Young


Grampian Valuation Joint Board


6 members and 6 substitute members


(John Corall, Fraser Forsyth, Graeme Lawrence, Tauqeer Malik, John Reynolds -  substitutes)

Bill Cormie

Alan Donnelly

Andrew Finlayson

Ross Grant

Jean Morrison MBE

Sandy Stuart

1 SNP substitute to be advised


NESTRANS (North East Scotland Transport Partnership)

4 members including 1 opposition and 4 substitute members


(Marie Boulton, Barney Crockett, Willie Young, Ian Yuill - substitutes)


Andrew Finlayson

Ross Grant

Callum McCaig

Ramsay Milne


Scotland Excel

Centre for Procurement expertise for Local Government


2 members and 2 substitute members


(Gordon Graham, Jenny Laing - substitutes)


Barney Crockett

Willie Young


Strategic Development Planning Authority


6 members including 2 opposition and 6 substitute members


(Marie Boulton, Bill Cormie, Steve Delaney, Alan Donnelly, Gordon Graham, Angela Taylor - substitutes)


John Corall

Andrew Finlayson

Ross Grant

Ramsay Milne

Ross Thomson

Ian Yuill


Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group (AREG)


1 administration member and 1 substitute member


(Ramsay Milne - substitute)


Jean Morrison MBE


Alcohol Support Limited

1 opposition member


1 to be advised


Requirement for Council representation to be reviewed.


Garthdee Alpine Sports Board


5 members (3 local, 1 administration and 1 opposition)

Angela Taylor

4 to be advised


Requirement for Council representation to be reviewed.


North East Agricultural Advisory Committee


5 members including 2 opposition


John Corall

Ross Grant

Graeme Lawrence

Jean Morrison MBE

1 to be advised


North East Sensory Service (NESS)

1 opposition member



1 to be advised

Oakbank School Governors

9 members


Yvonne Allan

Scott Carle

Alan Donnelly

Jenny Laing

Angela Taylor

Willie Young

3 to be advised


Requirement for Council representation to be reviewed.


Robb’s Trust


2 opposition members

John Corall

Jennifer Stewart


Shopmobility Management Committee


2 administration members

Tauqeer Malik

1 Labour appointment to be advised


William Harvey Trust


1 opposition member

Barney Crockett


Supporting documents: