Agenda item

Roles and Responsibilities: Is Aberdeen City Council Getting it Right? - Standing Orders, Orders of Reference, External Members on Committees and Scheme of Delegation - CG/13/110

GMB have indicated that they support the Unison response regarding the Scheme of Delegation


With reference to Article 11 of the minute of its meeting of 21 August 2013, the Council had before it a report by the Chief Executive which proposed a complaints procedure for external members of committees and a revised scheme of delegation to officers, and sought approval of minor changes to Standing Orders and Orders of Reference.


The report recommended:-

that the Council -

(a)               suspend Standing Order 22(1) and approve the amendment of the Orders of Reference for the Audit and Risk Committee to transfer the consideration of outcomes in respect of Arms’ Length External Organisations to the Orders of Reference for the Education, Culture and Sport, Enterprise, Strategic Planning and Infrastructure and Social Care, Wellbeing and Safety Committees, as set out in paragraph 5.2 and as recommended by the Audit and Risk Committee of 24 September 2013;

(b)               suspend Standing Order 22(1) and approve changes (1) to Standing Orders 20 and 21, so that deadlines for the submission of questions and motions which would otherwise fall over Christmas and New Year or on another public holiday would now fall prior to the holiday period, as set out in paragraph 5.4; and (2) to Standing Order 10(1), by adding “No deputation shall be accepted which relates to a petition before the Petitions Committee.”;

(c)               approve the establishment of a sub committee of seven members to hear and determine complaints against external members of committees and sub committees in accordance with the procedure set out at paragraph 5.6 and Appendix A, and agree to write to the Standards Commission for Scotland to suggest that a national code be put in place for external members of local authority committees;

(d)               approve the revised scheme of delegation to officers as set out under paragraph 5.8 and Appendix B, determining whether or not to retain or amend delegated power 19 on page 78 in light of the response from Unison;

(e)               suspend Standing Order 22(1) and approve the transfer of one Labour Group place on the Planning Development Management Committee to the Independent Alliance Group and the transfer of one Independent Alliance Group place on the Social Care, Wellbeing and Safety Committee to the Labour Group; and

(f)                 note that the petitions pages on the Council website went live on 21 October 2013.


The Council resolved:-

(i)                 to approve recommendations (a), (b), (c), (e) and (f);

(ii)               to approve the revised scheme of delegation to officers as set out under paragraph 5.8 and Appendix B, except that the delegated power to Directors to amend establishments within approved budgets (number 19 on page 78 of Appendix B) be deleted and all Directors instructed to report to the Finance, Policy and Resources Committee on any restructuring proposal including appointing new posts, converting one post to another, changing grades and changing job titles, except for minor restructuring which would be submitted to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Convener and Vice Convener of Finance, Policy and Resources, for approval (including confirmation as to whether a proposal constituted minor restructuring or not); and

(iii)             to suspend Standing Order 22(1) and approve the following -

·        that the title of the Vice Convener of Social Care, Wellbeing and Safety (with responsibility for Police and Fire and Rescue) be amended to Vice Convener of Social Care, Wellbeing and Safety (with responsibility for Safety)

·        that the remit of the Social Care, Wellbeing and Safety Committee be amended to include -

“9. To develop and approve the Council’s Health and Safety policy, including its annual review and inclusion.”

·        that the remit of the Finance, Policy and Resources Committee be amended at paragraph 8 to read -

“To develop and approve corporate policy and strategies including partnership working, and HR polices, except the Health and Safety policy and those specified as relating to teaching staff and falling within the remit of the Education, Culture and Sport Committee.”

·        that the Corporate Health and Safety Committee report to the Social Care, Wellbeing and Safety Committee, and that the Vice Convener of Social Care, Wellbeing and Safety (with responsibility for Safety) be the senior elected member with specific responsibility for health and safety, as envisaged in the policy document.

Supporting documents: