Agenda item

Committee Business Statement




            During consideration of the following item the following members declared an interest in the matter by reason of their involvement with the North East of Scotland Transport Partnership (Nestrans):- Councillor Kevin Stewart as Chair of Nestrans, the Convener and Councillor Boulton as Board members of Nestrans, and Councillor McCaig as a substitute Board member of Nestrans.  None of the members involved considered it necessary to leave the meeting during the committee’s deliberation on the report before it.



The Committee had before it a statement of pending and outstanding committee business, which had been prepared by the Head of Democratic Services.


With regard to item 20 (Disabled Persons’ parking Places (Scotland) Act 2009 the Committee received an oral update from Mr. D Wemyss, Senior Committee Officer (Roads Legislation) who confirmed that as agreed at the previous meeting of the Committee, the Council had written to the Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change at Holyrood, and also to COSLA, NESTRANS and SCOTS (the Society of Chief Officers for Transportation in Scotland), outlining its serious concern about the situation, calling for significant financial support to enable local authorities to deal with their new obligations, and exploring lines of enquiry that could ameliorate some of the worst difficulties now being confronted. The Council was still awaiting a formal response from the Minister; however the Convener had received a letter from him in which he had suggested grounds for optimism by advising that his officials had approached the Department for Transport to seek an amendment to the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Direction 2002 to allow mandatory disabled parking places to provide for without the need for a Traffic Regulation Order or the associated regulatory traffic sign. In addition they were also examining amending the Local Authorities’ Traffic Order (Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 1999 to simplify the promotion and advertising process.


The Committee then heard from Councillor Kevin Stewart, Chair of Nestrans, who advised that Nestrans at its meeting on 3 September 2009, had considered the Council’s letter on this matter and agreed to send a letter supporting the Council’s position to the Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change. Thereafter, he highlighted the financial implications of the Act for local authorities and emphasised that the Council could not afford to lose sight of this and should remain cautious despite the optimism in the Minister’s letter, and therefore that officers should continue to prepare for the implementation of the Act.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to delete items 3 (Traffic Management in Gordon Mills Crescent Area – Beach Boulevard – Jack’s Brae – Carnehie Brae – Charlotte Street); 6 (Minto Place (Off Minto Drive, Altens); 7 (Craig Den (and access road to Woodend Hospital) – Criagton Road – Speademill Road – Crombie Road – Traffic Management Measures); 8 (Broomhill Road – Affleck Street – Hamilton Place (no.19) – Aberdeen gateway, Moss-side); 9 (Bloomfield Road – Westerton Road – Marchbank Road, Cults – Cults Primary School – North Esplanade West – Prospect Terrace – A944 Westhill Roundabout – Deeside Golf Club, Bieldside); and 12 (Coach parking – Remit from Disability Advisory Group);

(ii)        to support the comments of Councillor Kevin Stewart in relation to item 20 (Disabled Persons’ Parking Act) and to highlight that, although there were grounds for optimism detailed within the Letter from the Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change, officers should remain cautious and continue progress with the implementation of the Act as required; and

(iii)       to otherwise note the updates contained therein.

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