Agenda item

Organisational Review (Phase One) - OCE/14/020


(A)       In terms of Standing Order 10(2), the Council received a deputation from Ms Karen Davidson and Ms Deirdre Macdonald of Unison.


Ms Davidson made reference to the consultation process, highlighting that the trade unions had received the information immediately prior to a public holiday weekend, which had not been very helpful for staff. She also made reference to the number of staff responses to the consultation, adding that a number of staff were unaware of the roadshows that had been held.


In terms of the proposals contained within the report, Ms Davidson highlighted the lack of detail below first tier level and that there was a great deal of uncertainty across the Council but particularly amongst Personal Assistants and Business Managers, however she thanked the Chief Executive for meeting the Personal Assistants the previous day. She emphasised that a reduction in the number of Directorates would not equate to a reduction in workload and questioned what interim arrangements would be put in place.


Ms Davidson requested that consideration of the report be deferred for further discussion, particularly in the context of the integration of health and social care which was not due to be implemented until April 2015.


Ms Macdonald reminded members of the SWIA (Social Work Inspection Agency) report of 2008, which had been heavily critical of the Council’s operation of social work services, and which was partially attributed to the decentralisation of the service. She emphasised that there had been a dramatic turnaround in performance since 2008, which coincided with the reintroduction of a Social Care and Wellbeing Directorate, however the proposals contained within the report would result in social work services being spread across a number of different sectors once again. She added that staff were greatly concerned and did not feel confident that the proposed changes were being introduced for the right reasons.


Members asked questions of Ms Davidson and Ms Macdonald and thanked them for their contribution.




            At this juncture, Councillors Ironside and Yuill declared interests as members of Unison and Councillors Kiddie and Milne declared interests as retired members of Unison. None of the members considered that the nature of their interest required them to leave the meeting.


(B)       The Council had before it a report by the Chief Executive which recommended changes to the Council’s organisational structure at top tier level, and set the context for phase two of the review which would impact primarily on existing Heads of Service.


The report recommended:-

that the Council -

(a)          approve the proposed top tier structure model as set out at appendix 2 to the report;

(b)          approve the process for filling the top tier posts as detailed at appendix 3 to the report; and

(c)          note that proposals emanating from phase two of the review would be reported to Council later in the year and that the phase two report would also include a proposed committee structure to reflect the new management arrangements.


Councillor Laing moved, seconded by Councillor Boulton:-

That the Council approve the recommendations contained within the report and agree that the function of Chief Social Work Officer be placed within a Council Directorate.


Councillor McCaig moved as an amendment, seconded by Councillor Kiddie:-

That the Council defer final consideration of the matter pending the report referred to in recommendation (c) regarding phase two, agree the continuing need for a Director of Social Care and Wellbeing, and instruct the Chief Executive to reflect this in the report back.


Councillor Yuill moved as a further amendment, seconded by Councillor Greig:-

That the Council approve the recommendations contained within the report, agree that it is the Council’s view that the Joint Accountable Officer should have the job title Director of Health and Social Care Integration, and instruct the Chief Executive to report back to the Council meeting in August on the appropriate location of the Chief Social Work Officer within the Council’s structure.


There being a motion and two amendments, the Council first divided between the amendment by Councillor McCaig and the amendment by Councillor Yuill.


On a division, there voted:-


For the amendment by Councillor McCaig  (13)  -  Councillors Blackman, Cameron, Corall, Dickson, Jackie Dunbar, Kiddie, MacGregor, McCaig, May, Noble, Samarai, Sandy Stuart and Townson.


For the amendment by Councillor Yuill  (5)  -  Councillors Delaney, Greig, Malone, Jennifer Stewart and Yuill.


Declined to vote  (23)  -  Lord Provost; Depute Provost; and Councillors Allan, Boulton, Carle, Cooney, Crockett, Donnelly, Lesley Dunbar, Finlayson, Forsyth, Graham, Grant, Ironside, Laing, Lawrence, Malik, Milne, Jean Morrison, Nathan Morrison, Taylor, Thomson and Young.


The Council then divided between the motion and the amendment by Councillor McCaig.


On a division, there voted:-


For the motion  (28)  -  Lord Provost; Depute Provost; and Councillors Allan, Boulton, Carle, Cooney, Crockett, Delaney, Donnelly, Lesley Dunbar, Finlayson, Forsyth, Graham, Grant, Greig, Ironside, Laing, Lawrence, Malik, Malone, Milne, Jean Morrison, Nathan Morrison, Jennifer Stewart, Taylor, Thomson, Young and Yuill.


For the amendment by Councillor McCaig  (13)  -  Councillors Blackman, Cameron, Corall, Dickson, Jackie Dunbar, Kiddie, MacGregor, McCaig, May, Noble, Samarai, Sandy Stuart and Townson.


The Council resolved:-

to adopt the motion.


In terms of Standing Order 15(6), Councillors Blackman, Cameron, Corall, Dickson, Jackie Dunbar, Kiddie, MacGregor, McCaig, May, Noble, Samarai, Sandy Stuart and Townson intimated their dissent against the foregoing decision.