Agenda item

Various Small Scale Traffic Management and Development Associated Proposals - (Final Stage of Statutory Process - Public Advert) (From January Committee)


In terms of Standing Order 10(1), and as agreed at the beginning of the meeting (article 1 refers), the Committee received a deputation from Ms Caren McNeil relating to the proposed car club parking spaces on Abergeldie Road, Aberdeen.


Ms McNeil (a) referred to her previously submitted objection and circulated a number of photographs of Abergeldie Road/Broomhill Road on 2nd June 2014; (b) indicated that there were significant parking problems in the area resulting in her being unable to park outside her home; (c) advised that the Tesco Store development would increase the parking situation and road safety issues in the road; (d) explained that there had been a number of accidents in the area in the last 12-14 months; (e) intimated that the new development on Pitstruan Place had increased parking problems; (f) stated that officers had indicated that there was a high demand for car club spaces in the area, but had not explained where they are coming from; and (g) outlined that the area was residential in nature and that there were good transport links with no businesses in close proximity.


Members were invited to ask questions of Ms McNeil and then thanked her for her contribution.


The Committee also received a deputation from Mr Bill Hay and Mr Ian Cukrowski relating to the proposed re-zoning of parking within the city centre.


Mr Cukrowski advised (a) that he was a business permit holder located on Little Belmont Street for 25 years; (b) that he required to use his vehicle for deliveries approximately three times per day (Monday to Friday); (c) that the proposed re-zoning would mean that he would have to park near the Green which was some distance away from his business; (d) made reference to an unwritten rule which allowed him to park 2 streets away from his business in Golden Square; and (e) that consideration should be given to allow the Belmont zone to be retained within city centre west zone.


Mr Hay advised (a) that there were currently only twelve permits in the Belmont zone, six of which were residents and the others being businesses; and (b) that he parked in Golden Square because it was more practicable and there was very little parking in Union Terrace.


Members were invited to ask questions of Mr Hay and Mr Cukrowski and then thanked them both for their contribution.


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which advised of the outcome of the final statutory stage of the following 13 traffic orders and presented the objections which had been received where relevant in each case:-

(1)       The Aberdeen City Council (Palmnerston Road/Stell Road, Aberdeen) (Prohibition of Waiting) (Taxi Rank) Order 201(X);

(2)       The Aberdeen City Council (Access Road Serving Property No. 38 Powis Terrace, Aberdeen) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 201(X);

(3)       The Aberdeen City Council (Seafield Court, Aberdeen) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 201(X);

(4)       The Aberdeen City Council (Margaret Street/Rose Street, Aberdeen) (Pay & Display) Order 201(X);

(5)       The Aberdeen City Council (Souterhead Road, Aberdeen) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 201(X);

(6)       The Aberdeen City Council (Lewis Road, Aberdeen) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 201(X);

(7)       The Aberdeen City Council (North Deeside Road, Bieldside, Aberdeen) (Extension of 30mph Speed Limit) Order 201(X);

(8)       The Aberdeen City Council (Braehead School, Aberdeen) Regulatory Part-time 20mph Speed Limits) Order 201(X);

(9)       The Aberdeen City Council (Auchmill Road/Un-named Access Road Serving 256 to 264 Auchmill Road, Aberdeen) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 201(X);

(10)     The Aberdeen City Council (Disabled Persons Parking Places in Aberdeen City) (Regulatory Parking Places) (No 2) Order 201(X);

(11)     The Aberdeen City Council (On-Street Car Club Parking Spaces) (Amendment) Order 201(X);

(12)     The Aberdeen City (City Centre East, Aberdeen) (Traffic Management and Controlled Parking) Order 201(X);

(13)     The Aberdeen City Council (City Centre West, Aberdeen) (Traffic Management and Controlled Parking) Order 201(X).


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       approve the orders that did not attract objections;

(b)       in relation to The Aberdeen City Council (On-Street Car Club Parking Spaces) (Amendment) Order 201(X) approve the ‘car club’ parking bays that were not subject to objections; overrule the objections received in relation to the proposed parking bay for Abergeldie Road; and to uphold the objections received in

relation to the proposed parking bay for Leslie Road and instruct Officers to investigate the possibility of an alternative location.

(c)          in relation to The Aberdeen City Council (City Centre East, Aberdeen) (Traffic Management and Controlled Parking) Order 201(X), and The Aberdeen City Council (City Centre West, Aberdeen) (Traffic Management and Controlled Parking) Order 201(X), overrule the objections received and approve these orders be made as originally envisaged.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         approve recommendation (a);

(ii)        in relation to The Aberdeen City Council (On-Street Car Club Parking Spaces) (Amendment) Order 201(X), to approve the ‘car club’ parking bays that were not subject to objections; to defer consideration of the proposed parking bay for Abergeldie Road and that officers investigate the car club issues in that area, including alternative viable locations, to identify the demand and how it was assessed and outline the membership of the car club showing the percentage of businesses and residents; and to uphold the objections received in relation to the proposed parking bay for Leslie Road and instruct officers to investigate the possibility of an alternative location.

(iii)       in relation to The Aberdeen City Council (City Centre East, Aberdeen) (Traffic Management and Controlled Parking) Order 201(X), and The Aberdeen City Council (City Centre West, Aberdeen) (Traffic Management and Controlled Parking) Order 201(X), to retain Union Terrace (currently within Zone G) within the City Centre East Zone, Aberdeen and approve the remaining orders be made as originally envisaged.


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