Agenda item



In terms of Standing Order 10(1), and as agreed at the beginning of the meeting (article 1 refers), the Committee received a deputation from Mr Stan McEwan and Mr John Gerrie on behalf of Kingswells Community Council.


Mr Gerrie (a) advised that the residents of Fairley Road and Old Skene Road areas of Kingswells had requested the reinstatement of the bus stops around the Church area on the A944 Dual Carriageway between Aberdeen and Westhill; (b) indicated that the residents have continued concerns as a result of the increasing road use in the area; (c) made reference to the original bus route that partially serviced some 79 households and 3 businesses at the lower Kingswells area and the relocation of the west bound bus stop due to the Prime Four development which was to the detriment of the residents; (d) explained that First Group had withdrawn the service due to a drop in passenger numbers and the operation of the Park and Ride service resulting in travellers relying on a Stagecoach bus service at the existing layby at the church eastward and the Prime Four layby westward; (e) intimated that as a result westbound travellers, including mothers and children, pensioners and people with disabilities were finding the 800 metres walk along the exposed A944 pavement into Kingswells a step too far particularly when the weather was extreme; (f) made reference to safety issues in car movements in the area and the resiting of the crossing to the eastside of the roundabout; (g) made reference to the Five Mile proposal in terms of access which was 0.7 miles to the west of the Kingswells roundabout; (h) supported the introduction of an on demand pedestrian light crossing initially, which could be upgraded to full traffic lights when the developments were complete at that point with little cost to the Council; and (i) supported the request by Kingswells residents to reinstate the withdrawn bus stops that would allow a safe and reasonable service between the community and both city and communities to the west at Westhill and beyond.


With reference to article 4 of the previous meeting of 13 March, 2014 the Committee had before it a background report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure relating to the following joint motion by Councillors Boulton and Delaney:-

“Instructs officers to provide a report to the next Enterprise, Strategic Planning and Infrastructure meeting including the financial implications on the most efficient way to progress pedestrian crossings and suitable bus laybys on the Hazlehead to Westhill Road, the A944 in the vicinity of the residential area by Kingswells Church and the Five Mile Garage.”


Councillor Delaney indicated that the original bus stops had been well used prior to the withdrawal of the service, and that it was extremely dangerous for residents living in the area to cross the road. He advised that the pedestrian crossing was too far away, especially for elderly and disabled people and was not being used by anyone.  He concluded by explaining that there was no public transport for a quarter of the residents in Kingswells.


Councillor Delaney, seconded by Councillor Yuill moved:-

that officers be instructed to carry out further investigations on implementing a layout for bus stops/laybys in both directions in the immediate vicinity of the Five Mile garage on the A944 Hazlehead to Westhill Road and a footpath from Smiddy Brae to the bus stop at the five mile location heading towards Westhill and to bring a report back to the next Committee meeting including financial implications.


That officers investigate how a low cost effective solution to delivering a bus lay by and pedestrian crossing can be progressed opposite Kingswells Church, including the possibility of relocating the pedestrian facilities currently located at Prime Four.


The Convener, seconded by the Vice Convener moved as an amendment:-

that officers be instructed to carry out further investigations on implementing a layout for bus stops/laybys in both directions in the immediate vicinity of the Five Mile garage on the A944 Hazlehead to Westhill Road and a footpath from Smiddy Brae to the bus stop at the five mile location heading towards Westhill and to bring a report back to the next Committee meeting including the final implications.


On a division, there voted:- for the motion (7) – Councillors Corall, Cormie, Dixon, Delaney, Jaffrey, Noble and Yuill; for the amendment (9) – the Convener, the Vice-Convener and Councillors Allan, Dunbar, Finlayson, Malik, Jean Morrison MBE, Thomson and Young.


The Committee resolved:-

to adopt the amendment.


Supporting documents: