Agenda item

Festive Lighting and Aberdeen's Winter Festival - 5 November, 2009 - 25 January, 2010 - EPI/09/106 and EPI/09/053


The Committee had before it the above-named two reports by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which the Committee had agreed earlier to consider concurrently (see Article 1). These reports explained the issues surrounding the installation, maintenance and storage of festive lighting in Aberdeen, and outlined the programme of events and activities that would form Aberdeen’s Winter Festival from 5 November 2009 to 25 January 2010 respectively.


Firstly, the report regarding festive lighting advised that the existing festive illuminations budget of £206,950 for 2009/2010 was funded through the Common Good Fund and covered the following aspects:-

  • 3 year lease of Festive Lighting (July 2008 – January 2011) including the design, construction, installation, removal and maintenance of the illuminations on Union Street;
  • Utilities Bill
  • Rental of storage unit at Poynernook Seafood Park


Of the above elements, it was advised that the cost of storage might need to be reviewed following installation of the lights in 2009, as the Council had received notice to vacate the current storage facility in 2010.  Officer were exploring suitable alternatives, but it was anticipated that a storage facility could not be found from the Council’s existing estate portfolio.  It might therefore be necessary to rent a facility, the costs of which had not yet been determined.


The report explained that in an attempt to reduce energy use, lighting services had received costs for appropriate timing devices that would allow the Union Street lights to be switched off during daytime.  Details of the works required to implement such devices, and otherwise to continue to supply festive lighting on Union Street, Albyn Terrace and the Green (all of which were included in the existing festive illuminations contract) were outlined, as were all related costs - an accumulated total of £22,300.


With regard to community festive lighting the report provided a detailed overview of the current provision of community lighting and the cost implications of this.  It was highlighted that in November 2008 the Council could not put up the lights themselves due to staff shortages and that therefore the work had been sub-contracted to a local supplier.  The cost of this work had not been budgeted for, and agreement has been reached to fund it from the reduction in spend on other festive activities.  During the 2009 budget setting process the Council had agreed not to continue to support the costs of community festive lights, and had instructed officers to advise elected members and Community Councils that the Council would not be in a position to support this activity in future years either.  However, since this decision had been advised to Community Councils and to elected members, a number of issues had arisen, demonstrating the difficulty of identifying ownership of the features, and where responsibility should be held.


The report brought to the attention of the Committee two further aspects regarding community lighting; namely, that no charge had been made to the community in the past for the cost of electricity used (costs were now of a significant enough scale that it was relevant that a budget be allocated for this) and that these features occupied the same storage facility as the Union Street illuminations, and that therefore a unit could be required to accommodate both sets of lights, with increased storage costs.


The projected costs associated with community festive ward lighting in the 2009 festive season were estimated at a total of £38,000.  A breakdown of these costs had been provided. Should the Council be willing to fund the costs, it was proposed that no further features be purchased other than to replace existing ones no longer working.  The cost of replacing a feature should be borne by the community wishing


to replace it.  There was no existing budget which could be identified to cover the costs for community festive lighting.


The Festive Lighting report recommended:-

that the Committee:-

(a)       spend £22,300 over two years from the existing lighting budget to install timing devices to reduce the energy usage for the Union Street illuminations, and also to replace the existing wall boxes for Union Street festive illuminations which had become severely corroded over the years.  This budget would also cover additional work required to continue to support festive lighting on Albyn Terrace and the Green, under the contract with the existing festive illuminations contractor;

(b)       instruct officers within Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure to identify an alternative storage facility for the remainder of the festive illuminations lease, this to be available from January 2010 until November 2010 (when the lights would be installed for the last time under the current lease), with an option to continue the use of the identified storage for any future festive illuminations the Council might lease or purchase; and

(c)        agree that communities who wished to have festive lighting installed be asked to pay for the erection, dismantling and electrical costs of community festive lighting, since the budget could not be identified to cover these costs  (approximately £38,000 in total).


Turning to the second report under consideration, this outlined the proposed programme of events and activities for the Winter Festival 2009, advised of the budgets available for the Winter Festival and Hogmanay events, and proposed the purchase of a Nativity scene.


Firstly, in relation to purchasing and installing a Nativity scene as part of the festival, it was advised that, to date, only one company had been found to fulfil the original brief of the former Resources Management Committee.  Details of the scene (costing £1,800 plus VAT and delivery - estimated at a further £300) - were provided.  In addition, if the scene were to be purchased, further consideration needed  to be given to a suitable secure location in the city centre.  Details of possible locations and cost implications were outlined.


Specifically, in relation to the annual Hogmanay event, the report reminded members that the available budget had been reduced during the 2009/2010 budget process by £50,000 to £250,000 (a breakdown of the previous budget of £300,000 had been provided).  The report indicated than an event similar to previous years would not be achievable because of the reduced budget, as well as the reduced time available to organise it. 


With regard to alternative events for Hogmanay, the report explained that the Council had been approached to host a 40m observation wheel over the festive period.  This would be located at the Castlegate.  The wheel had already been granted an entertainment licence and planning permission.  A Street Occupation permit was now being progressed.  Given its size, it would not be possible to combine the wheel with a Hogmanay event of comparable stature to previous years.  Consideration had been given to alternative arrangements, with the following programme proposed for Hogmanay 2009:-

  • that the wheel be allowed to operate until 12.30am;
  • that a fireworks display be launched at midnight from Union Terrace Gardens and the Castlegate;
  • that Union Street be closed between 11.00pm and 1.00am approximately (from Market Street to Union Terrace) to allow the fireworks display to be viewed;
  • that appropriate catering and merchandise sales be available during the evening, in addition to normal provision;  and
  • that £50,000 be set aside for community groups and centres to bid for grants to run their own events on Hogmanay night, monies to be awarded only for staffing, venue hire or entertainment purposes (i.e. not for the purchase of food or alcohol).


The proposed programme would cost significantly less than the current budget available, and so it was proposed that up to £50,000 be set aside to cover the cost of the fireworks display, security, fencing and road closures.   In addition, it was proposed that a further £50,000 be used to promote St. Andrews weekend.   This would also be used to cover the revenue costs associated with the Nativity set.   A third sum of £50,000 was recommended for the creation of a fund to allow communities to bid for financial support for their own Hogmanay events.  In total, this would provide a reduction of £100,000 on the overall spend for Hogmanay but still allow for a successful overall outcome.  


Appended to the report was (1) Aberdeen’s Winter Festival Marketing Strategy;  and (2) an image of the proposed nativity scene.


The Winter Festival report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       approve the programme of activity outlined for the Winter Festival;

(b)       purchase the Nativity set using Common Good funds (as previously agreed, including the costs of storage);  and

(c)        approve the proposed outline of activity for Hogmanay 2009, including the use of funds for community events and the St. Andrews weekend.



The Convener moved, seconded by Councillor Boulton:-

            that the Nativity set be purchased (in line with recommendation (b) above).


Councillor Adam moved as an amendment, seconded by Councillor Crockett:-

            that the Nativity set be not purchased. 


On a division, between the motion and the amendment, there voted:-  for the motion (12) – the Convener;  Vice-Convener;  and Councillors Boulton, Clark, Corall, Cormie, Greig, Jaffrey, Milne, Penny, John Stewart and Kevin Stewart;  and for the amendment (3) – Councillors Adam, Allan and Crockett.  


The Committee resolved:-

to adopt the terms of the motion.


Thereinafter the Convener moved, seconded by the Vice-Convener:-

            that the proposed programme for Hogmanay 2009, be approved, including the launch of fireworks at midnight from Union Terrace Gardens and the Castlegate, all as outlined in the proposed programme.


Councillor Adam moved as an amendment, seconded by Councillor Crockett:-

            that the proposed programme for Hogmanay 2009 be approved except that the fireworks display be launched at midnight from Union Terrace Gardens alone. 


On a division, between the motion and the amendment, there voted:-  for the motion (9) – the Convener;  Vice-Convener;  and Councillors Clark, Corall, Cormie, Greig, Jaffrey, Penny and Kevin Stewart;  and for the amendment (6) – Councillors Adam, Allan, Boulton, Crockett, Milne and John Stewart.


The Committee resolved:-

to adopt the terms of the motion.


The Committee also resolved:-

(i)         to approve recommendations (a) and (b) in the Festive Lighting report;

(ii)        to approve recommendation (1) in the Winter Festival report;

(iii)       that a Communities Winter Festival Fund of £50,000 be established to cover the costs of installing community festive lighting for 2009 only, and for community groups and centres to bid for grants to run their festive events (as outlined in the proposed Hogmanay programme);

(iv)       to request officers to submit a report to the Committee at its meeting on 23 February 2010, detailing forward planning regarding community light fittings for 2010;

(v)        to request officers to write to all Community Councils, community groups and local businesses, etc:- (a) advising that the Council would not cover the costs for community festive lighting in future years; (b) providing a breakdown of the costs of their festive lights as well as the cost of disposing of them;  and (c)  asking them to consider whether they wish to continue with the installation, maintenance and storage of the lights at their own cost in future years;  and

(vi)       to request officers to provide a breakdown of the cost of festive lighting for each area to local members.

Supporting documents: