Agenda item

Committee Structures - OCE/14/026



The Council had before it a report by the Chief Executive which sought approval of a new committee structure and addressed the review of Senior Councillors’ allowances, Orders of Reference, Standing Orders and the committee diary.


The report recommended:-

that the Council –

(a)      approve the following revised committee structure, to be effective from immediately after the Council meeting on 8 October 2014:-


Core Committees

Regulatory Bodies

Finance, Policy and Resources

Appeals Committee

Audit, Risk and Scrutiny

Pensions Committee

Education and Children’s Services

Planning Development Management Committee

Communities, Housing and Infrastructure

Licensing Committee

Health and Care Integration Joint Board (from 1 April 2015)



(b)      approve the Orders of Reference for each committee at appendix B to the report and agree that the Education and Children’s Services Committee shall undertake that part of the Social Care and Wellbeing remit to transfer to the Health and Care Integration Joint Board from 1 April 2015 until such time as the Health and Care Integration Joint Board is operational;

(c)      agree the size and composition of committees as set out in appendix C to the report with the membership of the current Appeals Committee remaining unchanged and on the understanding that the membership of the Health and Care Integration Joint Board is subject to further discussion with partners;

(d)      appoint a Convener and Vice Convener to each of the core committees set out in the table at (a) above and to as many of the regulatory bodies as it deems appropriate, on the understanding that appointments to the Health and Care Integration Joint Board is to be subject to further discussion with partners;

(e)      agree the senior allowances to be paid, bearing in mind that 19 such allowances can be paid within the approved total (separate provision being made for the Civic Head and the Leader of the Council);

(f)       agree that the existing church, education and parent representatives be appointed to the Education and Children’s Services Committee for those  items of business  contained in the Education section of the agenda;

(g)      agree to reappoint an Urgent Business Committee and appoint a Convener thereto;

(h)      instruct a report on amendments to Standing Orders and the Scheme of Delegation to Council on 8 October 2014 as part of a wider report on Council governance;

(i)       agree the Council diary of meetings to June 2015 at appendix E to the report; and

(j)       appoint the sub committees, working groups and boards shown in the diagram at appendix A to the report, based on the current proportionality shown in appendix F and subject to the approval of reports on the remit and membership of the Corporate Parenting Champions Board and the Sistema Partnership Board to Council on 8 October 2014, and agree that all such bodies shall in future be appointed by Council and to amend Standing Orders accordingly.


The Council also had before it an addendum to the report which recommended:-

that the Council -

(a)      agree that responsibility for the following community projects will transfer from the remit of the current Education, Culture and Sport Committee to the Communities, Housing and Infrastructure Committee:-

·       Aberdeen Lads Club

·       Fersands and Fountain Project

·       Middlefield Community Project

·       St Machar Parents Support Project

and note that the committee to be responsible for the Station House Media Unit is still under discussion;

(b)      authorise the Chief Executive to make any additional minor adjustments to committee remits which may arise from ongoing discussions; and

(c)      agree to amend the date of the March 2015 meeting of the Communities, Housing and Infrastructure Committee from 10 March to 18 March.


Councillor Laing moved, seconded by Councillor Boulton:-

That the Council approve (1) the recommendations contained within the report and the addendum to the report; (2) the appointment of Councillor Laing as Convener of the Urgent Business Committee; and (3) the appointment of the following Senior Councillors and related allowances:-





Senior Councillor


Lord Provost

Councillor Adam



Depute Provost

Councillor Reynolds




Council Leader

Councillor Laing



Depute Council Leader and Culture and Events Spokesperson

Councillor Boulton




Convener, Audit, Risk and Scrutiny

Councillor McCaig



Vice Convener, Audit, Risk and Scrutiny

Councillor Yuill




Convener, Communities, Housing and Infrastructure

Councillor Cooney



Vice Convener, Communities, Housing and Infrastructure

Councillor Graham



Vice Convener, Communities, Housing and Infrastructure

Councillor Jean Morrison



Regeneration and Transport Spokesperson

Councillor Grant




Convener, Education and Children’s Services

Councillor Taylor



Vice Convener, Education and Children’s Services

Councillor Ironside




Convener, Finance, Policy and Resources

Councillor Young



Vice Convener, Finance, Policy and Resources and Convener, Property Sub Committee

Councillor Thomson




NHS/Social Care Joint Integration Board and Social Care Spokesperson

Councillor Lesley Dunbar




Convener, Pensions

Councillor Crockett




Convener, Petitions

Councillor Donnelly




Vice Convener, Petitions

Councillor Carle




Convener, Planning Development Management

Councillor Milne



Vice Convener, Planning Development Management

Councillor Finlayson




Convener, Licensing Committee

Councillor Carle




Convener, Appeals

Councillor Allan




Convener, Licensing Board

Councillor Boulton




Senior Councillor Totals




Maximum allowed




Councillor Yuill moved as an amendment, seconded by Councillor Jennifer Stewart:-

That the Council approve the recommendations contained within the report and the addendum to the report, subject to the following amendments -

(1)      that the remit of the proposed Communities, Housing and Infrastructure Committee be divided between two committees:

·       Communities, Housing, Social Care and Public Protection Committee

·       Enterprise, Strategic Planning, Transportation and Infrastructure Committee;

(2)      that the Communities, Housing, Social Care and Public Protection Committee shall undertake that part of the Social Care and Wellbeing remit to transfer to the Health and Care Integration Joint Board from 1 April 2015 and shall thereafter retain the remit of the Council’s ongoing responsibilities in relation to adult social care; and

(3)      that the Chief Executive is instructed to present a report to the next meeting of the Council on the detailed Orders of Reference of these two committees.


On a division, there voted:-


For the motion  (23)  -  Lord Provost; Depute Provost; and Councillors Allan, Boulton, Carle, Cooney, Crockett, Donnelly, Lesley Dunbar, Finlayson, Forsyth, Graham, Grant, Ironside, Laing, Lawrence, Malik, Milne, Jean Morrison, Nathan Morrison, Taylor, Thomson and Young.


For the amendment  (18)  -  Councillors Blackman, Cameron, Corall, Cormie, Delaney, Dickson, Greig, Jaffrey, Kiddie, McCaig, Malone, May, Noble, Samarai, Jennifer Stewart, Sandy Stuart, Townson and Yuill.


The Council resolved:-

to adopt the motion.

Supporting documents: