Agenda item



With reference to article 35 of the minute of the meeting of the former Resources Management Committee of 26 August, 2008, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure, which informed of progress made to date regarding the structural assessment of the existing wire rope support system for banners and festive displays on Union Street, and advised on the development of proposals for necessary improvements to the system.


By way of background the report provided details of the current wire rope support system in place, and outlined the concerns that remained regarding the load carrying capacity of the system. As a result of these concerns, a remote monitoring system was installed to measure the service loads on the cables for both festive lights and banners.  The data collected indicated that a maximum loading of two tonnes per rope was realistic for a fifteen year return period, and that this figure should be used for designing the improvements to the system. However, it was highlighted that the actual pull out capacity of the individual granite facing blocks (to which each rope end was anchored) was an unknown factor.  Details of the improvements required were outlined.


Following completion of the proposed improvements, monitoring of the improved system would continue, and be used to ensure that any adjustments did not overstress the system.  The monitoring system would also be used to check that all ropes were at the correct level of pre-tension.  Also, until such time as the improvements were carried out, the remote monitoring system would be used in conjunction with inspections and weather forecasts to manage risks to the existing support system.


With regard to financial implications, it was advised that estimated capital funding of £70,000 would be required to implement the necessary improvements (excluding any legal costs that might be incurred), as well as anticipated revenue costs of £1500 for annual inspection and monitoring costs.  In addition, because the new fixings and ropes had a limited service life, it was recommended that a rolling programme of fixings and rope renewal be established from year five following the improvement works.  The estimated cost of the rolling programme was £5,000 per annum.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to instruct the appropriate officers to approach the building owners affected by the proposals and to progress any necessary legal agreements;

(ii)        to refer the report to the Finance and Resources Committee for consideration of funding from the Non-Housing Capital budget to allow the necessary improvements to proceed;

(iii)       to note the requirements for the ongoing inspection and maintenance of the ropes;

(iv)       to approve the adoption of a rolling programme of rope and fixings renewals, and to instruct officers to submit a bid for funding from the revenue budget to cover this programme; and

(v)        to instruct officers to include a statement of the Safe Working Load for the ropes in all future contracts for supplying and erecting displays of lights and banners on the ropes.

Supporting documents: