Agenda item

Aberdeen City Centre Masterplan and Delivery Programme - OCE/15/021


 (A)      In terms of Standing Order 10(2), the Council received a deputation from Sir Ian Diamond (University of Aberdeen), Professor Ferdinand von Prondzynski (The Robert Gordon University) and Mr Robert Collier (Aberdeen and Grampian Chamber of Commerce).


Sir Ian introduced his colleagues, explained that they also represented Steve Harris, Robert Noble and Colin Crosby as the external members of the City Centre Regeneration Working Group, and stated that the consultation exercise in relation to the Masterplan had been very good.


Professor von Prondzynski emphasised that the Masterplan was not just for the Council but for the wider community of Aberdeen. He added that there had been a number of false starts in terms of city centre regeneration, however now it was time for action. He concluded that a number of specific projects had been widely agreed and called on the Council to give the Masterplan its strong support.


Mr Collier stated that the Masterplan was not a perfect document; however an improved city centre was much needed. He concluded that the Council had built widespread support during the consultation and urged members to back the Masterplan.


Members thanked Sir Ian, Professor von Prondzynski and Mr Collier for their contribution.


            (B)       The Council then received a presentation from Mr Francis Glare of Building Design Partnership (BDP), who was accompanied by Mr Russell Henderson of AECOM, Mr Chris Paddock of Regeneris and Mr Malcolm Hewines of Montagu Evans.


Members asked a number of questions of Mr Glare, Mr Henderson, Mr Paddock and Mr Hewines and thanked them for their contribution.


            (C)       With reference to Article 20 of the minute of its meeting of 25 June 2014, the Council had before it a report by the Chief Executive which presented the Aberdeen City Centre Masterplan and Delivery Programme which had been completed on behalf of the Council by BDP and their consortium of multi-disciplinary consultants.


The report recommended:-

that the Council -

(a)          agree the Aberdeen City Centre Masterplan and Delivery Programme;

(b)          note the impact the City Centre Masterplan will have in informing all relevant policies, strategies and plans either for which the Council has a statutory responsibility or which the Council itself agrees and implements;

(c)          agree that officers will undertake a review of the Council’s financial strategies in relation to the capital plan, the Common Good and asset acquisition and disposal in light of the City Centre Masterplan and Delivery Programme and report to committee with recommended changes as necessary;

(d)          agree in principle the interventions set out in the City Centre Masterplan and Delivery Programme, noting that due diligence will be undertaken in relation to the financial, legal and all other implications on each project or programme of activity contained within the City Centre Masterplan that it falls to the Council to deliver with the results of this due diligence being reported to committee ahead of any decision being taken to proceed;

(e)          agree that the Chief Executive will report to Council at its meeting on 19 August 2015 on the establishment of an in-house officer team to facilitate the implementation of the Delivery Plan;

(f)           agree that the Chief Executive will report to Council on 19 August 2015 on the governance arrangements for the establishment of an Aberdeen City Centre Masterplan Reference Group;

(g)          agree that the Chief Executive will report to the Finance, Policy and Resources Committee on 15 September 2015 a proposed programme of enabling works and activities;

(h)         agree that regular update reports on the Aberdeen City Centre Masterplan and Delivery Programme will be brought to Council; and

(i)           agree that the Aberdeen City Centre Masterplan and Delivery Programme be shared with all relevant partner organisations.


The Council resolved:-

(i)           to approve recommendation (a) contained within the report;

(ii)          to recognise that, whilst the Aberdeen City Centre Masterplan and Delivery Programme established the framework for the regeneration of Aberdeen’s city centre, each project would be subject to detailed scrutiny and the normal development control processes; and

(iii)         to approve recommendations (b) to (i) contained within the report.



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