Agenda item

Committee Places - OCE/15/043


The Council had before it a report by the Chief Executive which presented proposals for amending Committee places following the results of the Midstocket/Rosemount and George Street/Harbour by-elections.


The report recommended:-

that the Council -

(a)       approve the Committee places as contained within appendix A to the report;

(b)       agree that the composition of the Urgent Business Committee, Appeals Committee and Shadow Integration Joint Board remain unchanged;

(c)        agree that the composition of the Council’s Sub Committees, Working Groups and Boards remain unchanged; and

(d)       appoint members to the following outside bodies to replace former Councillor Forsyth:-

·                     Alcohol and Drugs Partnership

·                     Aberdeen Domestic Abuse Partnership

·                     Jack Wood Trust

·                     Scottish Council for Single Homeless

·                     Grampian Valuation Joint Board (substitute member)


Councillor Laing advised that Councillor Lesley Dunbar had stepped down as Convener of the Shadow Integration Joint Board and as Social Care Spokesperson, and recorded her thanks for the excellent job she had done under challenging circumstances.  Councillor Laing’s comments were echoed by Councillors Greig, Kiddie and Samarai.


The Council resolved:-

(i)         to approve recommendations (a), (b) and (c);

(ii)        to appoint the following members to the outside bodies listed below in place of former Councillor Forsyth:-

·                     Alcohol and Drugs Partnership – Councillor Thomson

·                     Aberdeen Domestic Abuse Partnership – Councillor Donnelly

·                     Jack Wood Trust – Councillor Donnelly

·                     Scottish Council for Single Homeless – Councillor Donnelly

·                     Grampian Valuation Joint Board (substitute member) – Councillor Thomson;

(iii)       to agree the following Committee place changes:-

(a)       Councillor Ironside to replace Councillor Lesley Dunbar on the Shadow Integration Joint Board;

(b)       Councillor Ironside to replace Councillor Lesley Dunbar as Convener of the Shadow Integration Joint Board and Social Care Spokesperson;

(c)        Councillors Allan and Jean Morrison to replace Councillors Ironside and Graham as substitute members of the Shadow Integration Joint Board;

(d)       Councillor Donnelly to replace Councillor Thomson on the Education and Children’s Services Committee;

(e)       Councillor Donnelly to replace Councillor Ironside as Vice Convener of the Education and Children’s Services Committee;

(f)        Councillor Malik to replace Councillor Crockett on the Education and Children’s Services Committee;

(g)       Councillor Malik to replace Councillor Laing on the Pensions Committee;

(h)       Councillor Cooney to join the Planning Development Management Committee;

(i)         Councillors Crockett and Reynolds to join the Licensing Committee; and

(j)         Councillor Taylor to join the Petitions Committee;

(iv)       to agree that Councillor Ironside replace Councillor Lesley Dunbar as the Council’s representative on the Northern Community Justice Authority; and

(v)        to note the revised table setting out Senior Councillor allowances as set out below.





Senior Councillor


Lord Provost

Councillor Adam



Depute Provost

Councillor Reynolds




Council Leader

Councillor Laing



Depute Council Leader and Culture and Events Spokesperson

Councillor Boulton




Convener,Audit, Risk and Scrutiny

Councillor Jackie Dunbar



Vice Convener, Audit, Risk and Scrutiny

Councillor Yuill




Convener, Communities, Housing and Infrastructure

Councillor Cooney



Vice Convener, Communities, Housing and Infrastructure

Councillor Graham



Vice Convener, Communities, Housing and Infrastructure

Councillor Jean Morrison



Regeneration and Transport Spokesperson

Councillor Grant




Convener, Education and Children’s Services

Councillor Taylor



Vice Convener, Education and Children’s Services

Councillor Donnelly




Convener, Finance, Policy and Resources

Councillor Young



Vice Convener, Finance, Policy and Resources

Councillor Thomson




NHS/Shadow Integration Joint Board and Social Care Spokesperson

Councillor Ironside




Convener, Pensions

Councillor Crockett




Convener, Petitions

Councillor Donnelly



Vice Convener, Petitions

Councillor Carle




Convener, Planning Development Management

Councillor Milne



Vice Convener, Planning Development Management

Councillor Finlayson




Convener, Licensing Committee

Councillor Carle




Convener, Appeals

Councillor Allan




Convener, Licensing Board

Councillor Boulton




Senior Councillor Totals





Maximum allowed





Supporting documents: