Agenda item


Would members please note that the framework, masterplan and impact assessments can be viewed at http://thezone/StrategicLeadership/PI/SL_stratlead_reports.asp


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure, which outlined the new Greenferns Development Framework and Masterplan, which had been prepared as a guide for the future development on an area of Council owned land.


By way of background the report advised that the Development Framework had been prepared following approval of the Aberdeen Masterplanning Process, approved in November, 2008, and contributed significantly to the Council’s Design Campaign’s aims of raising design quality in new development.


With regards the Greenferns site, the report provided a comprehensive overview of current status of the site in planning terms wherein it was advised that part of the Greenferns site was zoned in the current Aberdeen Local Plan as Opportunity Site 2 (OP2), whilst the larger part was zoned as Strategic Housing Land Reserve (for an indicative number of 120 and 680 houses respectively). In relation to the OP2 site, this was included in the adopted Housing Land Release Supplementary Planning Guidance, which allowed the site to be released for development subject to planning approval and masterplan preparation. Whilst the larger part of the Greenferns site, was covered by Policy 30 of the Aberdeen Local Plan and was now being considered as part of the work being undertaken to prepare the new Aberdeen Local Development Plan. As such the site was identified as a possible development option and included in the Aberdeen Local Development Plan Main Issues Report as a desirable option. It suggested that Greenferns could accommodate 750 homes in Phase 1 (2007-2016), 350 homes in Phase 2 (2017-2023) and 400 homes in phase 3 (2024- 2030). It was highlighted that members would have to consider all responses to the Main Issues Report before finalising the Proposed Plan which was expected to be published in September 2010; at that time it would become clearer whether the SHLR site was to be included in the new Aberdeen Local Development Plan.



In terms of the Development Framework and Masterplan, it was advised that the Framework set out a baseline or 2-dimensional spatial framework, for the way in which Greenferns should be developed, and was supplementary planning guidance for the Strategic Housing Land Reserve (SHLR) identified in the Aberdeen Local Plan 2008, to be considered in the forthcoming Aberdeen Local Development Plan.  Whilst the masterplan forms detailed 3-dimensional design guidance for the opportunity site OP2 as identified in the Aberdeen Local Plan 2008.  The guidance had been developed for the OP2 Area, with the intention that it be adopted as Supplementary Planning Guidance.  It ensured integration with the surrounding communities, illustrated what would be expected in future detailed design guidance, established an illustrative layout and ensured that future development of the OP2 area would have a clear identity.


An overview of the public consultation process carried out for the development of the framework and masterplan was provided along with a summary of public comments and responses to the documents.  Further consultation opportunities would be available as part of the statutory pre-application consultation process for major developments, under the Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee:-

(a)       approve the Greenferns masterplan as Supplementary Planning Guidance for the site identified as Opportunity Site OP2 in the Aberdeen Local Plan 2008; and

(b)       approve the Greenferns development framework as Supplementary Planning Guidance for the Strategic Housing Land Reserve identified in the Aberdeen Local Plan 2008, to be considered in the forthcoming Aberdeen Local Development Plan.


The Convener, seconded by the Vice-Convener, moved that the recommendations be approved.


As an amendment, Councillor Crockett, seconded by Councillor Allan, moved:-

that the Council await for the announcement of the Scottish Government’s decision regarding improvements at the Haudagain roundabout; request officers to hold further consultation with the community, in particular the Community Council, regarding the Greenferns Development Framework and Masterplan; and otherwise note the report.


On a division, there voted:-  for the motion (10) – the Convener, the Vice-Convener, and Councillors Clark, Corall, Cormie, Greig, Jaffrey, Penny, Robertson and Kevin Stewart;  for the amendment (4) – Councillors Adam, Allan, Crockett and Milne; absent from the division (1) Councillor Boulton.


The Committee resolved:-

to adopt the motion.

Supporting documents: