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Agenda item

IJB Directions to Aberdeen City Council and NHS Grampian


The Board had before it a report by Kevin Toshney (Planning and Development Manager, ACH&SCP) which set out the functions that had been delegated to the IJB by Aberdeen City Council and NHS Grampian, its Directions to these partner organisations on how these functions would be delivered.


The report recommended:-

that the Board –

(a)          to endorse its directions to ACC in relation to those delegated functions that ACC delivers on behalf of the IJB;

(b)          to endorse its directions to NHS Grampian in relation to those delegated functions that ACC delivers on behalf of the IJB;

(c)          to agree that these, and all future Directions that may be agreed by the Board, be issued on the Board’s behalf by the Chief Officer to the Chief Executives of ACC and NHS Grampian as appropriate;

(d)          to agree that future papers on the transformation of integrated health and social care services consider what impact they would have on either (or both) set(s) of Directions;

(e)          to agree that both sets of Directions be reviewed by the Audit and Performance Systems Committee as and when updates were required, and at a minimum on an annual basis in respect of the following financial year.


Kevin Toshney (Planning and Development Manager, ACH&SCP) spoke to the report and explained that legislation required the IJB to set out a mechanism for implementing the Strategic Plan and this would take the form of Directions from the IJB to Aberdeen City Council and NHS Grampian. Mr Toshney highlighted that the funding associated with these Directions had been drawn from the IJB’s revenue budget 2016-17 and that the Directions made it explicit that delegated functions and services would be provided delivered in terms of current operational arrangements and in the wider context of the Strategic Plan.. He added that the Directions, if approved would remain in effect until such time as they were varied, revoked or superseded by the Board.


Thereafter there were questions on Directions for hosted services and discussion on the development of a Service Level Agreement or Memorandum of Understanding with the other Grampian IJBs for the provision and delivery of hosted services.


The Board resolved:-

(i)            to endorse its directions to ACC in relation to those delegated functions that ACC delivers on behalf of the IJB;

(ii)          to endorse its directions to NHS Grampian in relation to those delegated functions that ACC delivers on behalf of the IJB;

(iii)         to agree that these, and all future Directions that may be agreed by the Board, be issued on the Board’s behalf by the Chief Officer to the Chief Executives of ACC and NHS Grampian as appropriate;

(iv)         to agree that future papers on the transformation of integrated health and social care services consider what impact they would have on either (or both) set(s) of Directions;

(v)          to agree that both sets of Directions be reviewed by the Audit and Performance Systems Committee as and when updates were required, and at a minimum on an annual basis in respect of the following financial year; and

(vi)         to request a report on future IJB Directions for hosted services.


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