Agenda item



The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which sought approval for the Council’s planned international trade development activities for 2010/2011.


The report advised that it was the vision of ACSEF was for Aberdeen City and Shire “to be recognised by 2025 as one of the most robust and resilient economies in Europe with a reputation for opportunity, enterprise and inventiveness that would attract and retain world-class talent of all ages”. To achieve this vision, and ensure sustainable growth and prosperity for the region Aberdeen City and Shire’s public and private sector organisations needed to work in partnership to deliver on the following seven strategic priorities in the four key industry sectors of energy, life sciences, tourism and food and drink:-

1. Deliver a fully integrated transport network

2. Maximise our intellectual capital – people and expertise

3. Anchor the oil and gas industry

4. Deliver city centre redevelopment

5. Attract and develop skilled people

6. Improve the efficiency of planning decision-making

7. Location of choice for company headquarters

The report outlined how the Council’s international trade team would contribute to

the delivery of these priorities, particularly items 2, 3, 5 and 7.


A table outlining the key international trade development activities and corresponding budget for 2010/2011 was appended to the report. It was highlighted that as a result of the current staffing resource for the team, market prioritisation had been considered carefully to ensure that the resources were targeted where they could deliver most value and benefit to local companies. A detailed overview of the activities to be undertaken within each of the four sectors was provided.


With regards the proposed international trade plan 2010/2011, attached as appendix one to the report, and specifically in relation to member attendance at events on behalf of the Council, Councillor Allan requested that only the Lord Provost attend the events on the Council’s behalf. In response the Convener advised that of the three overseas events included in the Plan, the Committee had already approved attendance of both the Lord Provost and the Leader of the Council at two of thee, namely:- the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), in Houston in May 2010, and the Offshore Northern Seas Conference in Norway on 24-27 August, 2010. That left one remaining overseas event, the WECP AGM and trade mission in Perth, Australia on 27 October 2010, where it was being proposed that one elected member attend on behalf of the Council.  At this juncture the Committee heard from Mrs. Scott, Events Manager, who advised that in relation to the latter event, the Lord Provost had intimated his intention of attending this on behalf of the Council, subject to the Committee’s approval, and that if he could not attend due to diary commitments another member would attend as a substitute on his behalf. Councillor Allan intimated that she was content with the information provided by the Events Manager.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to approve the report, including the 2010/2011 international trade plan, attached at Appendix 1 to the report, subject to its approval by the Scottish Government in the normal manner;  and

(ii)        to request officers to submit a bulletin report to the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee on each event undertaken in the plan.

Supporting documents: