Agenda item



The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which advised of discussions with First Aberdeen, Stagecoach Bluebird and Aberdeenshire Council in relation to the introduction of a multi-operator ticketing scheme and through ticketing scheme for bus services within Aberdeen City.


Firstly regarding the introduction of a through ticket scheme it was proposed that this scheme be implemented on the route 14 (Buchan/King Street corridor to the Aberdeen Royal Hospital. It was anticipated that the scheme would promote through travel from the Buchan/King Street corridor at St Machar Drive to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, thus reducing the journey time for passengers from the North to ARI by avoiding the City Centre. details of the potential journey time benefits for the passengers was demonstrated on a diagram, namely:-  St. Machar to ARI, 12 minutes;  St. Machar to Union Street, 6 – 8 minutes;  and Union Street to ARI, 12 – 19 minutes. Details of the interchange plans for the route were also provided and it was highlighted that a number of the elements required had been funded by Nestrans.  The cost of the ticket would be set by the operators at a commercial level.  


Secondly, in relation to the implementation of a multi-operator ticket it was highlighted that within Aberdeen their was two major bus operators were First Aberdeen and Stagecoach Bluebird and that purchasing a ticket on a bus service in Aberdeen, only allowed you to travel on the services provided by that operator.  To travel on another operators bus services would require the purchase of a second ticket from the other operator, and for many individuals, this could be a barrier, an inconvenience or a financial disincentive to bus use.  In light of this position it was recognised that the travelling public could benefit by being able to purchase one ticket to travel on both networks.  This could be a day ticket allowing unlimited travel all over the City on any bus or a season ticket allowing unlimited travel anywhere within Aberdeen City and a corridor within Aberdeenshire, such as to Stonehaven.  As such it was proposed that the following multi-operator ticket schemes be introduced:-  (a) Aberdeen City boundary, unlimited travel on all bus services within Aberdeen City;  and (b) unlimited travel on all operators services on each radial corridor and within the City.   The Council would manage agreement between bus operators that would reimburse revenue from the ticket, which would be charged at a commercial rate ideally lower than the total cost of the two constituent tickets.    The reimbursement for the City ticket scheme (a) (as detailed above) was currently proposed to be based upon the mileage operated by services within the city boundary.   This would initially allow for a fair and measurable methodology for reimbursing revenue to operators. 


In terms of progressing the multi-operator ticket it was advised that discussions with operators and Aberdeenshire Council were ongoing, and a progress report would be submitted to the next meeting of the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee.   It was anticipated that such schemes could be operational in 2010 with annual reviews of the reimbursement mechanisms.   In addition the Local Authority Bus Operators Forum (LABOF) had formed a Task and Finishing Group to assist with the progression of the schemes and to look at the wider remit of smart cards, electronic ticketing and other schemes.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to approve to the establishment of a through ticketing scheme on the Buchan/King Street  corridor  to the Aberdeen Royal Hospital site (Route 14);

(ii)        to agree, in principle, to the establishment of a multi-operator ticketing scheme subject to a more detailed report on the operation of the scheme being submitted to the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee in due course;  and

(iii)       to instruct the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure to progress the negotiations on ticketing schemes as set out in the report.

Supporting documents: