Agenda item



With reference to article 9 of the minute of the meeting of the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee of 27 October, 2009, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which informed of the decision regarding the installation, maintenance and storage of community festive lighting in Aberdeen.


By way of background the report outlined the previous arrangements for the installation, maintenance and removal of community light fittings and advised that in light of current budget constraints, along with the high number of features, the cost for erection and removal and the ever increasing costs in maintenance meant that it was no longer feasible to carry these costs within the lighting services budget.  Accordingly, Community Councils etc were advised of the position, following which a number of issues had arisen including the change in ward boundaries, members past and present using ward budgets to purchase lighting but having no additional  monies available for ongoing maintenance, installation, removal and storage, members inheriting lights they did not want, some community councils buying their own lights but the Council paying for installation, some community councils buying, installing and storing their own lights and community councils being left with lights they didn't buy and could not afford to install, maintain or store.
From these discussions it was clear that a blanket approach to payment for ward lighting could not be applied as every ward approached community festive ward lighting differently.


In light of this, the Committee at its meeting on 27 October 2009, agreed to support the Community Festive lighting for the season 2009/2010 and to store the lights until their erection in October/ November 2010. Following this decision, a letter was issued to all Community Councils etc, advising of the position and an attempt was made to establish current allocation/ownership of the various features. It was intended to write to all community councils/relevant members again to advise them of the current position and the requirement for them to take control of the features themselves.


In terms of the current and future storage of the Council’s and potentially community festive light fittings it was advised that along with the Council’s festive illuminations, the existing 250 plus ward features were currently occupying the same storage facility paid for by the Common Good Fund that required to be vacated as it was earmarked for demolition.  A short term alternative site had been identified but in the longer term the Council needed to know which Communities wish the Council to store costs festive/ward lighting in order that suitable arrangements could be made. 


The Convener, seconded by the Vice-Convener, moved that the Committee:-

            (a)        confirm that going forward the Council would no longer fund the installation, maintenance and storage of community festive lights;

            (b)        confirmed that the Council would store the features up to November, 2010 and thereafter that the communities must make alternative arrangements for their future storage, maintenance and erection;

            (c)        agree that a fee for the erection, the removal, storage, maintenance and energy of £100 plus VAT per feature or part thereof dependant on the Council involvement be paid for by the community councils and community groups;  and that this cost be reviewed on an annual basis;

            (d)        that any festive light not maintained by the Council required an electrical safety inspection certificate prior to erection;

            (e)        to request officers to circulate a letter to all Councillors, community councils and community groups reminding them of the future implications of erection, removal, storage, maintenance and energy costs;

            (f)         to extend the opportunity, outlined at recommendation (c) to local businesses if possible;  and

            (g)        to request officers to alert community councils and community groups that the Council might not be the only contractor who could deliver this service.


As an amendment, Councillor Crockett, seconded by Councillor Allan, moved:-

            That the Committee confirm the provision of the erection, removal, storage, maintenance and energy of community festive lighting in 2010 the same as provided in 2009 with the funding to come from the Winter Festival Budget.


On a division, there voted:-  for the motion (8) – the Convener;  the Vice-Convener;  and Councillors Corral, Cormie, Greig, Jaffrey, Robertson and John West;  for the amendment (6) – Councillors Adam, Allan, Boulton, Crockett, Milne and Penny;  and declined to vote (1) – Councillor Clark.


The Committee resolved:-

to adopt the motion.

Supporting documents: