Agenda item



The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which advised of the current state of the radio network within the roads services.  


The report provided a detailed background to the development of the current radio network which was created to provide voice communications between frontline road maintenance staff and also voice and telemetry communication for Water Services within the Grampian Area.  An overview of the changes to the network since its installation was provided.


Thereafter, it was advised that the radio network now only provided voice communications principally for the operational staff who provided the road and winter maintenance services for the three local authorities who are now responsible for the system.   There was also limited use by Landscape Services in Aberdeenshire.   The estimated useful life of the system was now limited as more of the equipment became obsolete and spares were no longer available.   As such alternative ways to provide communication between operational staff would be required in 2010.   Whilst mobile telephone networks now provide more comprehensive coverage they were often jammed in a major emergency and retention of the privately operated radio network would provide continuity in the circumstances.   In light of this position, Howard Martin Consultancy Limited was commissioned to prepare a report reviewing the current system and providing advice on how the service could be improved and, if possible, extended in the future.   The report recommended that a tender be issued for the replacement of the existing mobile radio network.  Subsequently the consultants were instructed to prepare, in consultation with the Central Procurement Unit, tender documents for the future management, maintenance and service provision of a replacement for the current network jointly owned by Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire and Moray Councils.   The contract documents invited bids for a replacement radio system which would be capable of linking to existing software applications.


Following a tender process in 2009 only three firms were assessed as complying with all the requirements of the specification and contract documents.   The consultants assessed the returned tenders and advised on one that best met the future needs for the radio telephone communications within an overall communications strategy.   The cost to carry on the Pan Grampian Radio were excessive for Aberdeen as some of the additional benefits of the system were already being provided by other systems such as Broadband links to schools.   As the development of technology and the potential applications of the systems moved with such speed there were likely alternatives using wi-fi or other mobile devices that could be more cost effective.   In the circumstances officers believed that the costs involved in the system far outweighed the benefits and therefore the Council should explore the other technical solutions which could be applicable to a wider group of services.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to note the contents of the report, but not to progress any further with the purchase of this radio system;  and

(ii)        to request the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure to examine options for improving overall communications through the use of either a replacement microwave network or the provision of suitable mobile phone technology.

Supporting documents: