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Agenda item

Former Cornhill hospital, Berryden Road - material change to previous consent P130381 in order to accommodate 4 additional flats - 161282

Planning Reference:-  161282


All documents associated with this application can be found at the following link.


Planning Officer:  Gavin Evans


The Committee had before it a report by the Interim Head of Planning and Sustainable Development, which recommended:-


That there be a willingness to approve the application at the former Cornhill

Hospital site, Berryden Road, for a material change to previous consent to

accommodate four additional flats, with conditions, subject to the conclusion

of a legal agreement securing:-

·         Affordable housing - £10,139.32

·         Community facilities - £1,992.00

·         Car Club - £380.00

·         Roads - £556.00

·         Primary Education - £13,210.24

·         Sport and Recreation - £1,216.00

·         Library - £200.00

Total - £27,693.56



  1.  That none of the buildings hereby approved shall be occupied unless a scheme detailing compliance with the Council's 'Low and Zero Carbon Buildings' supplementary guidance has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority for that building, and any recommended measures specified within that scheme for the reduction of carbon emissions have been implemented in full - to ensure that this development complies with requirements for reductions in carbon emissions pecified in the City Council's relevant published Supplementary Guidance document, 'Low and Zero Carbon Buildings'.


  1. That no building within the development hereby approved shall be occupied unless the car,  motorcycle (including a secure fixed point) and bicycle parking areas serving those buildings have been constructed, drained, laid-out and demarcated in accordance with a drawing  which has first been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. Such areas shall not thereafter be used for any other purpose other than the purpose of the parking of vehicles ancillary to the development hereby granted approval - in the interests of public safety and the free flow of traffic.


  1. That none of the units hereby approved shall be occupied unless refuse and recycling storage has been provided in accordance with a detailed scheme which has first been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority – in order to preserve the amenity of the neighbourhood and in the interests of public health.


  1. That unless otherwise agreed in writing, no part of the development hereby granted planning permission shall be occupied unless all drainage works detailed on Fairhurst drawing number 96600/2050-revC (as approved in relation to the overarching consent ref. 130381) or such other plan as may subsequently be approved in writing by the planning authority for the purpose have been installed in complete accordance with the said plan - in order to safeguard water qualities in adjacent watercourses and to ensure that the proposed development can be adequately drained.




A.   Construction Hours. It is recommended that no construction or demolition work should take place: (a) outwith the hours of 7.00 am to 7.00 pm Mondays to Fridays; (b) outwith the hours of 9.00 am to 4.00 pm Saturdays; or (c) at any time on Sundays, except (on all days) for works inaudible outwith the application site boundary. - in the interests of residential amenity. Please note that separate statutory noise controls exist under environmental health legislation.


B.   Separate licencing regime for works affecting bat roosts

Please note that, separate from this grant of planning permission, it is likely that a licence from SNH will be required in relation to works affecting bat roosts - it is the applicants' responsibility to ensure that the appropriate licence has been obtained before such works affecting a European Protected Species (including demolition works) are undertaken.


The Committee then heard from Gavin Evans, Senior Planner, who spoke in furtherance of the report and answered various questions from Members.


Andrew Jones, Service Manager, Assets and Finance, also provided information on Skene Square primary school which would be the zoned school for the proposed development.  Mr Jones advised that the school was nearly at capacity however there was space within the grounds to covert the space into additional classrooms, with money being sought from developer obligations for this purpose.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the application conditionally, subject to the conclusion of a legal agreement.


Supporting documents: