Agenda item

Proposed Mixed Use Development of 60 Dwellinghouses & 1225sqm of Class 1 (Shops) and Class 4 (Business) at OP114 Land At Miltimber South, North Deeside Road, Milltimber, Aberdeen - 170620


The Forum had before it a report by the Interim Head of Planning and Sustainable Development on a submission of a Proposal of Application Notice (PoAN) by Halliday Fraser Munro on behalf of their client, Bancon Homes, for a proposed mixed use development of 60 dwellinghouses and Class 1 (shops) and Class 4 (Business at OP114, land at Milltimber South, North Deeside road Milltimber.


The report advised that site extended to 11.5 hectares and was located on the southern side of North Deeside Road, within the settlement of Milltimber.  The site was bound by North Deeside Road and residential properties to the north, the Deeside Way and open space to the south, and further residential properties set in generous plots to the east and west.  An access road leading to Milltimber Farm Livery Stables runs through the site.  The report highlighted that the site was largely grassed but included some elements of planting and the site slopes from the north-south as it heads towards the Dee Valley.  In regards to Pre Application consultation, the report also advised that one public consultation event had been held with another to be scheduled in due course, and the applicant was due to meet with Cults, Bieldside and Milltimber Community Council on 28 September.


The Forum heard from Mr Andy Stewart (Halliday Fraser Munro) and Ben Freeman (Bancon Homes) in regards to the proposed application.  Mr Stewart explained that the allocated site was for 60 houses and industrial use and they had commenced their public consultation and sought feedback which could be fed into the proposed plans.  Mr Stewart explained that the design objectives included:-

  1. Continue the landscape
  2. Create new connections to the Old Deeside railway; and
  3. Proposed open space


Mr Stewart advised that they wanted to respect the current view on the site and aimed to lower the proposed housing in order to keep the view from North Deeside Road, and hoped to maintain the use of the paddocks if possible.  They hoped to promote connectivity and encourage the views over the River Dee.  The applicant also proposed clusters of housing which would comprise of six houses and aimed to use walls and hedges to create a rural look.  They also aimed to use the existing access points to the site which would be required to be upgraded.


The Forum then heard from Gavin Clark, Case Officer, who addressed the Forum and provided details regarding the planning aspects of the application and responded to questions from members.  Mr Clark explained that there were a number of relevant policies in regards to the proposed application and the most relevant being OP114: Milltimber South and LR1: Land Release Policy, which related to the principle of development on the site. He advised that the allocation also required the submission of a masterplan/ development framework, which was being prepared separately.  Mr Clark highlighted the main issues associated with the proposed application, namely:-

·         the design and layout of the proposed development;

·         other associated infrastructure works;

·         transportation and access; and

·         affordable housing;


Members then asked a number of questions in regards to the proposals and the following information was noted:-


v  In regards to the visual impact, the applicant would look at keeping the style of houses in keeping with the surrounding properties;

v  The slope would be used to help with the visual impact and properties would be one and a half storey in height;

v  The Affordable Housing aspect would be included within the 60 proposed houses;

v  The applicant was proposing two separate applications with one for the housing aspect and a separate one for the commercial usage in order to allow individuals to have their say on both parts of the proposals;

v  There would be 3 metres between the Deeside Railway and the proposed housing which would be looked at in more detail at the next stage of the application;

v  In regards to education capacity for the area, it was noted that the zoned school of Milltimber Primary was at 90% capacity and Cults Academy was at 88% capacity.  A replacement primary school was being built for Milltimber which would help with the capacity issue;

v  The masterplan for the area needs to be approved before the application can be determined.


The report recommended:-

That the Forum –

(a)          note the key issues identified;

(b)          if necessary, seek clarification on any particular matters; and

(c)          identify relevant issues which they would like the applicant to consider and address in any future application.


The Forum resolved:-

(i)            to request that the flood maps for the area be made available to members prior to determining the application;

(ii)          to request that officers provide details on the amount of Affordable Housing in Milltimber at present;

(iii)         to request that the applicant look at mobile phone coverage and broadband usage for the area;

(iv)         to request that the applicant address the concerns in regards to flooding on the Deeside Lane which could lead to flooding on the Deeside Railway;

(v)          to request that the applicant investigate the impact on Deeside Road and to look at the flow of traffic to the site; and

(vi)         to thank Mr Stewart and Mr Freeman for the informative presentation.



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