Agenda item

Links with Nagasaki - EPI/10/076


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which recommended an appropriate response to the request from Nagasaki to consider “Forming a Citizens” Friendship City Link-Up – A way of forming free and relaxed relationships between cities, with citizens and citizens’ groups as the main actors and without the formality of a sister city link-up”.


By way of background details for the rationale for the request were provided. In terms of the council’s twinning policy, members were reminded that it was current policy that the Council could not form any new twin city relationships unless increased resources were made available.  However, whilst a formal twinning could not take place, there were nevertheless many other, informal and formal ways to link with other international cities and regions.


With regard the current links between Aberdeen and Nagasaki, it was advised that at present the main basis for the existing links was the historic connection involving Thomas Blake Glover.  However, there were opportunities for a number of actions, listed below, that could be undertaken to support the development of the relationship between the two cities; these would require consultation with the relevant bodies.  The opportunities included:-

(1)       Possible extension of Glover scholarship;

(2)       Promoting Nagasaki and Japan on GLOW;

(3)       A season of Japanese films at the Belmont;

(4)       Festivals and events;

(5)       Promoting the Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme to young Aberdonians

(6)       Asking the universities to consider opportunities for strengthened links with Nagasaki;

(7)       Providing opportunities to hold reciprocal arts and cultural events in both cities, perhaps including showcasing works of arts and art forms in respect of art galleries, museums and cultural events.

The ability to deliver activities that would enhance the relationship between Aberdeen and Nagasaki would depend to a considerable extent on the availability of staffing and budget resources in the relevant organisations.


In terms of budget implications, it was advised that there was no budget directly available to support the link, however individual projects could apply for certain grants for which they were eligible.  A limited amount of staff time could be made available from the international team to support external organisations and community groups in developing their links and activities.  There were also a few organisations that provided grants towards projects between the UK and Japan and officers from the international team would undertake to support interested parties in developing appropriate projects and funding bids. With regard moving forward, it was advised that if the link was approved the next step would be for an officer in the international team to approach the organisations detailed in the report, including the City of Nagasaki itself, to get their views on the practical aspects of developing closer links between Aberdeen and Nagasaki, with the aim of agreeing a realistic and achievable action plan.


Finally, turning to the issue of responding to similar requests in future, it was advised that a full review of the Council’s existing international partnerships was to be carried out within the next six months; this would include a review of criteria and scoring to be applied to future requests for international partnerships.  Details of the current criteria was provided.




The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to form a Citizens’ Friendship City link-up with Nagasaki;

(ii)        to instruct the International Strategist to work with interested parties to create an action plan to put the link into practice;

 (iii)      to continue using the criteria listed in the report to consider such requests in future, pending a review of international partnerships in 2010; and

(iv)       to request officers to bear in mind the link between Mr. Urquhart, author of “The Forgotten Highlander” and Nagasaki, when promoting the cities links with Nagasaki.

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