Agenda item

Cove Masterplan and Charrette Report - EPI/10/096


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which outlined the Masterplan and Charrette Report prepared as a guide for the future development at Cove.


By way of background the report explained that Scotia Homes and Stewart Milne Homes had commissioned the Prince’s Foundation for the Built Environment, and an American urban design consultancy Urban Design Associates, to conduct a participatory planning process with the Cove Community Council and the Council. This process set out to find the most appropriate form of development for the identified Opportunity Sites, and to develop design concepts.  Subsequently both parties had met with the Council to present and discuss the development of the masterplan and receive feedback. The Cove Masterplan and Charrette Report was the product of this process.


Details of policy considerations required were outlined, and it was advised that a planning policy review had been prepared to inform and complement the Cove Masterplan and Charrette report. The review detailed the relevant National, Regional and local policies to be considered.


An overview of public consultation, which had consisted of two key events, was presented as was a summary of the outcome of the events which advised that three key themes emerged from the consultation and had been incorporated into the final document, namely:-

(1)               Open Space – protect, enhance and interconnect proposed and existing open space.

(2)               Street Network / Traffic – improve vehicular circulation in, to and from Cove.

(3)               Centres – create walkable neighbourhoods emphasising links to the key proposed and existing centres in Cove.


The report explained that the Masterplan and Charrette Report detailed a number of key design principles that must be adhered to in future planning application, namely:-

  • provide a variety and choice of housing – semi-detached, detached terrace housing, and flats;
  • create walkable and interconnected neighbourhoods;
  • provide clearly defined open space, including parks of various clearly defined types and sizes;
  • concentrate development around a high street with a mix of commercial uses in a traditional Scottish form;
  • provide an additional connection to Wellington Road;
  • ensured minimum density of 30 units per hectare across the site, with higher density towards the neighbourhood centre, in accordance with the Structure Plan;
  • create more efficient use of land;
  • reserve land for a train halt at OP8 (Stationfields);
  • clearly define architectural styles as determined by the Cove Masterplan and Charrette Report.


The report highlighted that the document highlighted options for the way in which Loirston Green could be used to connect the OP9 site to the existing Cove centre. It was emphasised however, that following public response to this issue this connection would be a pedestrian footpath only. An option was illustrated highlighting improvements to the existing Cove civic centre. Although the developer has no control over the existing civic centre area, the proposals remain as an aspiration to improve the quality and organisation of what was currently a disparate group of buildings with poor public realm.


Finally, the report advised of information which was not covered by the Masterplan and Charrette Report, but which would be required to support future detailed design and planning application processes was outlined.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the Cove Masterplan and Charrette report as Supplementary Planning Guidance for the sites identified as Opportunity Site (OP8) and OP9 in the Aberdeen Local Plan 2008.

Supporting documents: