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Agenda item

Being Digital Implementation Roadmap


The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Executive which provided an update on the progress of the ‘Being Digital’ strategy programme and made a number of recommendations for the next phase of the programme.


The report recommended:-

That Committee –

(a)          instruct the acting Chief Officer (Digital), following consultation with the Head of Commercial and Procurement Services, to procure the capabilities required to support options appraisal and procurement for the digital platform, as part of delivering the ‘Being Digital’ roadmap (cost not to exceed £110,000);

(b)          instruct the acting Chief Officer (Digital), following consultation with the Head of Commercial and Procurement Services, to procure services, as appropriate, to enhance our technology support, increase our network and broadband bandwidth and accelerate the delivery of the Office 365 rollout, and so realise its benefits by the end of 2018, as part of delivering the ‘Being Digital’ roadmap (cost not to exceed £273,000);

(c)          instruct the Chief Officer (Business Intelligence and Performance Management), following consultation with the Head of Commercial and Procurement Services, to procure services, as appropriate, to deliver an initial solution in two business areas to explore and test requirements for data and analytics, as part of delivering the ‘Being Digital’ roadmap (cost not to exceed £80,000);

(d)          instruct the acting Chief Officer (Digital), following consultation with the Head of Commercial and Procurement Services, to procure capabilities required, as appropriate, through the ‘Being Digital’ partnership to support options appraisal and procurement for the master data management solution, as part of delivering the ‘Being Digital’ roadmap (cost not to exceed £40,000);

(e)          instruct the acting Chief Officer (Digital), following consultation with the Head of Commercial and Procurement Services, to procure the necessary licences and services to support the implementation of an identity and access solution, as part of delivering the ‘Being Digital’ roadmap (cost not to exceed £105,000);

(f)           instruct the acting Chief Officer (Digital) to develop detailed implementation plans for all elements included within the roadmap contained in this report; to develop the roadmap out further to reflect the emergent plan and to report this to the June 2018 Strategic Transformation Committee (no cost); and

(g)          instruct the Interim Chief Officer (People and Organisation) and the Chief Officer (Business Intelligence and Performance Management) to report to the next meeting of the Committee with proposals for developing and supporting the skills, tools and organisational culture which will be required to deliver the ‘Being Digital’ strategy and a data driven organisation (no cost).


The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to request that officers circulate information to Members on the reason for the difference in estimated cost between the Content Management System and the Customer Relationship Management and Workflow, when the report states the ‘Assumed level of support will not exceed 20 days per area.’;

(ii)          to request that officers circulate information to Members on the difference between the current Virtual Desktop solution and the previous version, as previously it had not been possible to roll this out Council-wide;

(iii)         to note that officers would prepare a flowchart to provide Members with information on the proposals for procurement, particularly around the involvement of the digital partner;

(iv)         to request that the Chief Executive accept the offer from the digital partner of arranging sessions with the Committee to provide further information on the technical solutions being proposed, and to note that further training could be provided to all Elected Members to assist them with digital transformation; and

(v)          to approve the recommendations.

-            COUNCILLOR JENNIFER LAING, Convener

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