Agenda item

VisitScotland Funding 2010/2011 - EP1/10/102


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which provided an overview of the services provided by VisitScotland during 2009/2010 and outlined the proposed split of funding and services for 2010/11.  The report also outlined proposals for the relocation of the Visitor Information Centre to Marischal College and sought ongoing support for the establishment of a destination promotion unit to further drive the promotion of the city for tourism, inward investment and as a place to live, work and study.


The overview of the services provided by VisitScotland in 2009/2010 was split into two parts, firstly focusing on leisure tourism and secondly, business tourism.  


With regard leisure tourism, it was advised the funding relationship with VisitScotland continued to evolve with further refinement of the Minute of Agreement (MoA) and its content.  This included improved clarity on core and project spend as well as allowing a more targeted and partnership approach to be taken, which engaged both industry and consumers.  Higher regional profile in national campaigns and bespoke international marketing and PR projects had provided positive results and a good platform for future activity. In terms of information provision, following unsuccessful discussions with the leasing agents for Union Square about potential relocation of the VisitScotland Information Centre (VIC), discussions had begun about the potential of relocation of the VIC to Marischal College (the existing lease on the current location on Union Street expires in July 2012). It was highlighted that some fundamental changes in the service provision may result from this relocation, all of which would be explored before final decisions are taken.   VisitScotland continued to cover the deficit of the VIC operation in Aberdeen.


Turning to business tourism, it was advised that The Convention Bureau continued to promote the area as a conference destination.  They had been successful in securing £9.5 million of confirmed business, over 52 conferences for the region, 20 ambassador led bids and over £31,000 of income from the private sector (full details were listed at appendix 3). This represented a slight decrease on the previous year, however this was to be expected due to the current economic climate.  Finally, it was advised that a full review of destination promotion services would be undertaken in the next 6 months; this was with the intention of presenting the Committee with proposals for a new unit to be created to effectively promote Aberdeen City as a destination for business tourism, inward investment, events and as a place to live, work and study. 



Appended to the report were:- (1)   an overview of leisure tourism services provided during 2009/2010; (2) an outline of leisure tourism activity for 2010/2011; (3) an overview of the business tourism services provided during 2009/2010;  and (4) an outline of the business plan for the Convention Bureau for 2010/2011.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to note the activity undertaken by VisitScotland during 2009/2010;

(ii)        to approve the overall funding of £380,000 (a reduction of 5%) to VisitScotland, and that the funding split be as follows:-


Aberdeen Convention Bureau                     £213,750

VisitScotland Information Centre                £100,000

Publications                                                     £10,000

Website                                                              £5,000

Direct Marketing Activity                                £51,250*;

*           funds for direct marketing activity would only be paid where suitable projects were identified.  Projects might be undertaken directly by the Council.


(iii)       to instruct officers to progress with the relocation of  the Visitor Information Centre to Marischal College;  and

(iv)       to request officers to submit a report on the review of destination promotion services and on the establishment of a destination promotion unit for the city to the Committee at its meeting on 9 November, 2010.

Supporting documents: