Agenda item

Offshore Europe (OE) 2009 and 2011 - EPI/10/102


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which outlined feedback from the Offshore Europe (OE) 2009 event and detailed the proposed direction for the Council’s involvement in the Offshore Europe 2011 event.  


Offshore Europe was the largest oil and gas conference and exhibition outside North America and was staged bi-annually in Aberdeen. The last four day OE event held in Aberdeen in 2009, attracted 49,000 delegates, up 20% on 2007 figures, and generated an estimated £27 million for the local economy. At the event 1500exhibiting companies represented countries from around the world including 330 companies exhibiting for the first time. Further benefits of the event as well initiatives developed and comments received were highlighted. 


Turning to the forthcoming event, which was to be held in Aberdeen at the Exhibition and Conference Centre from 6 – 8 September 2011, it was explained that a number of areas for review arose following OE09 including car parking, park and ride and city welcome.  It was intended that these areas be addressed and developed prior to OE11 and for the benefit of the exhibition in the long term.


In terms of organising the event, it was proposed that the workload continue to be managed within the four well established work groups, each with its own core responsibilities but would increase the level of cross group communications and partnership working.


With regards financial implications, it was advised that Aberdeenshire Council would again be invited to contribute to the cost of staging the joint presence at the exhibition.  Income from sponsors and companies who leased space on the stand would also offset the overall cost. The cost of the same prime position at Offshore Europe 2011 was £119,000.  The exhibition organisers had indicated their desire to revisit the layout of the exhibition and maximise the floor space available on the site.  Should exhibition halls change then both Councils would be advised in due course and offered the opportunity to review the stands position.


The cost of the design and construction of a similar exhibition stand to that previously used was estimated at current market costs to total £130,000.  The use of technology solutions and innovative use of lighting would be considered to enhance the stands position. In addition, costs would be incurred in providing utilities on the stand, promotional material, and graphics and in implementing a programme of promotions/events for inward visitors.  Based on costs incurred at Offshore Europe 2009, these were estimated to be in the region of £7,000.  Again these monies had been identified within the existing Economic Promotion budget. As such, the total cost for Offshore Europe would be in the region of £300,000. 


These costs would be offset by an estimated income of £110,000. However, it was highlighted that this income was dependent on whether cost to partners and stand companies were increased. Therefore, the overall cost to the Council could not be determined until the final stand design was approved.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to support the Council’s involvement in the exhibition in 2011 and as such commit to the necessary funding being maintained in the budget for 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 subject to the budget process; 

(ii)        to support the proposed direction for the promotion of Aberdeen City and Shire and Offshore Europe 2011;  and

(iii)       to otherwise note the content of the report.

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