Agenda item

Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Senior Management Restructure Proposals - EPI/10/154


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which presented recommendations for the achievement of the Service’s agreed 2010/2011 Revenue Budget Savings.


It was proposed that the Service’s agreed savings be achieved through the creation of a revised structure for the Service and proposed responsibilities for Senior Management posts, as well as the continued restructure of the Service.  


Throughout the development process for the proposed restructuring, staff had been consulted with and the feedback received from this process had been reflected in the proposals before members.   Staff and their respective trade unions would continue to be kept informed of the process and developments moving forward.  


With regard the specific restructuring proposals, it was highlighted that although currently reporting to the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure, the post of Marischal College Programme Director was excluded from this process, and would remain unchanged. It was further highlighted that the proposed structure for the Asset Management and Operation Services differed slightly to that of Economic and Business Development,  Planning and Sustainable Development and Support Services due to the volume of staff and the range of the service.  


In order to further implement the necessary changes needed to achieve the budget savings for 2010/11 delegated authority to the Director in relation to the continued restructuring of the Directorate was sought.   This authority would allow the Director to implement the changes necessary in a timely and efficient manner.   Subject to approval of this authority it was proposed that the Director report back to the Committee following completion of the appointment process with the final structure and resulting savings.


The Enterprise, Planning and infrastructure seniors management restructure proposals were attached at appendix one to the report. The proposals detailed the proposed remit and responsibilities of manager posts within Planning and Sustainable Development, Asset Management and Operations, Support Services and Economic and Business Development. Posts proposed for disestablishment were also detailed.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to approve the proposals to establish the new structure for Senior Managers within Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure, as detailed at Appendix 1 to the report;

(ii)        to approve the disestablishment of the posts within Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure, as shown at Appendix 1 to the report;

(iii)       to acknowledge the arrangements to use the Council’s job matching process to fill the posts outlined in the proposals and where vacancies remain to use the appropriate selection process and the redeployment and redundancy process if required;

(iv)       to provide delegated authority to the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure to continue with the remaining restructure of the Directorate in accordance with Council policies for Organisational Restructuring – job matching process;  proper consultation with Trade Unions and staff to enable the Directorate to deliver agreed 2010/11 budget savings;  and

(v)        to request that the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure report back to the Committee with the complete final structure and savings at the Committee’s meeting on 9 November, 2010.

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